Online Game Opening Awakening Super God Talent

Chapter 626: Sublimation, the power of the ghost face and the devil

The blood is boiling, start!

This ability is really BUG!

As long as he sees blood and basically has no special abilities, he will be completely GG!

The double bleeding damage crazily reduces the health value, and there is no cure, so the recovery effect is extremely limited, and over time, according to the bleeding volume, it will continuously weaken the target's attributes, making it weaker and weaker. fighting.


The scariest thing is blood control!

Once the enemy's physical function declines and the body decays, without much resistance, control the blood to be drawn from its wounds, no matter any creature, as long as the blood is lost by a large amount, then Death will not be far away.

The same is true for Lin Xiao.


At this moment, the wounds on his body are still few and shallow, and he can't do it that way.

Take it easy.

Step by step!

If this guy doesn't have a back hand, according to the current way of onslaught and the frequency of attacks, it is estimated that this guy will not be able to burp the moment the blood bursts.




Lin Xiao's use of skills can be called a large-scale large-scale killing skill for map attacks. This is a big move that can destroy the entire team. It is not clear whether the sequelae is unclear, but it is certain that it will be out of force for a certain period of time.

If you don't take advantage of the opportunity to steal a little more output, it is simply a bag in your head.





Soon, Lin Xiao's HP was reduced by 30% by Qin Luosheng's mad dog style.

Due to the effect of the blood boiling, Qin Luosheng became more brave in the battle, on the contrary, Lin Xiao was more bearish in the battle.

Even though he struggled to fight back, he was helpless. After being weakened, Lin Xiao was really unable to catch up, and was unable to compete with Qin Luosheng.

"Damn it!"

Feeling the wounds everywhere on the body, the blood and health are constantly being lost, and the extreme pain that the holy flame is burning like a tarsal maggot, Lin Xiao is out of anger.

"Ghost Slashing·Batian Sword!"

Lin Xiao held the sword abruptly, let Qin Luosheng's sword attack fall on him, and began to accumulate energy.

"The 30% health burst, is it finally here?"

Qin Luosheng, who had been secretly wary for a long time, would naturally not be unprepared.

"Summon Bone Giant!"

The ring on his hand shone brightly, and the giant bone giant made his debut.

"Huh, a flashy skeleton, how can it stop my sword?"

Seeing Qin Luosheng summon the bone giant, Lin Xiao said disdainfully: "Little devil, you and the tattered skeleton, let me die together!"

The violent sword spirit burst out.

The black energy swept away, lingering around the meniscus-shaped knife aura that was at least 20 meters high and three meters thick, exuding the breath of Death, rushing forward, no matter what, no matter what. The hard floor was also lifted up one after another, and then all annihilated under the blast of energy.

"Shadow Escape!"

Qin Luosheng was shocked, and without any hesitation, got into the shadow of the skeletal giant, avoiding this terrifying blow.


The seemingly tall and mighty skeletal giant shattered in the sword gas under Lin Xiao's rage. It didn't last for a second and completely collapsed. The black gold-like bones were shattered into residues, and then again Being annihilated and turned into fly ash, it is simply terrifying.

"Is this the explosion of skills to strengthen epic BOSS?"

In the shadow, Qin Luosheng swallowed fiercely, feeling cold all over and his scalp numb.

It's abnormal.

First, all directions are destroyed by one move, just like a map attack, sweeping across a thousand troops!

Now there is another stab at Domineering, as if to chop the sky to pieces, destroying it!

Fortunately, the shadow warrior's life-saving ability was first-rate, and he had previously prepared to summon the bone giant in advance to provide him with a shadow, otherwise, it is estimated that he will be resurrected once.

"It's terrible!"

The smoke and dust dissipated, Qin Luosheng jumped out of the shadow, looking at the destroyed scene behind, the palace where half of the wall was slashed by Lin Xiao's knife, his heart was throbbing.

"You, how are you? Impossible!"

With an imperative stab, Lin Xiao was very confident. However, with just a blink of an eye, Qin Luosheng walked out of the smoke and dust, not to mention Death, even the injury was not at all, the same as before, and he was dumbfounded in an instant. .

"Shhh, don't talk!"

Qin Luosheng said calmly: "Send me such a great gift. If you don't give me a polite exchange, don't you know the etiquette? Next, let me love you well!"

Sword cut again!

Aiming at Lin Xiao, who was weaker than he had just performed Shi Fang Ju Mie, a line of Sword Qi sprayed out from Qin Luosheng's hand like a raging angry dragon, and all that did not fall fell on Lin Xiao's body. .


Bingbing is a mount, unable to participate in battles, and in this 1VS1 extreme battle, he is still more agile by relying on his feet, but Xiaoxiao does not have this restriction.

I didn't summon Xiao Xiao to come out just now, that was because Lin Xiao's attack was too fierce. The Xiao Xiao was ten meters long and could easily be used as a target.

But now it's different.

Lin Xiao was cut to a half, and he used two abilities to force his actions to make his body weak. He was temporarily unable to move because of backlash, and he was also controlled by the boiling blood, constantly losing his vitality and attribute abilities.

At this moment, if Xiaoxiao is not summoned to violently output, when will he have to wait?


Xiao Xiao, who had been urging Qin Luosheng in the pet space, was finally released. He immediately changed from a mini-dragon to a ten-meter-long body and let out a cheerful, high-pitched dragon chant.

"Little, do your best!"

Qin Luosheng didn't care about her smallness. This little guy had a terrifyingly high IQ. He didn't need him to direct the battle at all. She only needed to give instructions, and she would do well.





Under the indiscriminate bombardment of Qin Luosheng and Xiaoxiao, even if Lin Xiao recovers from the powerless state of casting skills, there is no way to break through, and his health is quickly reduced to 10%. The tipping point.

"Are you coming?"

Qin Luosheng's expression was tense, and while he was secretly wary, he also communicated with Xiaoxiao through thoughts to make her pay attention.

"It's amazing!"

Lin Xiao lowered his head, making people unable to see his eyes and face. "You can actually force me to such a situation, kid, you're so proud!"

"What nonsense? Use it if you have a trick, and see how strong you are at the bottom of the box!"

Qin Luosheng spoke cruelly while twitching his unmarked fingers, secretly manipulating the blood on Lin Xiao who was all over his body at the moment.

"Huh, I really don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing Qin Luosheng's arrogant appearance, Lin Xiao sneered, "If this is the case, then I will satisfy you.-Sublimation, the power of the ghost face!"

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