Online game: SSS awakening unlimited equipment slots at the beginning

Chapter 42 This is not one-on-one! It's three people.

The moment when Lu Xifeng obtained these three magic weapons.

He also had 6 magic weapons at the same time.

As long as he had the last magic weapon, he would be able to get the key to the secret door of the Ultimate Trial from the NPC Dragon City Lord Long Yao! !

That's great! !

In this way, his strength will be further improved! !

As for the last magic weapon, it is the Flame Sword!

Coming back to his senses.

Lu Xifeng looked at Ling Yana and spread his palm, "Bring it..."

Ah? ?

What? ?

"Bring what?" Ling Yana was confused and looked at Lu Xifeng stupidly.

"What else can I take? Don't you know?? The thing you said in the pool before!"

Lu Xifeng even pinched it with his hand, as if he was holding the hilt of a sword.

He thought Ling Yana should be able to understand, so he didn't need to say it too clearly.

Otherwise it would hurt feelings!

But the facts proved that Ling Yana had the wrong idea....

The thing in the pool?

Can be pinched? ?

And judging from the size that Lu Xifeng compared...

Could it be...

Ling Yana thought about it and slowly looked down at her body...

Damn rascal!

Is he trying to pinch this thing...

Ling Yana subconsciously covered her chest and took two steps back.

Even if Lu Xifeng was so direct, he couldn't say such things in front of his master!

Even if he wanted to say it, couldn't he say it in private? ?

Damn it!!

"Brother Yan! I call you brother because you saved me, but you can't be so direct. If you have any needs, we can talk about it in private!"

Ling Yana lowered her head slightly, rubbed her hands on her chest, and was a little embarrassed!

"Disciple, what are you thinking about?? He just wants to use your Flame Sword! Don't think about it! It's not Master's turn yet, why are you panicking..."

Ling Shuang snatched the Flame Sword from Ling Yana's hand and handed it to Lu Xifeng.

Ling Yana: Huh? ? ?

So this guy just wanted to borrow my Flame Sword!

I thought Lu Xifeng wanted that...

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~


What did Master say just now? ? ?

She hasn't even had her turn yet, and she told me not to panic? ? ?

What's going on?

Is Master and Lu Xifeng having some shameful relationship?

While Ling Yana was still in a trance, Lu Xifeng and Ling Shuang had already returned to the tent...

"Hey! Master, wait for your disciple! Your disciple wants to be with you too!"


Inside the tent.

Lu Xifeng rested in a corner.

It was almost an hour before he could reach the super long-distance teleportation array.

If he wanted to return to Dragon City, he could only rely on the help of the super long-distance teleportation array, which he learned from the Paladin.

But there was still a problem...

"I slept in the same tent with Ling Yana and Ling Shuang!!"

Oh my god! !

Feeling like life is hopeless!

"Master, please move over a little. The resting place here is too small for your disciple!!"

Lu Xifeng was lying on the far left, while Ling Yana was lying on the far right.

The tent was not big, and it was already very crowded to accommodate three people.

Because this guy was so active, he kept tossing and turning, rubbing against Ling Shuang's body.

"Ling Yana! The master has already let you go! If you rub against the master again, be careful that the master will kick you out!!..."

Ling Yana became more and more excited when she heard Ling Shuang's scolding.

"Master... don't you like me anymore???"

While speaking, Ling Yana actually stuck directly to Ling Shuang's body.

Even from Lu Xifeng's peripheral vision, this guy became more unscrupulous.

She pushed Ling Shuang and bumped into her back without limit!

It's better to say friction than collision....

Oh my god!!

You can act like a spoiled child, what are you doing!!!

And the place where you bumped into me seems to be a little wrong.

Lu Xifeng, who used to not blush, actually had a hot face at this moment.

Because of this one-on-one temptation!!

This is a temptation for three people...

No! I am a gentleman!

An absolute gentleman, not an evil person...

You must maintain a stable mentality...

Lu Xifeng muttered silently.

But at this moment, Ling Shuang kicked Ling Yana away and kicked Lu Xifeng.

Accidentally, Ling Yana pressed on her body!


The sponge-like thing made her hand sink deeply into it.

Ah? ? ? ?

My God!!

This this this....

"Brother Yan! Are you bleeding from your nose?"

Ling Yana stood up and sat on Lu Xifeng's body, looking at him in a daze.

And Lu Xifeng's eyes bulged out, and his eyes were about to fall out.

"Get off me!!!"

After a long time, Lu Xifeng opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

This is really terrible.

Ling Yana actually...

She actually attacked me, and even sat on it.

"Fireworks Warrior?? Are you okay..."

The passing paladin couldn't help but ask Lu Xifeng inside the tent.

"I'm fine! It's fine!"

"That's good! If you have any questions, you can call me anytime!"

After saying this, the paladin left here.

Before leaving, he was still talking.

"Today's warriors just don't know how to exercise control...???"


Come to your senses.

At this time, inside the tent.

Ling Yana and Ling Shuang quarreled again.

They would bump into Lu Xifeng from time to time.

I don’t know what the three of them are doing inside...

No one dared to disturb.

"Hey! Xi Lan, tell me why Master Ling Shuang seems to have changed since the Fireworks Warriors arrived!"

"Who knows? Maybe she saw her apprentice?"

"Do you think there is a possibility that they are there..."

"Ship your ship well, Lord Ling Shuang is not the object of your discussion! Be careful she will kill you!"


The two of you talk to each other.

Finally, he controlled the Qianfeng Ark to fly towards the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.


Almost an hour and a half later.

Lu Xifeng and Ling Yana stood on top of the ultra-long-distance teleportation array and waved goodbye to Ling Shuang!

"Master! The apprentice has returned to Dragon City. I will come back in the future!"

Ling Yana shouted very happily.

"Okay! Bring Brother Yan here next time!!! If you don't bring him here, you won't come..."

Lu Xifeng shuddered on the spot.

Is this human language? ?

It’s better to get out of here quickly!

Lu Xifeng decisively activated the teleportation array and Ling Yana disappeared in front of Ling Shuang.

[Coins consumed: 10W]

Another minute of work.

Ling Yana was teleported back to the job transfer hall of Dragon City!

As for Lu Xifeng, he was teleported near the Royal Palace of Dragon City.

"First Warrior??? What are you doing here?"

At this time, the soldier who had been guarding the palace asked Lu Xifeng.

"I want to find Lord Long Yao!" Lu Xifeng said

"Lord Longyao? I'm sorry! Fireworks Warrior, Lord Longyao recently took all the job transfer instructors out!" said the soldier.


"They will probably come back tonight! If there is anything urgent, Fireworks Warriors, I can help you notify the city lord at that time!"

"Okay! I'll trouble you then!"

After saying this.

Lu Xifeng turned around and left the palace.

"It's time to take care of the equipment and further strengthen your attributes!"

But at this time.

A current suddenly cut off his signal source!

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