"Damn, I didn't expect Red Flame Star to have a back-up plan!"

"Obviously the Red Flame God King is dead, why are they still so strong? It's really abominable!"

"It's this defense. We can't attack it. We can only be beaten by them. We are completely passive, Mad!"

"It's so damned. Scarlet Flame Star is so damned. That Scarlet Flame God King didn't stop even after he died. I'm so angry!"

"Don't panic, their defense won't last long. When the defense fails, it will be the death of Scarlet Flame Star!"

"Let me attack with all my strength and see how long they can hold on!"


People in the interstellar world were very angry. They didn't expect that Red Flame Star still had a backup plan.

If so many of them can't defeat a planet where the God King is dead, then it's really a joke.

When they thought of this, they gathered all their strength and attacked Scarlet Flame Star with all their strength.

At the same time, those who were fighting each other were also affected by the attack of the Red Flame Stars.

This made them very angry and immediately stopped what they were doing.

"Stop, stop, stop! The Red Flame Stars really deserve to die. They dare to counterattack and give them face."

"Made, before I hit them, they hit me first. It seems that they think they live too long."

"Okay, since the Scarlet Flame Stars are so anxious to die, let's kill them first!"

"Yes, after we kill the Scarlet Flame Star people, we will compete again!"


Suddenly, all the people in the interstellar world pointed their fingers at the Red Flame Star.

Originally, I wanted to give Chi Yanxing a little more chance to survive, but now it seems that Chi Yanxing doesn't need it.

If that's the case, let's help them!


Under everyone's joint attack, Scarlet Flame Star's defense quickly collapsed.

"Hmph, it's vulnerable. I thought it was so strong, but it turns out it's just that!"

The shattering of defenses has increased the confidence of the people in the interstellar world. Now is the time to hunt.

"What should I do? The defense is broken. It seems that we are really doomed this time. Everyone, let's be brothers again in the next life!"

The Scarlet Flame Stars were a little panicked at the moment when their defenses were broken, but they quickly adjusted their state and regarded death as if they were dead!

"Everyone, please cheer up and don't let them look down on us. There is a reason why the Scarlet Flame Star has been able to dominate for the first ten thousand years. It's not that easy to kill us!"

Yan Huo roared loudly.

"Yes, God King!"

Under the roar of Yan Huo, the confidence of the Red Flame Stars doubled.

"Hahaha, if you are dying, let me take your lives!"

God King Tianji looked greedy and directly launched an attack on the Red Flame Stars.

“It’s not certain who the Red Flame Star belongs to!”

King Chenguang cannot be left behind.

"Yes, no one knows who the Red Flame Star belongs to until the end!"

Immediately, everyone fell into a melee again.

Their target is not only the people of the Red Flame Star, but also all those who want to compete with them for the Red Flame Star.

It is precisely because of their thoughts that the Red Flame Stars have more breathing space.

However, facing such a huge disparity in numbers, the Scarlet Flame Stars were always defeated and were still at a disadvantage.

And Yan Huohuo was seriously injured directly.

"Hahahaha, the current Scarlet Flame God King is about to die. The Scarlet Flame Star is mine!"

The Infinite God King held up the Infinite Hammer and walked straight towards the great fire step by step!

As long as Yan Huo gives the final blow, the Red Flame Star will belong to the Infinite God King.

When he thought of this, the Infinite God King became extremely excited.

"Yours? Ask me first if I agree!"

At this time, the Xuanjing God King suddenly blocked the path of the Infinite God King.

Here, it is not the turn of the Infinite God King to speak. The Red Flame Star can only belong to the Xuanjing God King.

"You can't stop me, just get out of here!"

The Infinite God King was very angry at the sudden appearance of the Xuanjing God King.

He immediately waved the Infinite Hammer, intending to flatten the Xuanjing God King.

At the same time, Xuanjing God King will not be polite. He has always been worried about the fact that the battle for resources can only go to the tunnel.

He finally had the opportunity to avenge his past humiliation and occupy the Scarlet Flame Star, and he would definitely not give up.

He is bound to win the Red Flame Star.

"Come on, let me kill you first!"


For an extremely long time, the Scarlet Flame Star was in chaos, but the Scarlet Flame Star never fell into the hands of anyone.

This can't help but make people from the interstellar world watching the show in front of the big screen sigh one after another.

"Wow, they are indeed the Red Flame Star. Even though the strongest person is gone, they can still persist until now. It's really incredible."

"That was a siege of 30 planets. If it were an ordinary planet, it would have died a long time ago, but the Red Flame Star can survive for such a long time. I really admire it!"

"Hazard, why did Scarlet Flame Star hold on so long? Those people all wanted to occupy Scarlet Flame Star, so they gave Scarlet Flame Star such a long chance to survive!"

"Of course, otherwise Scarlet Flame Star would have fallen long ago. However, what I am most concerned about is God King Yanhuang. Why hasn't he come yet? All the flowers I have been waiting for have withered!"

"That's right, where is the God King Yanhuang? And the God King Pingshan, the God King of Canyon, and the others, why can't I see any of them!"

"I heard that the God King Pingshan and the others are breaking through to become true gods at this time, so they definitely can't come!"

"What about the God King Yanhuang? It's impossible that the God King Yanhuang is also breaking through to become a true god. If he wants to become a true god, he must directly upgrade to more than a thousand levels, which seems a bit unlikely!"

"How is it impossible? Everything is possible. The God King Yanhuang must be breaking through to become a true god, otherwise he would have arrived long ago."

"Hey, God King Yanhuang, come quickly, I want to see you dominate the whole audience!"


The people from the interstellar world who were watching the game were very disappointed that Lu Xifeng had not arrived at the scene yet.

They couldn't wait to see how strong Lu Xifeng was.

At the same time, they also wanted to see how these arrogant God Kings would look after seeing Lu Xifeng. I'm afraid they wouldn't even dare to fart.


Just when each of them was looking forward to Lu Xifeng, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Countless flying swords instantly pierced through everyone and reached the place where the Red Flame Star people were.

The cold air from the flying swords instantly made everyone shiver and stop what they were doing.

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