Player: Fireworks Traceless

Level: Lv730 (1590W/1.3 billion)

Class: Asura

Health: 45,068,711,380

Magic Energy: 3,213,096,800

Strength: 104,572,484

Intelligence: 94,055,739

Agility: 86,425,120 Physique: 245,120,487 Spirit: 77,381,092

Physical Attack: 3,730,248,438

Magic Attack: 678,545,540

Movement Speed: 491,528.86 m/s

Attack Speed: 702,118.1 times/secPhysical

Defense: 891,370,767

Magical Defense: 491,598,793

Free Attribute Points: 0 points

Talent: SSS-level unlimited equipment column

title: Ultimate person (full attributes increased by 12%)

Dragon City Identity: Duraka's direct mentor, vanguard captain, first warrior

Arctic Palace Identity: Weiduo's favorite person, the controller of the Burning Moon Ark, Ling Shuang's partner to become stronger, Luo Dark Red Li's master, Qian Xiaoru's little man.


Look at your new properties panel.

Lu Xifeng just smiled slightly.

Life can exceed 45 billion, nature and blood ruby bracers, and these more than 1,000 pieces of equipment are inseparable.

In this way, the coverage of his Asura Field field can also be expanded to tens of thousands of kilometers.


After thinking about this.

Lu Xifeng did not look closely, but chose to turn off the transparent prompt box.

After a brief break in the hotel.

So he went alone to find the Guardian of the Wind.

"Fireworks warriors! Are you okay?? NPC

Wind Guardian asked Lu Xifeng,

"It's okay!" Let's get down to business! What's going on now? Lu Xifeng asked.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but now the dark aura is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more spatial cracks are starting to appear.

This has also led to the fact that basically there will be cracks in various places of the Terran race, and there will be many people who will die in the hands of dark creatures!

"So I want to get rid of you and help me fix these cracks, and if it really doesn't work, kill them all!"

"This is crack repair magic!"

NPC Wind Guardian handed the crack repair magic to Lu Xifeng.

Lu Xifeng just held it in his hand.

A moment later, a torrent of data appeared in his mind.

【Ding! Congratulations on triggering the ultimate hidden mission! Please go and seal all the spatial rifts and find a way to prevent the Evil God Lord from being revived!

After a simple sentence, no so-called task panel introduction pops up.

That is to say, this time the mission is not even particularly clear to the system itself, it just knows that it needs to smash these spatial cracks.

"Stop the evil gods...,"

Lu Xifeng muttered in his mouth!

"Without further ado, pyrotechnic warriors, let's go now, there is exactly a crack 10,000 kilometers from the Arctic Palace, and now this crack is already very large."

"Is it??"

"I really have to trouble you!"

Lu Xifeng nodded.

So, he rushed towards his Burning Moon Ark.


Almost a few minutes later.

Lu Xifeng came to the Burning Moon Ark.

Here, Vito, they have already appeared here.

Of course, Ling Shuang is no exception, since joining the Burning Moon Ark, she and Weiduo came here very early.

It's just that now her level is still a little low.

But it doesn't matter, and I don't expect him to output!

"Hajihime, let's go!"

Under the control of Hajihime, all of them headed towards the Arctic Palace, 10,000 kilometers away.

In order to stop the invasion of dark creatures.

However, what made Lu Xifeng a little puzzled was ...

"Stopping the invasion of dark creatures is a small matter, because just kill them! But what is an evil god??? "

Does it take to stop all the dark creatures before it can be considered to stop the Evil God Lord?"

Lu Xifeng couldn't help but frown slightly.

In this case, then the workload is large.

One is that there is no way to find all the spatial cracks.

The second is that the cracks are constantly being updated... Then it means that this spatial crack is not completely closed.

Suddenly at this time.

A holy light suddenly shone on the Burning Moon Ark.

A void figure appeared in front of Lu Xifeng's eyes.

"Who are you???"

Vido held her cross, and in the moment just now, she had already cast a protective shield on everyone.

But a few seconds later.

Lu Xifeng said to everyone.

"You all lay down your arms, this is your own people!!"

At the moment when Old Man Adam appeared just now, Lu Xifeng recognized this person at first glance.

"Long time no see, little one!!"

Old Man Adam looked at Lu Xifeng at this time, and his face showed a hint of excitement.

It looks like it's been since the last farewell.

Lu Xifeng's growth actually reached this point, the level soared hundreds of levels in a row, this kind of leap...

Even Old Man Adam did not think of it after seeing it.

He originally thought that Lu Xifeng would be able to upgrade to level five hundred at most, but now, this guy directly increased to more than level 700.

It was a bit unexpected.

But if you want him to become a saint, to be honest, it is really a little short...

But at the moment, there is not so much time, give him to continue to improve his strength....

"Old man Adam, why did you suddenly appear here???"

Lu Xifeng couldn't help but ask.

After seeing Old Man Adam in the Twin Towers before, he never saw him again.

Before Lu Xifeng also thought that what this guy said was a dialogue set up by the system.

But I didn't expect to be able to see it now....

"Little one, your strength is a little beyond my expectations!" Old Man Adam praised.

"Let's get down to business, you can't show up out of thin air this time to say this!"

Lu Xifeng asked.

"Of course not! This time I want to take you to a place...," said Old Adam.

"What place?" Lu Xifeng asked.

"The light curtain of the saint!" Old Man Adam said.

"What kind of place is that????"

"A place of sanctification!" Old Man Adam said


Lu Xifeng's whole person was shocked.

Where to be sanctified??


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