Online Game Opening Awakening Super God Talent

Chapter 637: The accomplice: the dragon clan

Seal the magic, all skills cannot be used!

Blocking the space, returning to the city scroll, Spatial Teleportation, etc. completely invalidated!

The resurrection point is forced to change, which means that even if it is dead, it will be resurrected at the current location, rather than resurrected to the nearest city!

The bloodline is banned, and even the blood of the true dragon cannot be activated, but the weakening skill "Dragon Power" that depends on it, and the boosting skill "Dragon Blood Burning Sorrow"

Wait, there is no room for display at all!

Really tm!

All roads are blocked!

"Huh, that's not right!"

Qin Luosheng suddenly thought of something, raised his head and looked at the dozen or so hooded men, "I can understand the first three ban formations, but what does the last bloodline ban mean? Could it be..."

With a shock all over, Qin Luosheng realized it instantly.

"You are from the Dragon Race?"

Looking across the plank road, Qin Luosheng locked more than a dozen hooded men, watching them shake slightly when he said the word "Dragon", and he was completely sure.


These guys are really dragons!

I tm just say.

Just relying on thunder madness being less than two hundred and five, how can you invite so many fierce people who can use this BUG-level formation!


It turned out to be the support of that group of bastards from the Dragon Race, it was an NPC instead of a player.

This can make sense!

"The decisive battle between me and Longyuan is imminent. Some stupid guys can't help but jump out, wanting to use human hands to get rid of me, once and for all?"

Qin Luosheng is not an idiot, and he figured out the joints in the blink of an eye.


It's not hard to guess.

Even though no one would think that he could defeat Long Yuan, even Qin Luosheng himself was very imaginary, but he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Can use the safest method to avoid danger, who would not use it?

This is not a trivial mess, but a bet on all the battles of fate.

Qin Luo was promoted and lost, everything was lost, and he returned to his original form, starting from scratch, even without the opportunity to start from scratch, completely finished playing, and completely wiped out!

And if Long Yuan loses, then not only will Long Yuan be punished severely, and basically won’t reappear, or he will die directly, and even the Black Dragon clan will be tragedy. Not only do they have to compensate Qin Luosheng with a lot of things, but also directly Divided under Qin Luosheng's command, Qin Luosheng became the new black dragon king.

Regarding the future of the Black Dragon clan, not only the Black Dragon clan dare not bet, even other Dragon Clan who do not approve of Qin Luosheng will secretly help.

after all.

Dragons are proud, even if they conclude contracts with humans, most of them are assisting contracts, even giving dragon blood in the form of charity. Therefore, there are many legends such as dragon blood warriors, dragon blood mage, and dragon summoner.


There has never been a precedent in the history of the dragon clan, letting people into the dragon clan.

Even the signing of a servant contract with the human race is rare, and the dragon race is willing to bow down and become a servant, and even willing to be a servant, all of them are dragons and phoenixes, the proud sons of heaven, and even the children of the royal family or the ancient nobles, or the secluded Sect Heirs, descendants of ancient sects, etc.


What is Qin Luosheng going to do?

Become the king of the black dragon clan, even if it is the king in name, it is also the black dragon king.

Originally, he had the status of Dragon Lord, and he was on the same level as the Dragon Emperor, but this was what the Dragon God meant, and no one dared to make a second, even the Dragon Emperor.

Looking at the face of the dragon god, adding the dragon lord is just an honorary title, and has no real power, bear it!


Once Qin Luosheng became the king of the Black Dragon clan again.

The dragon lord adds the black Dragon King. The blessing of this dual identity allows Qin Luosheng to become the top of the dragon clan without hindrance. How can this make those diehards tolerate?

The great dragon!

Sacred's Dragon Palace!

How do foreigners deserve to be one of the decision-makers?


It is very understandable to make Kizunako.


It's impossible for Kizuna to turn to Kizuna. It's impossible for things that can't wait on the stage to proceed in a fair manner.

after all.

Recognized by the Lord Dragon God and given the [Dragon God Imperial Order] to become the Dragon Lord, in terms of identity, except for the Dragon Emperor, he can sit on an equal footing. Other dragons, even the Dragon Elder, the kings of the big clans, must bow to Qin Luosheng when they see Qin Luosheng. To show respect.

in the end.

The bigger the race, the more long-lasting race, the stricter the rules, and no one dares to cross it!

That's right.

Qin Luosheng's identity as the dragon master is so awesome!

In order to prevent the ten thousand races from knowing that the dragons are conspiring to infiltrate the people favored by the dragon gods, kill the dragon lord, suffer a humiliation that can never be erased, and even be punished by the dragon gods, only with the help of others, the best The choice is naturally the same race as their Dragon Lord, that is, human race, and then pretend to be a little bit like, looking for the human race that has enemies with their Dragon Lord, so that it can be covered.

"You are so courageous. You dare to cooperate with the thief and assassinate the dragon lord. You don’t want to put in one's eyes, or to put in one's eyes, nor the rules of the dragon clan. Are you eyes?"

The reaction of a dozen hooded men made Qin Luosheng convinced that they are members of the dragon clan, so he shouted: "Now stop, this dragon lord can consider interceding with the dragon emperor for you. The body falls, but the true spirit will never die, and your scandals will definitely not just be hidden like this."

Hearing Qin Luosheng's words, a dozen hooded men suddenly became nervous.

They were here to do dirty things, they didn't dare to show people in their true colors, and even their own power, all powers that could reveal their identity, did not dare to use at all, but used special formation scrolls.

If it hadn’t been for the behind-the-scenes master’s choice of the Backpot Xia Terran to be too useless, and they would not even have the ability to start the formation scroll, they would never participate in it. When they showed up in person, they would inevitably stay out of the matter, at most they would hide far away, secretly Observe the progress.


Everything is gone.

Recognized now, GG completely!

Once this matter is stabbed out, not only they can't bear it, but even the big men behind the scenes can't bear it, and even the entire dragon clan can't bear it.

Such scandals will inevitably become a black spot that the dragon clan cannot erase, and a laughing point for the tens of thousands of people across the continent.

What are you laughing at?

Laughing at their dragons, they even dared to violate the will of their own creation gods and their ancestors, dragon gods. This is a fatal reputation destruction for any race.

after all.

Even the gods worshipped by the family, the creators of the ancestors, do not To put in one’s eyes, such a race, who dares to touch each other, who dares to cooperate, for fear that it is not fast enough to die?

At that time.

The dragon clan really wants to be isolated and helpless, completely becoming a "lonely family"!

"How to do?"

The hooded men exchanged eyes with each other and fell into a difficult situation.

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