【Ding! Congratulations, you successfully killed all the mutated wild boars and received a bounty of 600 gold coins. 】

During this period, he also killed 20 mutated wild boars and obtained 18 gold coins, for a total of 618 gold coins.

And his level has also been upgraded to Lv4. As for the 10 free attribute points, all of them are naturally added to strength.

This time his physical attack power has reached 109,845 points.

With this attribute value, there is no problem in killing the Wild Boar King instantly.

"That's right! A swordsman's skill book was revealed just now!"

【Ding! Do you want to learn the skill: Piercing? 】


[Skill: Piercing]

Level: Lv3

Occupation: Swordsman

Skill description: The penetration distance is determined based on the movement speed. (For example: with a movement speed of 3 meters/second, the piercing skill can cause penetrating damage to enemies within a straight line distance of 3 meters.)

Skill damage: Weaken the opponent's physical defense by 12% for 2.5 seconds; at the same time, cause damage equal to 1.75 times the enemy's existing attack power within 1 second.

Cooling time: 8 seconds

Magic energy consumed: 50 points


Damn it!

Doesn't that mean that the piercing skill is directly related to the movement speed? Then my movement speed of 10,000 meters per second...

A puncture directly penetrates more than 10,000 meters? ? ?

Lu Xifeng took a breath, it was so perverted.


【Ding! Congratulations, you successfully learned the skill: Piercing! 】

So delicious!

"The next step is to change the map to spawn monsters. Staying here is a waste of time. As for the Wild Boar King...even if you kill him, it doesn't mean much!"

Lu Xifeng estimated that with his current level, he should be able to open the next dungeon.

Instead of wasting time here, it is better to go to a high-level dungeon to level up.

Just as Lu Xifeng was about to leave, suddenly there was a vibration on the ground, and the sound of trees being broken continued to be heard in the distance.


"Boss, that human race is right in front, and he was the one who killed the young master!"

Next to the Wild Boar King boss stood a level 4 wild boar, pointing forward and speaking.

"Call all the brothers! Kill this guy! He dares to kill my son!!! I will make him pay with his blood!"

The wild boar king boss gave an order, and all wild boars of level 3 and above in the entire wild boar forest gathered here.

And the direction they were heading was exactly where Lu Xifeng was.

What Lu Xifeng didn't know was that a mutant wild boar he accidentally killed just before was actually the illegitimate son of the boss Wild Boar King.


The other side.

Above the level 3 wild boar combat area.

Four level 2 players are hunting down a level 3 wild boar.

"Song Wei, it's your turn, don't let this wild boar enter a manic state; Sister Ling'er, please give me treatment in time!"

"What the hell, there's something wrong with this monster! Captain, it's entering a manic state ahead of time, hurry up!!"

"Survival is important, and the opportunity for resurrection cannot be wasted!"

"Wait a minute, Captain, this wild monster doesn't seem to be attacking us. It seems to be running deeper into the dungeon."


The wild boar in front of him seemed to have received some kind of call, and he rushed towards the depths of the wild boar forest without looking back.

This strange phenomenon made this group of people frown.

"What's happening??? This wild boar seems to be under control."

"Is it possible that something happened to the Wild Boar King?"

Generally, mobs will only gather around the boss when he is in trouble.

In this situation, someone has definitely entered the boss's territory.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for all these mobs to move closer to the depths of the copy.

"Captain, has a team already reached the boss's territory?"

"It shouldn't be possible. The server has only been launched for less than half an hour. It's impossible for any team to upgrade so fast."

"Even the two Haiyang brothers are only at level three now."

"Then why is this wild boar so weird?"

"Don't worry about so much for now, chase me, and be sure to kill the wild monster with only half health!!"

After the four people came to their senses, they followed closely behind the wild boar with residual blood.

It wasn't until they reached the level 4 combat area that the wild boar slowed down.

Saw this scene.

Song Wei, who was at the front among the four, immediately felt happy.

I took down this wild boar first...

"Captain, I'm on board!"

"Okay! Go and kill this wild boar! Don't let it join the Wild Boar King. We will be there soon after you."

Although Song Wei is a warrior and moves relatively slowly, his damage is sufficient.

Let him kill this wild boar with residual blood, which is also the best choice.

Then Song Wei was seen rushing into the grass with the wild boar with residual blood.

With one more stab, this wild boar with residual blood will die.

While everyone is waiting to gain a wave of experience points...

Song Wei unexpectedly rushed out of the grass very quickly.

At first glance, this guy didn't even have a weapon in his hand.

"Run! Run!"

Song Wei's mouth was trembling, and he ran faster than the assassin.

"What happened??? Song Wei, did you kill the wild boar? Why didn't I receive the kill prompt?"

The captain was a little confused.


Song Wei didn't have time to explain so much.

When the captain and the others came to their senses, dozens of wild boars rushed towards them from behind the bushes.

Among them was a very disabled wild boar, which chuckled in the wild boar group.


The remaining three people saw this scene and turned around and ran away without looking back.

This is poking the wild boar's nest.

"Song Wei, look back and see if the bloody wild boar is still there..."

"I'll see you!"

Song Wei didn't dare to look back at all, as there were dozens of wild boars following him.

Once he looked back, his speed would inevitably slow down, and he would be directly killed by the wild boars.

This is something that only sand coins would do, and he would not do it.


Lu Xifeng's side.

Since dozens of wild boars failed to chase him, they returned to the wild boar king and surrounded Lu Xifeng.

At first glance, there were at least 30 wild boars above level 4.

With the addition of the wild boar king boss, it should be no problem to raise the level to level 6.

Since you are here to die, I will definitely not let you go.

These are all naked experience points.

Lu Xifeng fixed his eyes on the location of the wild boar king, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.



A sword rang and the tip of the sword spiraled.

This step directly penetrated ten thousand meters!

From the level 4 combat area, he killed to the boss's territory.

No grass grows wherever he passes.

Damage: -2000 points

Damage: -520 points

Damage: -450 points


[Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully killed the wild boar king boss and completed the first kill. Because you challenged the level above, you get a total experience value of 500 points]

[Get 1 bronze equipment treasure box, get gold coins: 200]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully killed the wild boar, and you have obtained 1 gold coin and 20 experience points]


[World Announcement! Congratulations to the Chinese player: Fireworks Without Traces, for successfully killing the wild boar dungeon boss: the wild boar king, in 2 minutes and 23 seconds, and obtaining 500 gold coins]

[World Announcement.....]

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