Purple Ink Clan.

In just a moment, the news that most of the human race had arrived at the Wu Nian Sea of ​​Clouds reached the ears of the Purple Ink Clan.

"Fuck, so fast! I didn't expect them to find a channel connecting to the human race so quickly."

"It seems that we have to work harder. It's already difficult to deal with one human race, and now a group of human races have come, which is even more difficult to deal with."

"We must study the space cracks thoroughly as soon as possible, and we can't fall behind. We must not be worse than the human race!"

"Of course, we can't even beat the human race."


The Purple Ink Clan was stunned when they learned that the large human race army had arrived at the Wu Nian Sea of ​​Clouds.

They didn't expect the human race to be so fast, even faster than them.

Originally, according to his current point of view, their Purple Ink Clan was the most powerful race in the Wu Nian Sea of ​​Clouds, and they couldn't be overtaken by the human race.

Just when the Purple Ink Clan members were full of energy and were ready to continue exploring the space crack, suddenly a Purple Ink Clan member shouted loudly: "Got it, got it, I opened a passage!"

The shout of this person instantly attracted the attention of all the Purple Ink Clan members.

They quickly walked towards this person and asked in surprise.

"Did you find it? Did you open the passage?"

"Great, great! We are finally not behind the human race."

"Hurry up, I can't wait to go to another world to take a look."

"We must make some achievements to make everyone in Wu Nian Yun Hai far behind us."

"This is inevitable and certain."


Immediately, under the leadership of the Purple Ink Clan leader, all the Purple Ink Clan members walked into the space crack opened by the Purple Ink Clan member who just shouted.


Not long after.

The Purple Ink Clan members who had just entered the space crack immediately ran out in a hurry.

Their faces were all terrified.

It was like they had met a monster.

"Oh my god, it's so scary, run quickly!"

"Oh my god, I was wrong, I overestimated myself."

"What kind of world was that just now? Why are the people in it so strong?"

"Quick, quick, has everyone come out? If you come out, close the space crack quickly and don't let the people in it out."

"Oh my god, hurry up, hurry up, it's too late."


The Zi Mo tribe looked at everyone in panic.

After confirming that the last Zi Mo tribe member ran out of the space crack, they immediately prepared to close the space crack.

But they were a step slower.

When the space crack was closed, a hand suddenly stretched out.

It prevented the space crack from closing.

Then another hand stretched out.

The two hands exerted force on each other and forcibly opened the space crack.

The Zi Mo tribe members were frightened by this scene and quickly retreated.

"What should we do? These people are coming to us, and we are no match for them."

"Are we going to die here today?"

"Ah, I don't want to die. We have finally gotten to where we are today. We can't just die like this."

"I don't want to die either, but it seems like we have no way now."

"No, no, we have a way. Have you forgotten what the human race said?"

"Oh, yes, yes, the human race said before that you should do us a favor. Now we can go to the human race to help us."

"Yes, run to the human race quickly, in order to survive, run quickly!"

"No, we have to delay time, let some people go to the human race, and the others stay to delay. Otherwise, we won't live to find the human race."

"Okay, we must delay them, and we will be back as soon as possible."


So the Zimo people immediately divided into two teams.

One team was led by the leader of the Zimo tribe to fight against the foreigners.

The other team ran to seek help from Lu Xifeng.

"Quickly control the space cracks, try to hold them back, and don't let them enter the sea of ​​no thoughts."

The leader of the Purple Ink Clan commanded every Purple Ink Clan member to control the space cracks.

Now all they can do is to prevent outsiders from opening the space cracks as much as possible and wait for Lu Xifeng's rescue.


On the other side.

The Purple Ink Clan members came to the Sky Soul Clan as quickly as possible.

But there was no one in the Sky Soul Clan.

This made Zi Mozhu panic.

They came to the human race in a hurry, but they found nothing.

They were stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Chuifeng tribe, the human race must be in Chuifeng tribe!"

Just when they were at a loss, a member of the Zimo tribe suddenly said.

"Yes, hurry to Chuifeng tribe."

So these Zimo tribe members ran desperately again.

After a while, they successfully arrived at Chuifeng tribe.

As soon as they arrived here, they kept shouting for help.

"Help, save our human race, save us!"

"Human race, we want to see the human race."


The Zimo tribe members kept roaring.

Seeing this, the Suifeng tribe members immediately turned around to inform Lu Xifeng.

They were very confused about the purpose of the Zimo tribe members' arrival, but Lu Xifeng had said that he could help Zimozhu, so they didn't dare to delay for a moment.

But Lu Xifeng came out after a while.

The Zimo tribe members successfully met Lu Xifeng and calmed down a lot.

"You promised us a favor before, now we ask you to save us."

The Zimo people no longer have the arrogance they had before, and there is a pleading tone in their voice.

"What favor? Tell me."

Lu Xifeng said calmly.

But in his heart, he felt a sense of joy.

Looking at the panic of the Zimo people, something big must have happened.

Lu Xifeng likes to join in the fun the most.

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