
"Damn Terrans!! You actually dare to sneak up on me! You scumbag! "

You'll be subject to dark sanctions!! I will wait for you in the Dark Star, and when the time comes, I will turn you into a Dark Servant!! The

dark beast under the grief and indignation let out a final wail.

"The guy who said this to me last time has already been killed by me a second time! You'd better not be met by me again! "

Otherwise, your fate can only be the same as the Flame Demon King and the Storm Lord.

A few seconds later.

The dark beast also completely disappeared in front of Lu Xifeng's eyes.

【Ding! Congratulations, your level has been increased to: Lv386, and you will gain free attribute points: 105 points! "

Killing a level 400 wild monster gained nearly 900 million experience points, but I didn't expect to only increase to level 21."

Calculate that each level of improvement requires experience points of about 4200W!

Oh, my God.

Lu Xifeng felt a little headache.

It seems that the further you go, the more difficult it is to improve your level, unless you can kill higher-level

wild monsters, and according to your current strength, it should not be particularly difficult to kill level 500 wild monsters.

Lu Xifeng nodded secretly in his heart.

【Ding! Do you choose to qualify for the Awakening Extreme field? 】Use


"Little one! Congratulations on clearing the Ultimate Trial! Your clearance time actually took only 2 minutes!

At this time, the outer sky cloud disk above Lu Xifeng's head lit up with a soft light.

The phantom of a white-bearded old man appeared in front of Lu Xifeng's eyes.

NPC at the helm - Adam

"It is an honor for the Terrans to be able to give birth to such a leader as you! It's just a pity that the fate of the Terrans is almost over! "

The fate of the Terrans?

Looking at the deep gaze of Old Man Adam, he seemed to care about something.

"You mean the invasion of dark creatures?"

Lu Xifeng thought that this was the setting of the game, so he asked in surprise.

"Yes! But not only that... The Terrans you see now are all Terrans protected by the Enchantment, and the real battle is much more than that! "


What enchantment?

"What do you call a protected Terrans?" Lu Xifeng asked

, "You are still too weak now, I can only tell you this!" You better improve your strength as soon as possible! The saints also need your help! NPC

Whitebeard Adam brushed his beard and said as if with deep meaning.

But Lu Xifeng sounded confused.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

With this NPC white-bearded Adam stretched out his finger and lightly tapped on Lu Xifeng's body.

A terrifying breath flowed from him.


This is domain convergence!

【Ding! Congratulations, Successful Awakening Ultimate Realm: Asura Field! 】


[Extreme Domain: Asura Field]

Type: Extreme Domain

Level: No upper limit Opening time: No upper limit


Consumption: 5000 magic energy/second

effect: 1. 50% of all attacks within the Asura field can be converted into real damage.

2. Asura has a three-second invincibility effect (cooldown: 10 minutes

) range: determined according to the user's upper limit of health (current coverage: radius 100 km)


Is this the realm after integration???

Convert all 50% of attack damage to real damage.

It also has the unique 3-second invincibility effect of the Matchless Sword.

These two introductions alone are enough to more than double your damage.

"If you use the Chiyan Violent Killing Slash in this case, then this damage must not be directly exploded???"



" And most importantly, the cost of opening the field is only 5,000 blue points per second, which is a burden for other players.

But it doesn't matter to me at all! The buff given me by unlimited equipment, and the light return to the blue is more than 5000 points per second! That


As long as you want.

If you increase

the maximum health, the coverage of the field is enough to encompass the entire game space!

Oh, my God!

With regard to the effect of this terrifying realm, even Lu Xifeng couldn't help but marvel after thinking about it carefully.

"Little one, live well! You are the one chosen by the Ultimate Realm, the fate of the Terran may really be in your hands, the saint has fallen, and we won't be able to hold out for long! I will wait for you outside the enchantment! The

voice became weaker and weaker, until Old Man Adam completely disappeared in front of Lu Xifeng's eyes.

Then a streamer followed.

Lu Xifeng was teleported to a place outside the Twin Towers.

"This old man really looks like a weirdo, forget it! Don't care! Let's go back first!

Lu Xifeng couldn't understand why this old man Adam said this.

What the fate of the Terrans.

What a saint ..

That's not something I should be concerned about right now.

Let's go back to the Dragon City first!

"I seem to have wasted too much time in the Twin Towers, and I don't know what happened to the situation of the wild monster siege?"

"Just go back and buy some more equipment!"

After making up your mind.

Lu Xifeng rushed towards the direction where the Dragon City was.


Not long after Lu Xifeng left, the entire Twin Towers also completely disappeared on the map plate.


A place thousands of kilometers away from the Ark.

Fragmented enchantment level.

"Adam, you guy wasted energy again and went back?"

Shakotan asked as he held the Holy Human Scepter in his hand while repairing the enchantment that was about to disintegrate.

"I went back to meet the little one!"

"It's just a junior, what's so good, do you want to entrust your future to him?"

"Not really.... That little guy has a lot of potential! The future Terrans may really need him

, but I don't know if the Terrans can last until the moment he grows up! Time is really running out for him now!

By the way, Skoutan, how long can the Odin Abyss hold out?

Adam asked.

"The situation on the side of the Odin Abyss is not optimistic, only 5 saints are guarding there, and they can last until noon tomorrow at most, at that time, we may lose the strength of the 5 great saints!"

Hear this.

Adam fell into deep thought.

"Is there really going to be no way??"

Now the forces of darkness are gradually approaching the entire Terran race.

The saint swore to defend it at the cost of his life, but this was only a delaying measure.

If no one is enough to break this balance, then the end left for the Terrans can only be...



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