Hearing these two guild prompts, the players were boiling again.

After all, although players know that there is a subclass, the subclass is much more difficult to learn than the main class.

In the other world, the main class is the core combat class.

And the subprofession ... Simply put, it is a craft that can earn money for players.

If you want to learn a subclass, you basically need to find an NPC who has mastered the subclass, and then go through extremely tedious tasks to learn the subclass skills from the other party.


There is also a certain possibility of pit.

God Online is a real world.

Qin Feng had heard in his previous life that many people were deceived by NPCs, and they all turned directly to a certain black mine to mine on the grounds of learning mining techniques.

If it weren't for the player's immortal body, those who were deceived would probably only be able to mine there until they died.

Qin Feng established a sub-class transfer area for players, which, like the main class, can also save the players of the guild a lot of detours.

At the same time....

It can also earn Qin Feng a lot of gold coins.

And at this time....

After setting up the transfer area of the main class and the sub-profession, there were still many hundred-level powerhouses left in front of Qin Feng.

These strong people can just contribute to Qin Feng's development of land mines.

Qin Feng had bought a lot of land before.

According to Qin Feng's memory, there were a large number of wild monsters entrenched on these lands.

If you want to develop these lands, you must first clean up the wild monsters on them, and then send members of your forces into these lands to develop mines.

And now....

With this group of level 100 powerhouses, Qin Feng could completely develop a part of the mine first.

Realizing this, Qin Feng directly took out a batch of maps and transmission stones and distributed them to everyone present.

After doing all this, Qin Feng scanned the audience and said, "You all got a map, and on top of the map... I've marked an area for each of you, and all you have to do is clean up all the monsters in the area, of course... If you encounter a monster that cannot be solved, you can use the messenger stone to tell me, in addition... As soon as you have emptied the monster, inform me that I will be going to your place for acceptance, and I hope you will not disappoint me. After

hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone present only felt that some... It's too simple.

Employment tasks....

That's it?

If nothing else, everyone present was a level 100 powerhouse, and it was very difficult for them to clean up all the monsters.

A monster in an area, it's simply too simple.

"Lord Qingxuan, please rest assured... We won't disappoint adults.

"Don't worry, it's a little thing, but Erle..."

"Adults just wait for the good news!"


At this time....

The group of NPCs all responded with a relaxed face.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng waved his hand and said, "Then let's start..."

"I'll go first..."

"Kill all the monsters!" Kill! "


This group of hundred-level powerhouses all flew towards the area they were responsible for.

In the blink of an eye, there were no more people in the entire guild hall.

And in the distance....

The players looked at these left-level 100-level powerhouses, obviously a little confused.


Once they arrived, they quickly headed towards the area of the main and secondary occupations.

At this stage, most of the players have mastered the main class, but they have not learned all the skills.

And the side profession is not to mention ....

Only a very small number of players have mastered the subclass.


When the career mentors in these two regions first took office, they instantly entered a busy state.

After arranging all this, Qin Feng directly opened the guild task panel.


I saw that Qin Feng edited a guild task and posted it directly.

The next moment....

All players received guild tasks issued by Qin Feng.

[Guild Tip: You have obtained the Guild Mission - Learn Mining (A)! 】


The moment the mission was released, the players of the entire guild opened the mission panel one after another and looked at the guild mission obtained.

After watching this guild mission, these players closed the mission panel one after another and rushed towards the guild.

"This mining technique is actually free to learn? This wool... I'm sure!

"My God, learning mining for free still rewards guild contribution points? Isn't this the same as picking up for nothing?

"Good fellows, brothers rush directly! I'm going to go to war! Piece armor is not left! "


After Qin Feng released the free learning mining mission, the players of the entire guild fried the pan.

There are two core points to this task.

One is to learn mining for free from the guild's associate mentor.

The second is that after mastering the mining technique, the mining technique will reward part of the contribution value for each level raised.

It can be said that ....

The white picking mining technique is already very good, plus an increase in the level of mining technology, which is equivalent to king fried.

Directly get all players ready to rush.


And just when Qin Feng finished issuing this task, a system prompt popped up abruptly.

[Hint: NPC Void Spirit Venerable arrives at the guild residence, will he receive it?] [



Hearing this system prompt, Qin Feng was stunned.

Void Venerable?

The word Venerable, only a demigod strong person would have this title.

The Illusory Venerable, on the other hand, is an evil boss in the early stage of the game.

In Qin Feng's memory, it would not be long before he would trigger a terrifying plague that would sweep the entire Eternal Empire.

And in that plague ....

Countless cities and towns will turn into places of death, and countless undead creatures will be born.

Of course....

After the birth of these undead creatures, the Void Spirit Venerable was assimilated by them and used the power of death to become a death god who condensed divine power.

Countless demigod powerhouses were assimilated under their terrifying death power and became members of the death legion under their command.

As the legion of death grew, half of the Eternal Empire's territorial cities fell, becoming the habitat of the undead.

But it's a pity....

The foundation of the undead is too weak.

After the Eternal Empire developed a potion to resist the death plague, the three major town gods of the empire struck at the same time, instantly killing the undead god Void Spirit Venerable who gathered divine power.


It was a complete rout.

Countless undead creatures were wiped out.

It's just...

After this imperial catastrophe, the Sage God Sect and the Mechanical Empire simultaneously launched a war against the Eternal Empire in an attempt to annex the Eternal Empire.

And this is the opportunity for the start of the war of nations.

In this version of Catastrophe Events and Kingdom Wars, players will receive countless missions from the Eternal Empire and grow rapidly....

Qin Feng clearly remembered...

The Empire will issue large legion missions, as long as there are factions that can reclaim territories occupied by the undead.

Those territories will be owned by the reclaimers....

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