Online Game: One Yuan Kills The Great God Hao

068 Purchase Of Gold Property And Plots In Ximan City

But Su Chen can't get 100 million Kyushu credits all of a sudden, so he can only wait until it goes online to see if he can sell some gold coins.

After eating lunch, Su Chen fell asleep until the evening.

Then he took out ten fruits from the refrigerator, picked up one and looked at it in his hand. This fruit was only the size of a peach pit, and the whole body was green. Looking at it like this, it seemed that there was a faint streamer flickering in it, exuding an attractive aroma.

If it was before, it would be impossible for Su Chen to feel anything.

But after practicing the inheritance of the immortal swordsman.

Now holding this fruit of life in his hand, he can feel the majestic life force in it, which is very terrifying.

This is the previous one-yuan spike item, ten life fruits.

"The fruit of life has a strong life force, which can make mortal bodies evolve."

Xavier was beside Su Chen, looking at the fruit of life with sparkling eyes: "Master, this is a good thing. If the master takes one, maybe the strength can be strengthened to another level."

"However, one is enough, eating too much is useless."

"Another level of strength, how strong is that?" Su Chen wondered, he had now swallowed a Liuwei Dihuang Dali Pill, and practiced the Immortal Sword Master's inheritance.

He felt that power was already very strong, reaching an inhuman level.

Xavier said: "Well, maybe the master will be able to shake a hill at that time. This kind of fruit of life is a top-notch spiritual creature even in our robot life star field. Unless it is a noble person, it is impossible to get it. One piece is enough to greatly improve the owner's body.

I eat!

Su Chen swallowed a fruit of life in one gulp. It looked sour and sweet. After swallowing it, it was like eating an apple, but there was a strange power flowing in his body.

These strange forces spread throughout his limbs, and at this moment, the cells in his whole body seemed to be crazily dividing and metabolizing.

And in this kind of split metabolism, some inexplicable changes appeared, even the blood had a little bit of light, which looked extraordinary.

Practicing the Immortal Swordsman's Inheritance for a while, the strength in Su Chen's body really strengthened by a level.

The strength in the body seems to have really become a small sword.

A trace of sharp sword aura emanated from Su Chen's body. At this moment, Su Chen's temperament changed drastically. If he looked ordinary before and did not show his strength, then at this moment, he is like a sword that has endured a lot of hardships. Polished, unsheathed to reveal the edge of the sword!

After the breath of strength on Su Chen calmed down, Xavier said: "With the master's current strength, it should be enough to rank among the top ten on Earth.

Su Chen was shocked when he heard the words: "Top ten? No way, I feel that the inheritance of the immortal swordsman has been able to formally practice, and it seems that he has become a real swordsman. Is there anyone better than me on the planet?"

Sai Weier said: "There should be a very brilliant civilization on Earth and Star, so there are some people who have obtained a little bit from the long history and have a solid foundation. Therefore, under the change of Earth and Star this time, they have the opportunity, That strength has also changed a lot.”

"Master, the changes in the Earth Star are very obvious. Countless life forms in the ocean are mutating and evolving. There has already been an ocean overlord who is devouring other creatures. Sooner or later, he will be able to dominate the ocean, and he may even threaten the land. The evolution rate is very fast~ .

"On land, both animals and plants are also changing. Animals mutate and evolve. It's hard to say what they will become in the future, but maybe the brain area will be improved and developed, and plants, like the life that their master has just swallowed. Fruits, plant mutations on Earth, will also produce spiritual things.

Listening to these, Su Chen felt his eyes widened.

The mist of earth and star changes is very clear in front of his eyes, and even some unknown secrets, he can know through Xavier at this moment.

Su Chen was surprised: "How do you know this?"

Xavier shrugged and said: "The real artificial intelligence on the planet has not yet been born. For robot life, the network has no secrets at all.


This tone sounds different, not contempt, but the truth.

For Xavier, it's really too simple, too simple, nothing to brag about.

Xavier said again: "Of course, although those people took the opportunity and got some opportunities to change the earth and stars, they are actually nothing compared to the master, and the strength of the master is not weaker than them now. If they go any further, they will have no power to fight back against their master."

"The technological weapons on Earth and Stars also pose no threat to the owner, unless the owner remains motionless and is in the center of the explosion."

For this, Su Chen naturally believed.

After all, he has the inheritance of the immortal swordsman, and he has only officially practiced now, and he has just become a swordsman. Coupled with the treasure of the one-yuan spike system and the blessing of the power of the "Yanhuang" game, it is easy to become stronger.

Su Chen is preparing to play the game, because he has been offline for nearly six hours, and he has enough rest.

Hu Shanshan: "Su Chen, how about we get together in two days? Now many of my classmates are working in "Yanhuang", and there are some changes. I think we can get together again and talk about the future and even It's the future, what do you think."


Su Chen: "It's okay to get together with you. It's okay to have a few drinks, but if there are many people, I may not be free. You know, I don't have much communication with other people, so I can only be embarrassed."

It has been several years since Su Chen graduated from university.

How can I know what my former classmates have become after so many years?

