[Lv80 Map: Warp Jungle Open! ] 【

Lv80 Map: The Remnants of the Giant City Open! 】【Lv80 Map】【Lv80 Map】【Lv80 Map】【Lv80 【

Lv85 Map: The Horn of Yin and Yang Open! 】【Lv85 Map】【Lv85 Map】【Lv85 Map 【

Lv85 Map: Dogor Chamber of Commerce Open! 】【Lv85 Map】【Lv85 Chamber of Commerce Open! 】 【


replica maps were directly opened in a row.

This made Lu Xifeng feel quite surprised.

I didn't expect to kill the Snow Dragon, and actually let myself accidentally join the vanguard...

He also obtained the permission to open a copy of the map ten levels higher than his own level in advance.

In other words, with this identity, you don't need the guidance of NPCs to be able to swipe level 86 copies alone.

It's so cool!

In this way, even without the guidance of NPCs, the improvement of one's level will not be too slow.


"Fireworks warriors, don't be in a daze, let's go! Go back and celebrate!

Long Yao led everyone to turn around and headed in the direction of Dragon City.

Only Ling Yana, following at the end of the team, quietly came to Lu Xifeng's side.

"I lost!"

"You're really strong, I admit! Then according to the agreement, I will tell you the news of the Ice Sword, but you have to come to Qingyao Accord to find me at seven o'clock tonight!! Ling

Yana took out a card that exuded residual warmth from her arms and handed it to Lu Xifeng.

I don't know if it's Lu Xifeng's illusion, there is still a smell of milk on this

card, as for what is written on the card, it is the three words Qing Yage.

Lu Xifeng just guessed that this thing should be the same as the use of the key card of the Ge Wuxian Hotel.

But the problem is...

"Can't you tell the news of the Ice Sword now??"

As soon as Lu Xifeng finished asking, Ling Yana turned her head and stared at him fiercely.

After a few seconds, he blushed and shook his head innocently.

"Can't!! Because... Because there are so many people here!

After speaking, Ling Yana trotted and chased after the back of the team.

But think about it too.

As one of the seven divine weapons, the news of the Ice Sword is naturally precious.

Lu Xifeng also nodded silently

, but...

Why did this guy blush just now???

Asking her to say a message was like seeing her body.

No need!

"Forget it! Let's go to Qing Ya Ge at night and take a look! "


Return to the Dragon City.

Under the leadership of the City Lord of Long Yao, their group ate a full meal with satisfaction under the skills of the top chef.

Almost everyone who should be drunk was drunk, but Lu Xifeng didn't have anything at all.

Anyway, it's okay, opened the world chat channel and watched it.

No. 8500 'Jiu Ye': "Brothers, something has happened!" It is said that someone died in the real world, and does anyone know about this! "

No. 764 'Jiu Ye his father': "I know about this, I heard that a gunman shot and killed a college student, and I was scared at that time, it is said that this college student has a feud with this gunman!" "

No. 8500 'Jiu Ye': "No! Brother upstairs, I said can you change the nickname for Lao Tzu, I look at the gas! "

Spell Machine Gun No. 6872': "That news is on the hot search, it is said that when the gunman fired at that time, the student was still playing "Fairy Road", it is estimated that the student did not feel anything when he left! "

No. 7777 'Doudi': "Lie in the groove! What a cruelty! I don't even dare to play the game when you say it! "

No. 666 'Heavenly Dao Reward': "Small problem, say it in advance before the destruction of the world, I will taste the taste of lobster in advance." "

No. 8500 'Jiu Ye': "That brother in village No. 764, you have the ability to come out of our solo, real offline solo, father and son bureau!" "


Because Lu Xifeng was not in the novice village, now the major novice villages seemed to be crazy.

Because the gunman killed a student of the Modu Film Academy, it is now being quarreled in the entire "Immortal Road" online game.

And after Lu Xifeng found out the news, he just felt a little ridiculous.

The earliest "Fairy Road" online game was officially published, and it will not be long after the server is launched, and the technology of virtual exchange reality will be opened.

That is....

The situation of great powers, which has been stalemated for a long time, will completely collapse at that time.

"It seems that some countries still can't sit still! Get your hands on the top players ahead of time!

"That's interesting!"

"But... I just don't know which unlucky bastard was killed!

Just as Lu Xifeng was thinking, he suddenly turned to a photo in the chat channel.

And below the photo there is also a message: killed college student.

Just check it out!

So, Lu Xifeng clicked on this photo


The college student, named Zhou Ye, was shot in the head.

He also wore a virtual helmet before he died.


"Wait.... Why do I feel like I've seen this guy somewhere!

Lu Xifeng also specifically flipped through several photos, until he saw the last photo, he was shocked!

"! I said how I seem to have seen him, he and I are exactly the same, except that I have an eyebrow mole, and this guy does not, it can be said that it is the same person..."Oh

my God!

There can't be such a coincidence!

At this moment, Lu Xifeng's heart suddenly had an extremely bad premonition.

He then flipped through several messages in the chat channel, and one message completely frightened him.

[Brothers, big news! ] I heard that this gunman killed the wrong person! (`Δ´)!

"! Brother, you can't talk nonsense! Vozh! "

It is said that only those with a high level are easy to kill, and players like us who have only level 3 do not have to worry at all."

"Lying groove, I look at a person named Yi Xiaoying on the rankings, that college student won't be her, now she has a level 9!"

"Level 9, where did you put the fireworks boss? Now no one knows how many levels he is! Wouldn't he be more likely to be killed!

"Is there a possibility that the gunman just wanted to kill the fireworks without a trace?"

"Don't be fooled, the news of killing the wrong person has been debunked, don't worry, the gunmen are dead!"


this piece of news was thrilling for Lu Xifeng to watch.

Whether the gunman killed the wrong person or not, he did not know.


The pressure must have fallen on me,

I really didn't expect that this time the melon actually ate on myself.

What the hell with her mother.

But think about it, he has now reached more than 70 levels, once the technology of virtual exchange reality is turned on, then he will become a demigod of Huaxia, and everyone has to submit.

Such thinking does threaten the security of other countries.

"But fortunately, I have disappeared from the public eye, otherwise, maybe someone will reveal my appearance to those on the road."

"Forget it! Try not to go out after returning to reality, it's too dangerous, sit and wait for the virtual exchange reality, otherwise you won't be able to withstand the sniper rifle! Lu

Xifeng never expected that if he was dressed in cloth, he would one day like to carry bronze bullets.

What a fuck.

Look at the time, it's already seven o'clock in the evening.

"It's time to go to the Qing Accord!"

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