For Qin Feng, the task of controlling the core of the city is to send rewards.

The damage of the Forbidden Law Formation could not pose the slightest threat to him at all.

After all, his current HP is already outrageous, and he also has high defense power and blood return buff blessings.


Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Feng walked directly towards the core of the city.

Many players around did not move, just quietly watching Qin Feng.

And when Qin Feng stepped into the attack range of the Law Array, one after another terrifying magic instantly shot towards Qin Feng.

"Boom, boom..."




In an instant, dense damage numbers mixed with several recovery health numbers emerged.

Seeing this scene, the players around gasped.

Even Cold Moon and Megatron were shocked by Qin Feng's astonishing blood.

This is special....

More than 10,000 blood in an instant?

Moreover, it is still a steady stream of returns?

Is this the big guy?

"That... Isn't the big guy a little too strong?

"Ahem, did you just find out? This blood volume... This frankness, I feel that the big guy has opened some special boss template, this is really the same as opening the hanging.

"It feels like it should be related to talent, it's too top, in terms of this amount of blood, the big guy should have a bonus to the copy buff, but... The highest is to recover 20% of the blood volume per second, that is to say, the blood volume of the big guy at this time is at least hundreds of thousands, the specific value is not easy to speculate, after all, the blood return has not reached the upper limit..."

"Woo-woo, Laozi tank all quality plus knights, the amount of blood is not enough for the big guy to return more... This tank is not appropriate! What a bully!

"Hahaha, this is forcing the mentality to collapse!"


In the shocked gazes of many players, Qin Feng soon arrived in front of the core of the city.

The next moment....

I saw a system prompt pop up in front of Qin Feng's eyes.

[Tip: The core of the city is currently in an ownerless state, is it bound? [



Seeing the prompt in front of him, Qin Feng chose to bind without hesitation!

When Qin Feng chose to bind, a golden light suddenly shot out from the core of the city and instantly fell on Qin Feng.

"Quest Announcement: Player [Qingxuan] successfully bound the city core!"

"Tip: Congratulations to the players for successfully completing the mission - [Quest Main Quest (4/10)], the current mission clearance score is: SSS+! The current quest contributors with the highest degree are: [Qingxuan] (100%); Special rewards for players [Qingxuan]——1、+11 Equipment Enhancement Scroll (Purple and Gold Level)*5;2、[Mission Completion Card (Special)]*1;3、【Enhanced Gem (Purple Gold)】*10;4、[Random Enhancement Scroll (Purple Gold)]*1;5、[Experience] +500W. "

Tip: The Quest Marketplace Item Category has been refreshed! Please pay attention to players! "

Tip: [Quest Main Quest (5/10)] is on!"

"Hint: The one who masters the core of the city is - Qingxuan! Specially open the City Fortress function bar for the current city controller! Players can activate the special buildings of the fortress through the function bar! Building Kill Monster Income belongs to the core controller of the city! Attention all players! In addition, after recruiting soldiers, the income from soldiers killing monsters also belongs to the core controller of the city, and if you open the city blessing buff, the person who gets the buff buff will allocate a certain amount of income to the core controller of the city!

"Hint: 0 minutes and 59 seconds left in the alien monster landing, please pay attention to all players!"


Just when Qin Feng mastered the core of the city, many players were attracted by this city fortress function.

"Good guys... This fortress can actually open all kinds of special buildings? And the monsters killed by the building, the income belongs to the core controller of the city? That's too fragrant, right? No wonder the big guy wants to control the core of the city first, it turns out to be for profit!

"It's too top, if all the buildings open a wave, take off directly!"

"Please, if we turn on the blessing buff, will we have a buff buff?" If this kills the monster, you have to give an offering to the big guy?

"But what about activating buildings to recruit soldiers and opening the city blessing buff should not be gratuitous, right?" Something must be consumed ... Don't think of God Domain as simple.

"Whatever about him, consumption is consumed, anyway, the big guy consumes, and it is not us who consumes!" And he also has income, which is quite good. "


After hearing the player's discussion, Qin Feng smiled.

The functions opened by the core of this city are basically stable if the krypton gold is full.

In the early stage, many players have already tested it.

Of course....

Qin Feng didn't care whether he lost or not, as long as it was krypton gold, he would definitely earn it.

At this time, he did not open the function panel of the city fortress for the first time, but clicked on the copy mall and began to sweep the refreshed goods inside.

Less than a minute....

The contents were emptied by Qin Feng again.

[Tip: Your health stat has been increased to 1,551,000 points]


After 300,000 gold coins cleared a wave of props refreshed by the replica mall, Qin Feng did not waste time, and then opened the function bar of the city fortress.

[Senada (Purple

Gold)] Level: Level 10: Purple and Gold Fortress

Function Bar

: 1, [All Buildings

] (Open) 2, [City Blessing Buff] (Not Opened) 3, [Recruit Soldiers] (Not Opened)

Current City Resources: No Current

City Soldiers: 12550

Current City Building: 50/1000 (50 activated buildings, including four rune walls.) )


The fortress city of the 10th level of the purple and gold rank, can only be said... Very general.

For example, in a previous life, this kind of city could not withstand a battle at all.


Now after all, it is the early stage, and this city can also give Qin Feng a wave of gold.

After realizing this, Qin Feng looked at the function bar in front of him.

Now only one of the three function bars is open, and that is the most conventional building panel.

Without thinking, Qin Feng directly clicked on the building panel.


] 1, [Rune City Wall

(Purple and Gold)] *4 (Open) 2, [Magic Turret (Purple Gold)] *400 (not opened) 3, [Rune Arrow Tower (Purple Gold)] *400 (not opened) 4, [Core Defense Formation in the City (Purple Gold)] *46 (Open) 5, [Wall Attack, Defense Formation (Purple Gold)] *150 (not


). [Tip: Consume 99.5W gold to activate and open all defense attack buildings! ] 】


Seeing that consuming 99.5w gold coins can open all defense buildings, Qin Feng did not hesitate to choose krypton gold!

The next moment....

Golden rays of light descended from the sky and instantly fell on all the buildings in the fortress.

"Tip: Player [Qingxuan] consumes 99.5W gold coins and successfully opens all attack/defense buildings and formations of the [Senada (Purple Gold Level)] fortress!"


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