Except for Hu Shanshan who is in Jiang Cheng and makes appointments four or five times a year to go out to eat and chat, Su Chen has never contacted anyone else.

Party? He had no intention of going.

Hu Shanshan: "But, Su Chen, you know the changes outside. The game "Yanhuang" is popular, and many people have obtained strange abilities in it. Let's sit down and chat, maybe we can understand it better. prepare.

Su Chen pondered for a while, and said: "Shanshan, do you want to enter the game "Yanhuang"? If so, I suggest you find a local guild and join a game guild, which is much better than going to a party. Of course, They are all old classmates, I suggest that they also learn about the guild, and then enter the game as soon as possible."

We didn't talk much, and then Hu Shanshan asked some questions about the game, so we didn't mention Xiaojue again.

Su Chen doesn't go to parties, it's not because he's really afraid of embarrassment, he just doesn't want to go, since he hasn't been in touch for a few years, it's impossible for him to get together suddenly, his relationship will heat up, and it's impossible to become friends and brothers. Why bother to meet up in the past?

His time in the game is not enough.

He has too many things to do now.

The Geer Chamber of Commerce needs to lay out the entire Yanling Dynasty, and then the entire Yanhuang Void Realm, so he has to personally handle the purchase of properties.

Because only the title of Eternal Merchant can maximize the benefits of this matter and complete it in the shortest time and at the lowest cost.

In addition, the task of Mu Yueguan City has not been completed yet, and there is another inheritance task in the inheritance of the sword god, to find the lost sword temple in some lost ruins.

Then there are sub-professional alchemists and alchemists, these two also need to spend a little time to improve.

Think about it, the head is big.

"Hey, I'm still too busy, how can I have time to chat with them about the future?"

Shaking his head, Su Chen entered the game with a sigh. It's six o'clock in the evening, and the street outside is already pitch black.

Winter is approaching, and the air is already frosty.

The change of Earth and Stars has already begun. As a classmate, Su Chen can only hope that the group of old classmates can realize this as soon as possible, so as to be prepared, at least keep up with the pace of the "Yanhuang" game, this is very important. If they have achieved something in "Yanhuang", then they will not be powerless to deal with changes in reality in the future.

At this moment, in a certain neighborhood in Jiang Cheng.

Hu Shanshan bit her lip lightly, seeing Su Chen rejecting her proposal for a small gathering, she really wanted to go straight over and drag that guy out, and bite this super stupid pig to death.

""||If we don't get together, won't you accompany me? "

"I usually don't date me when I have time, stupid, you deserve to be single..."

mutter for a while.

Seeing Su Chen's suggestion, Hu Shanshan frowned slightly: "Want to enter the game of Yanhuang? But I don't know how to play games.

After some hesitation, Hu Shanshan decided to find a local game guild tomorrow.

If she remembers correctly, there is now a local guild with a very large scale, and the number of employees working in Jiang Cheng has reached thousands.

Yanhuang virtual world.

Ximan City.

When Su Chen came out of the hotel, he felt refreshed. This is the benefit of living in a hotel. With the nourishment and blessing of spiritual energy, it is easier to recover.

He looked at the third ring of the rare mission "The Crisis of Demonizing Corpse Soldiers".

[The third ring of the crisis of demonized corpse soldiers: There is an unknown magic hole in Muyueguan City. It is rumored that it leads to the Demon Abyss, and it was sealed by the former owner of Muyueguan City. Now, the seal has been destroyed by the demons. The army of demonized corpse soldiers is approaching, please go to the magic cave, inspire the power left by the master of Muyueguan City, and seal the magic cave again. 】

"Magic hole?"

Su Chen felt that this magic cave would not be easy. After all, this was the third ring, and the second ring task was already very scary, causing all the major guilds in the barbaric city to stumble.

However, he didn't (Li De's) intend to do this task directly. Instead, he took a look at his gold coins. Now he has more than 160,000 gold coins, which should be enough.

Government Affairs Office!

When Su Chen came here, the governor of Ximan City was alarmed, and he came out to greet Su Chen respectfully and invited Su Chen to the fourth floor.

"My lord, I don't know if my lord came to Ximan City this time, but what's the matter?" Hursius asked respectfully.

Su Chen said: "I want to buy some properties in Ximan City. I don't know if there are properties for sale in Ximan City now? Land plots are also possible. If it is suitable, I will buy in Ximan City

Hursius was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, and said, "Does your lord want to leave property in Ximan City? That's great, if the people in the city know about this, they will be very happy. Wait a minute, my lord. Go and get the information about the properties and plots that Ximan City plans to sell now."

Not long.

Hursius then ordered his subordinates to bring over the required materials and hand them to Su Chen respectfully.

"My lord, please take a look, these are properties and plots that Ximan City wants to sell at this stage."

"During this period of time, a lot of people have come to Ximan City, and some of them have made a lot of contributions to Ximan City, so they are eligible to buy assets in the city, but they haven't raised enough gold coins, so, my lord Just pick and choose, there are a few gold properties that are not for sale, adults can take a look, if you want [then adults have the highest priority in terms of price."

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