And next....

Qin Feng did not delay time and returned directly to the guild.

After Qin Feng and the Eternal Chamber of Commerce concluded a cooperation, the guild added a panel of the Eternal Store.

And mounts are not like pets.

The bonus of mounts to the player is basically only movement speed.

So when buying, just consider the speed of movement and it's over.

At this time....

Qin Feng directly selected an epic level 75 mount mutant griffin in the panel of the Eternal Shop.

The mutant griffin belongs to the flying class of mounts.

This type of mount is an extremely rare military mount, and can only be purchased by those who have obtained a knighthood.

In the Eternal Empire, there are many Gryphon Knight Legions, and these legions are basically the core combat power against the Dragoon Legion....

So you can imagine the rarity of the griffin mount.

At this time....

After purchasing the griffin mount, one system prompt after another mixed with the world announcement sounded again!

[Tip: Your health stat has been increased to 2064556660 points!

"World Announcement: Player [Qingxuan (Huaxia Region)] successfully obtained the mount [Mutant Gryphon (Epic)], as the first player to have a mount! Special rewards for players [Agility Attribute +50], [Magic Charm (Epic)]*5! "

[Hint: You have now reached the top of the World Mount Leaderboard! You receive special rewards – 1. Reputation + 100,000 points; 2. [Movement speed buff (exclusive to the first place in the mount leaderboard)] (Effect: Movement speed increased by 1000%)! 】


Qin Feng looked at the few rewards he had won and felt that they were really good.

Krypton Gold bought a mount, which not only increased a lot of health, but also received a bunch of rewards.

Agility +50 is a fixed attribute reward, which directly allows Qin Feng to cast spells faster.

And the Divine Walking Talisman can make Qin Feng's movement speed 500% faster, lasting 10 minutes, which is better than nothing.

The most important thing....

It is also a reward for the world mount leaderboard, which directly rewards 1000% movement speed!

This movement speed bonus, combined with the movement speed bonus of the mount, is just perfect!

After reading the obtained speed buff, Qin Feng looked directly at the mount he had just obtained.

Mounts are not the same as pets, and basically mounts cannot share experience with players.

That is....

Even if it is a god-level mount, if you want to increase the level, you must honestly follow the most conventional route and buy some experience pills or items that can increase experience.

Of course...... The easiest thing is to let it brush the monster and upgrade it yourself.

However, the former burns gold coins, and the latter is more time-consuming.

Most importantly, once a mount dies, it cannot be resurrected....

Even if you burn more gold coins to cultivate the mount, once you die, you will directly lose it.

This is comparable to raising pets... It's much harder.

But these are nothing to Qin Feng, after all, he bought a mutant griffin, that is, he wanted to obtain a wave of system rewards, and he used it temporarily by the way.

When you get a better mount, it is natural to replace the mutant griffin.

If you are accidentally killed by a monster, you can only change one.

Anyway, there are quite a few epic griffins, at most it will cost more gold coins.

Realizing this, Qin Feng directly summoned the obtained mutant griffin.

With the emergence of a magic array, a mutant griffin instantly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

The mutant griffin has blonde hair.

The back half of the body is like a lion, and the bulging muscles are stacked in layers, giving it a special beauty.

Its eagle-like head looked at Qin Feng, and a pair of huge wings slowly unfolded, as if it was showing favor to Qin Feng.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng directly clicked on its properties panel and looked up.

[Mutant Griffin (Epic)

] Level: 75 Level: Epic

HP: 300000/300000 Attack Power: 15305-16329

Defense: 3000 Skill: [Dark Curse] [Group Wind Blade] [Hurricane Attack] [Feather Blade Whirlwind] [Dive Attack]

Movement Speed Bonus:

5000% (+


%) Introduction

: The mutant griffin raised by the Eternal Empire has extremely powerful air combat capabilities....


Seeing the attributes of the mutant griffin, Qin Feng felt quite good.

Basically, the attributes of this mutant griffin are not much different from the boss, and it is worthy of being a high-level legion mount of the Eternal Empire.

Of course....

Properties are not the most important.

For Qin Feng...

Movement speed is what he values the most.

After all, not everywhere has a teleportation array.

Once you go to the wild, you basically run the map by moving speed.

As long as the moving speed is fast enough, Qin Feng can save a lot of time on the running map, which is the core role of buying a mount.


Qin Feng directly reached out to pick up the dark dragon girl, and then jumped and instantly sat on the back of the griffin.

After riding the griffin, the griffin flapped its wings, jumped directly and flew towards the sky in an instant.


After Qin Feng lifted into the air, he controlled the griffin to rush outside the city quickly.

At this stage, Qin Feng only had one thing to do, that is, to upgrade his level as soon as possible and let himself reach the 100-level transfer threshold.

By the way, the level of the Dark Dragon Girl was also raised.

Of course....

Ordinary maps were no longer attractive to Qin Feng.

The next thing he was going to was the real high-level map, the Cursed Land.

After selecting the target, Qin Feng directly used the Divine Walking Talisman.

The next moment....

As the speed increased, the griffin flew towards the cursed land at a terrifying speed as if it had been beaten with chicken blood.


It's just ten minutes.

Qin Feng traveled through countless high-level maps and came to his destination this time—the Cursed Land.

[Hint: You've arrived in the Cursed Land! 【

Hint: This place is extremely dangerous! 】 Please leave as soon as possible! 【

Hint: You have suffered an unknown curse, reduce your HP by 5% per second, and reduce your attack/defense by 20%! 【

Hint: Your Divine Purification Buff takes effect! 】 The current curse has been removed! 】


After Qin Feng heard the hint, the griffin stopped at the edge of the cursed land.

Because in this place....

There are many demigod powerhouses guarding it!

To enter this place, the first thing to do is to buy a ticket to enter - pay a large amount of gold coins.

And these gold coins are basically used for the expenses of mercenary legions and demigod powerhouses sitting here.

After Qin Feng arrived here, the figures riding griffins appeared in front of Qin Feng.

"Greetings to Your Excellency the Fourteenth Gryphon Legion of the Eternal Empire, I am Legion Commander Alan." One of the short teenagers stared at Qin Feng calmly and said.

The style of speaking was simple and direct, and Qin Feng directly threw a money bag over after hearing the other party's words.

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