"Since he wants to be the king, then this is what he should do!"

"We didn't blame him for coming so late. It's all good!"

"That's right, just because he came late, so many of us died!"


After the Xiken player was relieved of the danger, he breathed a brief sigh of relief.

But he soon started criticizing Lu Xifeng again.

As the saying goes, a dog cannot change his eating of shit. This is the truth.

Their discussion became more and more intense, but they suddenly shut up the next second.

【warn! Discussing the king behind his back is not allowed, otherwise you will be punished by self-destruction! 】

The cold voice of the system rang in their ears, scaring them so much that they quickly shut their mouths.

No matter how many complaints there are, they can only be swallowed in the stomach and are not allowed to be spit out.

Today's Xiken players are really dumb and unable to express their sufferings!


Fat country.

"What should we do? Yanhuo Wuhen has already arrived at the Xiken Kingdom. His next target must be us. After all, we are the closest to the Xiken Kingdom."

"It's really annoying. I don't know what Yanhuo Wuhen means. Does he want to unify the world?"

"I really don't understand. He wants to occupy the country and open a protective shield for the country to resist intruders. Why can't he just open the protective shield and not occupy the country? If this is the case, maybe we will still be grateful to him! "

"Don't you understand yet? He wants to give the Chinese people more opportunities to resurrect. Now China has four opportunities to resurrect. If he captures us all, China will have six opportunities to resurrect. This pair They are a huge benefit!”

"You are so mean. You are from China. You are so mean. In order to survive for yourself, you ignore the safety of others. We can't let Yanhuo Wuhen get what he wants!"

"Then what can you do? Yanhuo Wuhen can kill even the false god. Can we compete with him?"

"We always find a way, do we have to sit back and wait for death?"


After the Fate players heard the world announcement, everyone became very anxious.

They were afraid that the fireworks would come without trace in the next second, and they did not want to become servants.

Although their strength is weak, they are not willing to give in and are trying their best to counter Lu Xifeng.


at the same time.

Castle in the Kingdom of Fat.

Within the main hall.

"Brother Leng Yu, we all know the strength of Yanhuo Wuhen. Now only if our two countries unite can we defeat Yanhuo Wuhen!"

King Slev of the Kingdom of Fate said coldly to the King of the Kingdom of Lod with a serious expression.

"That's right, none of our countries can be the opponent of Yanhuo Wuhen. Now we can only unite, otherwise, we will only end up dead!"

The cold words are equally serious.

The moment Lu Xifeng killed the Evil Demon King, Leng Yu rushed to the Kingdom of Fat without stopping.

In order to avoid the tragedy of the other three countries, no matter how arrogant they were before, they now have to lower their heads and discuss alliance matters.

"Brother Lengyu, I think the next target of Yanhuo Wuhen will definitely be our country of Fat, so we can..."


The country of China.

Under the full sprint of the black feathered eagle, it didn't take long for them to enter the country of China.

"F*ck! What did I see? Look at that bird. It's too big!!"

"Am I dazzled? This bird looks so much like the one from Pyrotechnics!!"

"Brother, you are not dazzled, this is the bird of the pyrotechnics boss! Isn't the pyrotechnics boss on the back of the bird?"

"I'll go, it's true, the pyrotechnics boss has returned to China, our hero is back!"

"Brother Pyrotechnics, look at me, look at me, I'm your number one crush!"

"Master Pyrotechnics, I admire you so much!"


Wherever Lu Xifeng passed, there were screams from Chinese players.

"Master, can you tell them that I am not a bird, but an eagle!"

Along the way, the black-feathered eagle heard everyone calling him: That bird!

Is it okay if someone has a name?

And they are eagles, not birds!

The black-feathered eagle is really speechless. As a carrier of the amber essence and blood, he is called a bird. Wouldn't it be a big joke if word spread!

"A Diao, don't worry about these details!"

Lu Xifeng said there was nothing he could do.

These titles are people's freedom, and we can't interfere, right?

Moreover, the names are all false names, so there is no need to care.

A Diao felt aggrieved and said, "Hey, okay!"


After a while, Lu Xifeng saw the Burning Moon Ark.

On top of the Burning Moon Ark, some people were playing and playing, some were resting with their eyes closed, and some were looking into the distance, with worries in their eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Xifeng immediately left the Black Feathered Eagle's back and walked straight towards the Burning Moon Ark.

"Hey, Master, where are you going?"

The confused Black Feathered Eagle could only fly towards the Burning Moon Ark with Lu Xifeng.

But as it got closer and closer to the Burning Moon Ark, the Black Feathered Eagle seemed to have discovered a clue.

He carefully figured out who was on the Moon Burning Ark, and then suddenly realized.

"Master thinks they are so beautiful, so I can't wait to get to know them!"

Black Feather Eagle was thinking, but suddenly he felt something was wrong.

"No, I can't let the master succeed, otherwise I may not be the master's only treasure!"

So the black-feathered eagle flapped its wings quickly, and finally reached the Burning Moon Ark above Lu Xifeng with great effort.

He spread his wings as soon as he stepped onto the Burning Moon Ark to block Lu Xifeng.

"No, master, beauty will only hinder your progress!"

Lu Xifeng: ? ? ?

No, the black-feathered eagle is sick!

Lu Xifeng's face was filled with the words "speechless".

At the same time, on the Burning Moon Ark.

Qian Xiaoru and others were shocked by the sudden appearance of the black-feathered eagle.

Originally, everyone was doing their own things, but they didn't know where a big black rat came out and dared to step directly onto the Burning Moon Ark.

"Who is it? You are so brave. Do you know the fate of those who step into the Burning Moon Ark!"

Ling Shuang clenched the sword in his hand and said unhappily.

"No one dares to come up to the Burning Moon Ark again, who gave you the courage!"

"Those who trespass into the Burning Moon Ark will die!"

At that moment, all the women held their weapons in their hands, ready to execute the black-feathered eagle on the spot.

"Wait, he seems to be the bird next to the master!!"

At this time, the dark red loli recognized the black-feathered eagle.

She immediately leaned forward and saw Lu Xifeng's figure in front of her.

"Master, it's the master!"

The dark red loli screamed excitedly, and at the same time, she passed the black-feathered eagle and ran towards Lu Xifeng.

Then, the people who were still angry in the last second immediately threw away their weapons in the next second, looked pitiful, and quickly ran towards Lu Xifeng.

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