Online Game Opening Awakening Super God Talent

Chapter 690: Liquidation! The doomsday of cute baby dad

Magic capital.

A certain district.

"Quickly, pack things up!"

A young man anxiously pushed open the door, looked at his wife who was cooking in the kitchen, and quickly walked over. Regardless of the savory ribs stewed in the pot, he turned off the fire, pulling his hands wet and tied. The woman in the apron walked outside.

"What's wrong? I'm still cooking!"

The wife was inexplicable, but did not struggle, letting her husband take it out of the kitchen.

"There is no time to explain, we have to leave quickly!"

The young man didn't say much, but his expression was as anxious as ever.


The woman didn't ask too much, untied her apron, dragged a suitcase from under the bed, and quickly packed it away!


In the little pink room, the girl who was well taken care of like a princess, watched the youth come in profusely, her eyes like black pearls filled with curiosity, but she didn’t inquire about it, just cried cleverly. Screamed.

"Good girl!"

The young man’s face was full of panic and fear. When he entered this room, or the harbor, he instantly dissipated, and the whole person became like a spring breeze. He walked over three steps and two steps with a smile on his face, and put the little boy lying on the bed obediently. The angel hugged him up, and rubbed his short beard on his tender face with great affection, causing the little girl to giggle and laugh continuously.

"Dad, when will you take me to the amusement park?"

The little girl "ugly rejects" pushing the youth's face, looking at him, and asking softly, her big eyes are full of infinite expectation and longing.

"Alright... Alright, let's set off today and visit grandparents at grandparents' house, OK?"

The guilt in the youth's eyes flashed away, and then he said: "Daddy has asked for leave. How about spending time with my good daughter these days?"

"Really, Dad, great?"

The little girl clapped her hands in excitement, her small face was filled with joy, and then she glanced at the young man again, her face that didn't look like a deceit, and then she was really happy and smiled, "Then let's go quickly, I miss grandpa and grandma, and grandpa. The sweets I prepared are braised pork made by my grandma!"


Struggling to jump out of the arms of the young man, go to pack her little clothes and get her favorite toy.

"You behave, dad go and prepare."

The young man went out, watching his wife who was putting cash and clothes in the suitcase, walked quickly to the corner of the room, opened a secret safe, and took out a few gold bars and some valuable jade jewelry from it.

"Don't pack up!"

Seeing his wife dragged out another suitcase, trying to stuff clothes and life supplies into it, the young man yelled in a low voice, stopped her, walked over, swept all the medicines his daughter needs into the suitcase, and took his wife’s hand to Go to the daughter's room.

"Hold my daughter, I'll go to the garage to get the car!"

The young man gave an order, then carried the suitcase, touched the car key and was about to go out.


Just as the young man walked to the door, it was already late at night and quiet outside, but there was abrupt sound of steady and powerful footsteps.


His face was pale and bloodless, but his young and strong body was like a dead old man, trembling and soft, if he hadn't been holding on to the wall, he would have fallen at this moment.

"Dad, who's here?"

A doorway, but with death.

The youth is withered.

The wife behind her hugged her daughter tightly, lowered her head, and couldn't see her expression clearly.

The only child who is pure and innocent, who doesn't know what's coming, but innocently asked, "Is that the doctor Uncle last time?"

Numerous neat footsteps disappeared.

What followed was the sound of footsteps, coming slowly from far to near.

"It's over, this is over."

The young man looked through the cat's eyes and saw two rows of majestic men in black suits and big black sunglasses standing at the door of own. At this moment, they were divided into two rows, standing there like soldiers, and left the rest. On the middle path, there is a very young, but very majestic man, walking step by step.

"He's here, how could it be him, how could he come in person?"

When I saw Lin Yatu, the young man's strong spirit finally collapsed, like a noodle, limp to the ground, his eyes muttered blankly, the whole person, completely collapsed.

"Li Xiong, open the door!"

Lin Yatu walked closer and looked at the security door with the red "Fu" affixed to it, her expression stern, but her tone was calm, without showing any strangeness.

This is a compulsory course for the upper class.

Feelings and anger are invisible.


The young man who has been with Lin Yatu for so long, his real name is Li Xiong, the ID of "Dimension of Destiny", the cute baby dad, but he knows how angry Lin Yatu is with such a face, such a look, and such a tone.

The last time I saw Lin Yatu's state was when he dealt with a senior executive who had been eating inside and out, and working with a hostile group to cause more than nine-figure losses to the Lin group.

the next day.

He saw the news. The executive, who was corpse on the street, not only died of violent death, but also suffered extremely painful inhuman torture before his death. Finally, the official investigation and surveillance captured the behavior of a group of underage gangsters. The purpose is to rob.

In fact.

No one knows better than him, who is the real murderer in the death of that executive!


Not only the executive himself suffered, but his family was also invisibly manipulated by a pair of big hands, property damage, job resignation,...In short, everything went wrong!

Adults are like this, children have not let go, and they suffer all kinds of bullying at school.

Since then, the whole family has been in dire straits!

This kind of painless but inhuman social torture, relying on rules and not breaking the law, lasted for half a year. After half a year, the whole family was finally driven mad, and finally committed suicide by burning charcoal!

"Li Xiong, open the door!"

Lin Yatu outside the door repeated what he said just now.

The tone remains the same, but the sense of coldness in it is three points heavier.


The door opened.

Li Xiong knew very well that when this man appeared in front of him, any resistance was futile. He was already dead. The difference was how he died, whether he died alone or caused his family to be together. die.


Looking at Lin Yatu, who was very kind in the past and never put on airs, was looking at herself with dead eyes, Li Xiong knelt down, "I'm sorry!"


Lin Yatu lowered her body and looked at the muddy puddle. At this moment, Li Xiong, who was tearful and inferior to a bereaved dog, said coldly: "You have been with me for so long. You should be very clear about who I am. With me, I am never right. I am stingy. But once you become an enemy, especially betrayal, what will happen to you, you have witnessed it many times with your own eyes."

"Boss, forgive me, I'm a bad guy, I make mistakes, I admit, it doesn't matter how you treat me, but my family is innocent, please let them go, please, please..."

One after another, there was a lot of noise on the ground, and soon, a large pool of scarlet blood appeared on the smooth tiled floor.


Little girls are ignorant, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t feel the atmosphere. This has nothing to do with knowledge or knowledge, but instinct. Instinct makes her scared and scares her. It’s just that when she sees her favorite dad hurt, feelings suppress the fear. , So she couldn't help screaming out.

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, this has nothing to do with you."

Lin Yatu looked at the woman who was holding her struggling child hard and preventing her from going to the ground. She smiled like Mu Chunfeng, and said, "The bone marrow that I had noticed before has arrived. Let's go. Come to the hospital with me. Maybe , This time it can be matched successfully!"

"no, do not want……"

Li Xiong suddenly hugged Lin Yatu's leg, however, a man in black stomped him and kicked him away.

"I'll leave it to you!"

Lin Yatu turned around and left. Behind him was a woman and a child who were "escorted" by two sturdy men.


The door to the cozy little home was closed, and Li Xiong's painful cry was accompanied by dull beatings. Finally, the little girl who had been holding back her heartbreakingly cried.


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