Online Game Opening Awakening Super God Talent

Chapter 670: Grief and Indignation! The last straw that broke the camel


It belongs to a higher level than the Dragon Sovereign, and perhaps the bloodline power of the Dragon God's level. The Dragon Power formed in this way really has the power to sweep the world and majestic waste.


Long Qing suffered from this shock, his brain was blank, his eyes were blank, and his face was horrified.

It is clear.

This cargo was brought into a state of shock.


Qin Luosheng snapped his fingers happily.

This kind of boss should be a full-level LV100, Longwei can reduce its attributes by 20%, which is not surprising.


It is incredible that while reducing the attributes, it can also be put into a state of deterrence with a certain chance to take effect.

The only explanation.

The blood is suppressed.

after all.

Long Qing is a dragon clan, even if he is strong, the dragon clan is a blood-based race after all. This kind of natural suppression is etched in the depths of genes and cannot be avoided.

This is just like humans. Most people will be shocked when they see cold-blooded animals like snakes, even if they can completely overcome them, but when they suddenly appear.

There are also beasts like tigers. After encountering them, they tremble all over, their minds are blank, and they can't move their feet at all. A tiger roar is enough to make your body weak, or even more serious, and you can't even raise the thought of resistance.

This is genetic inheritance.

From the ancient human ancestors, passed down from generation to generation, it is deeply imprinted in human genes-fear!

in the end.

At that time, human beings were drinking blood, even living in trees, not even a cave, at the bottom of the food chain.

Eaten by a beast!

Poisoned by poison!

Submerged in deep water!


All kinds of death methods are horrible.

How can you not be afraid?

How can you not remember it deeply in your heart?

The same is true.

Relying on the bloodline memory inheritance of the ancestors, the dragon clan, which can obtain power and spells and other methods, is extremely dependent on the bloodline.

Strong blood, great potential and high status.

This is why the dragon race and other blood-respected races have spent their minds trying to evolve their blood, and even the Dragon Emperor can’t avoid it. In order to get the blood of the Dragon God to evolve his own blood, he did not hesitate to trade with Qin Luosheng, knowing that he wants to go with him. Once the Long Yuan decisive battle is won, the Dragon Clan will lose face, and will continue to win the enemy regardless of it.

in order.

It's a higher bloodline.

It is a further evolution.


"Oops, what is this Longwei?"

Long Qing was stunned, unable to move at all, but the group of Hooded people who were far away did not, because Qin Luosheng's Longwei could not affect that far range.


The impact is not affected, but the spread can still spread, so that a group of dragons who are extremely sensitive to the dragon will be aware of it.

A group of dragons are big men, and their natural field of vision is extremely broad. At a glance, they saw Long Qing facing Qin Luosheng. Seeing through his state at the moment, one after another was devastated, and cold sweat broke out.

"Quickly, go and support!"

Shouted the hooded man.

"That's too late!"

However, the warning came in exchange for an extremely bitter answer.

Everyone looked up.

I saw it.

I don’t know when, on the plank road, where Qin Luosheng and Long Qing confronted each other, a huge summoning magic circle appeared. Even if the summoned creatures have not yet appeared, the silk dragon power has been conveyed through the formation. , Fully demonstrated his identity.

"we lose!"

A hooded man shuddered and said with a trembling.

The other hooded people were silent and did not speak.

At the moment, they are in a state of confusion.

Originally there were compatriots showing up, it should be happy.


This sudden compatriot is an enemy, but a needle about to pierce their seamless plan!

How to be happy?

Why is it definitely an enemy or not a friend?

after all.

This person is a dragon!

that is because--

Long Qing will not summon a companion. He does not have this ability or qualification. Even if he does, the current mission is top secret in top secret. Maybe ask foreign aid to come and make extravagances.

in this way.

The summoner, that must be what they call Lord Dragon Lord, the target of this attack.

The reason why they are as stable as Mount Tai, swept the formation here, as the back of the formation.

One is afraid of exposure, and the other is that everything is really stable.

The target Lord Dragon Lord was banned and could not escape at all. As a visitor to Otherworld, he was originally pityed by the goddess of fate and specially blessed. After paying a certain price (level and equipment, player exclusive ability), he can be resurrected indefinitely. , People enviable.


Because of their methods, this blessing has become a curse.

Countless deaths, countless resurrections, tortures, and in the end, the true spirit will still be annihilated. At that time, the blessing of the goddess of fate will be useless, and their dragon lord will be completely dead and never resurrected.

In this way.

Even if they commit a heinous crime, who will be held accountable if there is no evidence to the death? Who would pursue the crimes of an outsider, a dead, worthless, so-called dragon master?


The world is unpredictable.

Originally a Naga god's intrusion was already out of the plan, leading to the loss of the leader of this mission.


Long Qing is also taking great risks when he is dispatched.

However, if you can win the victory and implement the plan perfectly, everything is worth it.


The sky fails to meet people's wishes.


Appeared again.

Suddenly stepping into the battlefield, breaking the balance, and tearing down their fellow clan who covered their ears, stolen the bell and covered the fig leaf, became the last straw that crushed the camel.


Completely bankrupt.

They are gone.


"Trial time, it's time!"

Qin Luosheng smiled slyly, looking at Long Qing, who was stunned by the dragon, and took out a token from his backpack, which showed that it was innocent, but contained the breath of dragon inside. It was called [Dragon God Imperial Order] Token!

"Dragon Lord Summon!"

With an order, the blood of the real dragon in his body boiled.

After Xiaoxiao broke the shackles of blood, this skill that can only be resonated and summoned by dragon blood can finally be used.

"I didn't want to use this trick, but unfortunately, you don't give a way to survive!"

Qin Luosheng muttered to himself as he looked at the summoning magic circle formed on top of his head and felt the mighty dragon power from the end of the summoning circle.


He just wanted to escape, not to summon.

How can a big man act with his own hands when he has grievances and revenges and revenges?


What can I do if people don't give you this opportunity?

That's it.

Then there is no way.

I can't escape, you don't give me a chance to let me personally find you to liquidate in the future, and give you a period of time to live.


I can only convey the news, with the help of the identity of the dragon lord, the power of the dragon god, the power of the fox, and the oppression of the dragon clan, so that you group will be bold enough to blaspheme the dragon god and blaspheme the dignity of the dragon clan on the eve of the Battle of Jinglongtai. Guys, all were liquidated.


Don't even think about running!


PS1: [Dragon Lord Summon] consumes no cost, can summon a dragon to fight for you (summoning formula: current transfer +1, current strength +1), maximum duration 10 minutes, cooling time: 24 hours!

PS2: Three shifts have been guaranteed. This week I have a lot of work, my hand is disabled and my codewords are not fast. Sorry, brothers, the difference of 4 is even worse, only to wait until the weekend, please forgive me. Please don’t blame the cute little fat paper boss.

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