Instantly, the mind moved!

The matchless sword instantly shot out from Lu Xifeng's side, slicing three bloody sword wounds on the Black Crow King's body.

Damage: -3800W Real Damage: -4500W Damage: -3800W

Real Damage: -4500W


Within 0.001 seconds.

These three swords directly hit the artery of the Black Crow King.

Nearly 249 million blood was lost.

Of course, in addition to the attack of the matchless sword, the Black Crow King also hung nearly 20 debuffs on his body at the same time

[The Black Crow King triggers the real injury blood loss effect, dropping 3,000 blood points per second for 10 seconds

] [The Black Crow King triggers the flame and anger effect, and the fire resistance is weakened by 14%] [The Black Crow

King triggers

...] [.....]

"What did you just say? Are you the strongest being in the Black Forest? Are you the Black Raven King?

Lu Xifeng listened and said with a half-mockery.

In fact, it is easy for him to kill the Black Crow King, but if he still expects it to take him to the Arctic Palace, he can only leave a sword.

Otherwise, the fourth sword swings and it dies!

But the Black Crow King at this time.

They haven't recovered from the arrogance just now.... Heck, I lost 250 million blood inexplicably


Is this a blood bar disappearance technique?

Although the Black Crow King was shocked in his heart, he was actually furious.

"I am the strongest in the Black Forest, I am the Black Raven King! How can you be looked down upon by your Terrans!

"You fellow.... I will make you sink forever and become my slave for eternity!! The

anger on the Black Crow King climbed again.

At the same time, the stone tablet at its feet also exudes Ruize.

Black Crow King Health: +249 million

"I'm going to show you!" My true strength! The

Black Crow King's wings spread out sharply, and the entire black forest in the air was shrouded in darkness.

The cold wind blew on Lu Xifeng's body little by little.

"You will always be consumed by darkness!"

Sound fall.

The Black Crow King's body instantly disintegrated and turned into thousands of black crows.

On the other hand, Lu Xifeng was here, but he did not have the slightest panic.

It was this broken stone that made me feel a little surprised.

"I was able to refill my health all at once! It's quite interesting!

"Then I'll see if it's your stone or my sword hard!"

In the dark.

Tens of thousands of black crows condensed again behind Lu Xifeng.

It's weird and has no trace to follow.

It was just that the black feather stabbed Lu Xifeng's back.

Is it useful??

There was no egg

at all, Lu Xifeng did not bother to dodge such a low-level attack at all, standing motionless in place,

damage: -100 points.

Damage: -100 points!

Damage: -100 points


HP: +2000

"You're really too weak!!"

"Matchless Sword!"

The sound of swords resounded in the darkness.

Three sword wounds slashed through the Black Crow King's body again.

Damage: -249 million

of the same damage, bursting out of the Black Crow King's body again.

"Terrans, you can't kill me!!"

With the help of the Rebirth Stone, the Black Raven King's health will soon be restored to its full state.

This is also one of the means by which the Black Crow King has no fear...

"So.... What if so?

Lu Xifeng didn't know where to take out another long sword.

This is the Sword of the Storm!

And this fourth sword....

Chiyan violently kills !!

This sword.

Lu Xifeng slashed down with a sword against this rebirth stone.

The terrifying sword light was not only able to easily tear through the darkness, but also under the bonus of the Asura realm.

This powerful attack was also attached to the breath of hell.

Ugh -

a sword.

The huge damage value exploded directly from the rebirth stone.

Damage: -1,148,716,380

clicks -

[Hint: The Rebirth Stone is broken! ] This

blow directly exploded 1.1 billion super high instant damage.

This scene

fell in the eyes of the Black Crow King, but he was directly stunned.

Rao is a boss like it, and they are all stunned.

1.1 billion!! ...

And with just one sword, he split his own rebirth stone.

In other words, his health cannot be restored now....


This guy is not human!!

Even the Black Crow King, who had already completed the advanced level, couldn't help but tremble his legs after seeing Lu Xifeng's injury.

Now inside this Black Forest in the air....

Who is the boss!

If this blow falls on himself, I am afraid that even ash will not be left.

"You are still the strongest in the Black Forest in the air?? Are you the Black Crow King after the Advanced?? Are you still going to make me a slave to the darkness??

Lu Xifeng withdrew the Storm Sword into his backpack and looked at the confused Black Crow King again.

A wave of three consecutive questions directly made the Black Crow King feel that his brain was buzzing.

But in fact, I am really strong....

300 million health plus close to 2000W attack power, isn't this strong?

This must not easily kill the black crow.

But right now... Lu Xifeng's appearance even wondered if there was something wrong with his advancement.

Why are you so weak???

"Sorry! Excuse me! You are the strongest... You are the strongest in the Black Forest in the air!! I'm a waste! You are the Black Raven King!! "

The Black Crow King gave in.

After seeing the 1.1 billion damage, the Black Crow King was even frightened by the strength to fight back.

Even if he advances himself, he can't withstand such damage!

With one blow, at least three of his lives were gone....

And there is no rebirth stone yet, and it can't beat the Terran in front of him at all

: "Then you take me to the Arctic Palace now, is there a problem?" Big rat!

Lu Xifeng said unhurriedly.

"There is... Oh no! I have no problem! In

the face of life, the boss Black Crow King also chose to compromise.

"Okay then, let's go! We head to the Arctic Palace! "

Let's go!"

Lu Xifeng sat on the Black Crow King's body and headed directly towards the Arctic Palace.

With the help of the Black Crow King, the distance of 30,000 kilometers is no longer at all

, but the Black Crow King is holding back in his heart, he is also the former king, and now he even dares to fart in front of Lu Xifeng.

And succumbed to Lu Xifeng's crotch.

Oh, my God!

If you let the same kind of people see it, how can you live!!


The other side.

Five kilometers beyond the Black Forest in the air.

"Everyone is in a state of battle, ready to enter the Black Forest in the air, and this time it is bound to kill the Black Crow King!"

Archmage Haji said to the hundreds of soldiers behind him who were ready to fight.

Today, we will die together.

"Bound to kill the Black Crow King!"

"Follow the orders of Lord Haji and kill the Black Crow King!"

"Today I and the Black Crow King can only live one."


soldiers were like warriors born to the dead, standing beside Haji and no one flinched.

This made Haji feel very gratified.

It's just....

Haji looked at the depths of the Black Forest in the air, and she didn't know if she could kill the Black Crow King this time.

This guy who has a rebirth stone and has completed the advancement is estimated to be at the peak of his strength now.

But even so....

They have no way back either!

If you let the dark red loli control here, then the situation will be even more difficult to control!

"Look at it!! Something is flying out ahead! "

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