"What should we do? I don't want outsiders to come to Wu Nian Yun Hai anymore. One human race is enough."

"What can we do? Now we can only accept it."

"Maybe, after we master the space crack, we can go to a brand new world without danger."

"If you can really find such a world, then I must leave Wu Nian Yun Hai. I don't want to live under the shadow of others. Such a life is too scary."


Although the people of Wu Nian Yun Hai were reluctant, they finally compromised after constant weighing.

However, they still had to ask some things clearly.

"We agree. But if we haven't found the passage, will you kill us?"

This is what the people of Wu Nian Yun Hai care about most. Now they just want to survive, that's all.

"No, I won't force it."

After Jue Qing Bei Mang simply left this sentence, he threw the skill description of the space crack to the people of Wu Nian Yun Hai, and then left directly.

Watching the heartless white horse leave, and watching the skill description in the space in front of him, the people of Wu Nian Yun Hai finally smiled.

"I thought I would be killed if I couldn't open the passage to the new world."

"I thought so at first, it's good if they don't kill us, so we don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, yes, then we can completely regard this as a benefit given to us by the human race. If we learn the space cracks, we can also improve our strength."

"You can say that we will become stronger secretly."

"Haha, I have to learn the space cracks quickly and then integrate them."

"I won't fall behind either."


Immediately, everyone began to scramble to learn the space cracks.

You have to study hard, maybe, this will be their life-saving thing.


In the following days, the people of Wu Nian and Hai are using the space cracks.

Everyone is trying to open a new passage.

But the probability of success is very low, you must be lucky enough.

Just when everyone was working hard, suddenly a surprised voice came into everyone's ears.

"Success, success, I succeeded, I found a new world."

The speaker was a member of the Purple Ink Clan, he shouted excitedly.

His voice instantly attracted the envy of everyone.

"No way? It's the Purple Ink Clan again? The previous incident with the Yanggu Clan was caused by them. Why is it them again this time?"

"Could it be that his Purple Ink Clan is the chosen one?"

"I'm so envious. Purple Ink Bamboo was able to open up the passage to the outside twice in a short period of time."

"I have to say that the Purple Ink Clan is quite strong. No wonder Zi Xiao is in their Purple Ink Clan. There is a reason for this."

"It seems that the Purple Ink Clan is the real owner of the space crack, so they can use the space crack so easily."

"I'm envious, I really am envious, I also want to be like them."

"Oh, the Purple Ink Clan must have +1 favorability in the master's heart!"


Just like that, the Purple Ink Clan member ran to find Lu Xifeng proudly in the envious eyes of everyone.

He had no other skills, but he knew this space crack like the back of his hand, as if he was born with it.

After a while, he came to Lu Xifeng.

"Master, I found a new world."

The purple ink tribe member said and opened his space crack.

Lu Xifeng nodded with satisfaction, and then said to him: "Very good, there is a reward!"

Lu Xifeng gestured to the purple ink tribe member to stretch out his hand.

Then he poured some amber essence blood in his hand.

Seeing this, the purple ink tribe member's eyes suddenly lit up and was very excited.

"This, this... Thank you, master."

He was so excited that he ran out the next second. He had to work hard to use the amber essence blood he had just absorbed.

At the same time, what the purple ink tribe member got made others even more envious.

"Damn, they're just giving me amber essence blood?"

"Oh my god, this reward is too tempting, isn't it? Why didn't you tell me there was such a reward before?"

"No, no, I have to work harder, I also want to get amber essence blood."

"Fuck, just with that handful of amber essence blood, that person's strength must have been improved by several levels."

"Woo woo, I don't want to fall behind him, I have to work harder and fight for amber essence blood."


These people are just envious.

They never thought that the reward would be so tempting. This is not just one drop, but a pile.

Anyone who sees this will be drooling with envy.

Then, everyone stopped talking and worked hard for the amber essence.


At the same time, the news about the Zimo people also reached the ears of other people in Wunian Yunhai.

"What is amber essence? