City of Dragons!

Inside the Clear Accord.

Ling Yana curled up inside the bed.

"Master, where are you now????"

"I missed you


The men out there are bullying me...

Especially the stinky man

"He still touched my *** with his hands, master!!" This is something only you can touch..."



"Master, the next time we meet, you won't want me!!"


The other side.

In the Dark Night

Forest, Ling Yana's master was lying sweetly in the Night Forest at this time.

He still muttered in his mouth:

"Apprentice, Master has also been corrected on the spot, and there is no way to avenge you!"

Ling Yana: How do you feel that the amount of information is so large....

At this moment, Lu Xifeng sat next to Ling Shuang

and silently lifted his pants.

"Ling Shuang, this guy is really perverted!!"

"My attack speed in 1 second is 1900 times, if you count the special effects of equipment..."

"1 second should be able to reach about 2400 times!!"


This guy carried his own 200W uninterrupted output...


It's scary just to think about it!

How did she do it...

"Forget it! Let's go first, after the hallucinogenic effect disappears, it is estimated that this guy wants to kill his own heart. Lu

Xifeng packed up his things.

Turn around and head towards the Dragon City!


Among the world chat channels.

What Lu Xifeng didn't know was because he had just killed the World Notice of the Lord of the Night in seconds!

There was an uproar.

"I found out, the Night Forest is a level 40 copy!"

"Groove!! Another level 40 copy, I still remember that before the fireworks boss also cleared a level 40 spider cave, it took 3 seconds!

"Hey! You figure it out a little! This time, the fireworks boss directly cleared the level in 1 second!!

"I just want to ask the official, is there a cracked version of this game, why the level of Fireworks Without Trace can be increased so fast!" I'm only level 9!

"I've been killed by the Fire Wolf King more than twenty times, and I don't even know how to clear the level!"

"Shut up!! The village chief asked me to save NPC Qian Xiaoru, guess what??? She said she didn't want me to save, she had to wait for the fireworks warriors to save her! I killed on the spot! "

Now that even NPCs have started to throw themselves into the fireworks without a trace?" So strong! "



The other side.

Qiao Misi contacted seven of his old friends back then!

"Everyone!! I need your help, a new era is about to begin!! I think it's time for us to join forces! Mith

started the video conference.

"Hahahaha! Bridge Meese! I heard that a few hours ago, you asked people to assassinate the guy from Huaxia, and finally killed the wrong person???

"Bridge Meese! Even you have mistakes! The

leaders of the Yingshi Country and the Huate Country were the first to speak.

"It's the people of Huaxia who are too cunning! If it were you, the outcome would be the same!

"Is it?? But I also heard that you vomited blood in anger!

"Okay! Let's say two words, everyone knows the current situation, in fact, Qiao Misi is right!! The age of magic is about to begin, and now that guy from Huaxia is standing in front of everyone, we must act. Yi

Shuiguo came out and interrupted.

"The time of virtual exchange for reality is not yet certain, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow! But we must solve Huaxia before this time!

"Solving the Chinese ???" Fluorite Guo asked

, "Isn't it just necessary to kill the fireworks without a trace, that guy??" No need to make a big deal out of it! Other

leaders are also in favor of this idea.

Only Qiao Meis stood up.

"Now Huaxia has definitely protected the fireworks without a trace! It is impossible for us to kill him unless we declare war on Huaxia!

"You mean to start the ??? of World War V?" Yi Shuiguo said in amazement.

"Once it is turned on, it is equivalent to ending this era early! And the relationship with Huaxia was also completely broken!

"Everyone!! Do you want to wait until the day of virtual exchange reality and everyone will become slaves of Huaxia together? Bridge Meth said.

This statement came out.

The few people who attended the meeting were silent.

Mith Hashi is right!

Now the strength of Fireworks Without a Trace has indeed surpassed the second place too much.

Once the technology of virtual fusion reality is turned on, Huaxia, which has no traces of fireworks, will become the strongest in the world....

When the time comes, they will be reduced to slavery.

"On behalf of the old big country, I declare war on Huaxia tomorrow, and at the same time send 1000W troops at eight o'clock tomorrow morning to invade Huaxia from the first border!" Everybody... Whether to be a slave or a hero, choose for yourself..." The

others were silent for a moment, and then they spoke.

"I sent 300W troops to invade from the second border!"

"I will send troops 350W, tomorrow at nine o'clock from the Sea of Sighs, to invade Huaxia..."

"I am in charge of the central missile bombing and provide absolute air support!"


For a while.

The leaders of these countries all stood together.

The purpose is to get rid of Huaxia.

Even if the fifth world war is not started now, then the next era after that will definitely be dominated by China.

So instead of sitting still, it's better to take the initiative!!

"Good! Then I bridge Meeth to announce here! The fifth world war officially began!! "



High-density research center.

"Report! Mr. Zhuge Jiwen, we have found the fireworks without a trace! At the same time absolute protection was exerted on him!

Xu Song took out the monitor and handed it to Zhuge Jiwen.

"Now all the military revolves around him!! In addition, is there any movement on the side of the old big country???

"Not yet!"

"Is it??"

Zhuge Jiwen's eyes were deep.

It seems that this answer is somewhat surprising.

But before the storm hits, this seems to be the last chance to be quiet!

"Mr. Zhuge Jiwen, but what's on your mind??? I'm still the first time I've seen you a little uneasy!

Xu Song asked curiously.

"Nothing!! You went to arrange the deployment!! All borders, airspace, sea ... Block them all! By the way, let people pay attention to when will the announcement of the virtual exchange reality of the "Fairy Road" online game come out!!

"Zhuge Jiwen means to protect him with the power of Huaxia?"

Zhuge Kewen didn't know where to take out a cucumber, and said while eating:

"Today I Huaxia will protect him, and tomorrow he can do everything to bring Huaxia back to the peak!"

Xu Song's heart trembled slightly.

New era...

Fireworks without a trace is indeed a person who stands at the pinnacle of the next era!

And the ending of Huaxia ... Maybe it's really in the hands of this guy as Mr. Zhuge said!

"By the way, Mr. Zhuge Jiwen, the Heavenly Dao Museum that you kept my attention to two years ago seems to have had a strange reaction..."

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