"How dare you, blatantly colluding with the human race."

"He has been expelled from the Broken Dragon Clan now, and can only find a sense of existence in other places."

"I came here today for nothing else but to kill him with my own hands."

"Of course, there is also that human race, I really can't stand him at all."

"Kill, kill them all, kill all the people here."


The Broken Dragon Clan members were extremely angry when they saw Huozhu.

And Lu Xifeng standing next to Huozhu made them even more angry.

They originally hated Huozhu, and now Huozhu is still with the human race, which makes the Broken Dragon Clan members even more unbearable.

"Huozhu, I didn't expect you to really fall."

The leader of the Broken Dragon Clan: Feiying looked down at Huozhu and said condescendingly.

Huozhu looked at Feiying's figure, with an indescribable emotion on his face.

This Feiying was his most capable subordinate at the beginning, and now he has become the leader.

Huozhu was not surprised that he became the new leader of the Broken Dragon Clan.

After all, besides Huozhu, Feiying is the strongest.

What really surprised Huozhu was Feiying's attitude.

Feiying is the person Huozhu trusts the most, so why does he want him dead like the other Duanlong people?

Huozhu didn't say anything, he just stared at Feiying and the Duanlong people.


"Oh, I was wondering why you weren't afraid at all? So you found some helpers."

"Haven't you been keeping your group out of contact with the outside world? How did you get in touch with the Broken Dragon Clan?"

"The Broken Dragon Clan! Isn't this Huozhu's race? What a coincidence."

"Oh, I see. I think these Broken Dragon Clan members followed Huozhu. They want to kill Huozhu."

"Ah, these Broken Dragon Clan members are really great! They actually want to kill their former leader."

"What do you think their current leader looks like?"

"Of course. Their leader came back, but instead of welcoming him, they want to kill him to silence him. The Broken Dragon Clan is really trash."

"Why do you think they want to kill Huozhu? In my opinion, it was their current leader who meant it. "

"Yes, yes, that must be the case. Huozhu's return will threaten his position, so Huozhu must die!"

"Oh my, the leader of the Broken Dragon Clan is really petty! Hey, I remember that he was about to die before, but was picked up by Huozhu?"

"Yes, yes, I remember that too. If it weren't for Huozhu, he would have died long ago. I didn't expect that he would not only be ungrateful, but also repay kindness with hatred."

"Awesome, I have seen it, so this is what an ungrateful person is like."

"Hey, just kill this kind of ungrateful person, so that he won't come back to pollute my eyes alive."


The Tianhun Clan did not retreat because of the arrival of the Broken Dragon Clan.

On the contrary, they hope that more races will come.

Anyway, with Lu Xifeng here, they can't die.

The more people they can kill, the more famous they will be, and the higher their status in Wunian Yunhai will be in the future.

It would be even better if they could become famous in one battle.


"What are you talking about? Huozhu was the first to abandon us. What is this about repaying kindness with enmity?"

"It was Huozhu who insisted on his own way and caused us to go deep into danger. If it weren't for the leader, we would have died long ago."

"It was the leader who made the defeated Duanlong tribe step by step to where it is today. What did Huozhu do?"

"If Huozhu had died like this, it would have been fine, but now he has appeared again. Where has he been for so many years? What has he been doing? He knew the situation of the Duanlong tribe but didn't show up. This is not what a tribe leader should be like."

"Yes, Huozhu, if you want to disappear, disappear completely. Since you have shown up, we can't tolerate you."

"I will kill you no matter what today."


The Duanlong tribe doesn't care what the Tianhun tribe says.

Their hatred for the Huo tribe is engraved in their bones.

No one can change their determination to kill Huozhu.


"Leader Duanlong, I have done what I promised you. Now you should help me get rid of the human race first."

The leader of the Chuifeng tribe informed the leader of the Duanlong tribe as soon as he saw Huozhu.

He has done what he promised, and now it is time for the leader of the Duanlong tribe to fulfill his promise.

"I will let my men help you. As for Huozhu, let me deal with him alone."

The Broken Dragon leader never looked away from Huozhu.

He couldn't hide his desire to kill Huozhu.

"Okay, then please stay away from here. I'm afraid your people will want to attack Huozhu when they see him, which will disperse my fighting power."

The leader of the Chuifeng tribe did not object to the Broken Dragon leader dealing with Huozhu alone.

But he couldn't be here.

After all, the Broken Dragons also hated Huozhu.

He didn't dare to guarantee that these Broken Dragons wouldn't attack Huozhu.

If so, the Chuifeng tribe would be greatly affected.

The leader of the Chuifeng tribe couldn't let this happen, it had to be foolproof.

"Don't worry, I'll do what I say!"

Then, the Broken Dragon leader said to Huozhu again.

"Huozhu, if you win, I'll let you live!"

After that, the Broken Dragon leader: Feiying left the scene immediately.

At the same time, Huozhu and Lu Xifeng looked at each other and followed Feiying away.

After taking them away, the leader of the Chuifeng tribe stopped pretending.

"Catch him!"


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