"What sound?"

Ling Yana looked at Lu Xifeng with a puzzled expression.

Odd! ...

Could it be that he was hallucinating???

"Forget it! It's nothing! Let's go first! Coming

back to their senses, Lu Xifeng and Ling Yana entered the silver giant gate.

As soon as the two entered, the silver giant door closed again.

【Hint! Ice Volcano: The number of dungeon entries (0/1), no matter if the mission is successful or failed, there will be no chance to open it again!

Suddenly, a dim light illuminated the direction in which the two were heading.

"Let's be careful, I don't know why I always have a bad premonition!"

Lu Xifeng reminded.

"The Ice Flame Volcano used to be the territory of the Flame Demon King, and although it has been sealed for hundreds of years, the powerful aura here will still make people fearful! This is normal!

But the Flame Demon King is long gone, you don't have to worry at all, this time we came in to find the treasure of that kendo ghost!"

Although Ling Yana said so.

But Lu Xifeng's intuition told him that this matter must not be so simple.

Suddenly, at this moment, a fiery red paw slashed directly at Ling Yana's stomach.

"Be careful!!"

Lu Xifeng moved two steps to the left, hugged Ling Yana and retreated.

I don't care what I pinched with my left hand, anyway, I just grabbed it firmly.

Life comes first.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough, and his claws just tore Ling Yana's clothes!

If only it were one step slower... It is estimated that Ling Yana's intestines will be pulled out.

"What a weird attack!"

Even Lu Xifeng didn't see where the attack came from just now.

"What was that just now??"

Ling Yana broke out in a cold sweat.

"I don't know, it should be the Flame Demon King you said!" Lu Xifeng frowned,

"No! No way! As early as a hundred years ago, the Kendo Ghost had already sealed here! The Flame Demon King is already dead! It is absolutely impossible to be alive..." Ling

Yana's face was full of incredulity.

But Lu Xifeng could see that this guy was deceiving himself.

She was afraid, she was afraid that the attack just now would appear again.

If this is really the Flame Demon King's attack method...

To be honest, Rao is Lu Xifeng and doesn't want to carry it hard!

It's so weird!

"Let's go first!! Find the treasure of the kendo ghost as soon as possible and get out of here! "

Now that the silver giant gate has been closed, there is no chance to turn back, so I can only move forward.

"Hey! Brother Yan, from now on, you have to protect me well, I am your woman now, if I die, my master will not let you go!"

Ling Yana hid behind Lu Xifeng and said fiercely.

Although she believed that the Flame Demon King had died a long time ago, she still did not dare to face the strange attack just now.

"Isn't it! Great Sword Master... When will you become my woman... I didn't do anything to you..."

You still touched me in the pool...."I

..! I said it all, I was careless! I

didn't mean to..." "Yes, yes, you didn't mean it, you meant it.. I don't care, you have to protect me anyway!

"If I die, my master will kill you to the ends of the earth!"

Lu Xifeng thought to himself: Your master is about to become my wife, and you are still threatening me here.

I really convinced you two masters and apprentices.


Inside the ice volcano.

"Lord Demon King! Two Terrans have entered our cordoned area!

A level 160 flame beast said respectfully to the depths of the earth.

"Terrans??? How did they get in??? "

The sound came from below the magma in the center of the earth.

"It seems to have opened the last dusty silver giant door! He won't spoil our plans! The

Flame Beast said cautiously.

"Probably not! If only you let them solve these two Terrans now! Don't bother me, now is the critical moment to restore strength!

"Yes, Lord Demon King!"


Terran First Front.

Mage Jun Mo and the others and Ling Shuang stood behind the [Ash Grassland].

"You're finally back! If you don't come back, you won't see me!"

"Just you talk a lot of nonsense! How is the battle going now...?"

Ling Shuang pondered as he looked at the many soldiers in front of him who were caught in a death battle.

"This is already the third wave of attacks, but the main force is still the Yanju Beast, as for those guys of the giant race, as well as the Yanhuo Demon King, they have not appeared until now!" My intuition tells me that today we were very unlucky!! Jun

Mo and the others waved their left-handed staffs, and a huge ice crystal suddenly appeared on the entire battlefield.

As the ice crystals fell, at least a hundred Yanju beasts on the battlefield died on the spot.

"Haven't you always had good luck?"

"How about we make a bet..... If you're unlucky today, how about you accompany me for a drink tomorrow night?

"Let's wait until you kill the Flame Demon King!"

At this time, a level 270 shadow assassin hurriedly ran over.

"Report! Not good! Something happened..."

What happened?"

Jun Mo and the others came over to pick up the shadow assassin and asked.

"Yan.... Flame Demon King, he.... He..." "

What's wrong with him?" You quickly say..." The

words have not completely fallen out of the mouths of Jun Mo and the others.

In the next second, a crimson claw had already penetrated the entire body of Jun Mo and the others.

Including the internal organs, all the people were scattered in one place.

A soccer-ball-sized cavity appeared throughout the abdomen.


"Jun~.... Jun Mo and so on,"

Ling Shuang looked at the scene in front of him, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

In the last second, the two were still teasing each other; In the next second, he was actually attacked so badly.


"Paladin! Paladin! What the are you...?"

Ling Shuang roared like crazy.

And this hidden assassin actually let out a rampant laugh at this moment.

"Hahaha, dead! You all deserve to die! Hahaha! Not

only that, but the body of this hidden assassin was gradually disintegrating.

In the end, it even turned into the appearance of the Flame Demon King.

"Not good! The Flame Demon King has sneaked behind us, and it has killed the legendary archmage! "

Hurry back to defense!"

"It's too late, those guys from the giant race are also out..."

"They are all waiting for this moment, we miscalculated!" It's over, is it a loss this time?

"Don't worry! Lord Ling Shuang is still there, there is still hope..."

..."The defeat of the legendary archmage Jun Mo and others caused many soldiers to begin to retreat one by one.

"Do you think there is hope? Amusing! You still can't even beat a demon king doppelganger, what hope do you have!" The

mutated purple-gold giant mocked.


The powerful kendo realm was released from Ling Shuang's body and began to dominate the entire battlefield.

"Sword Realm, open!"

"Realm, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect!"

"Flame Demon King, I'm going to kill you!"


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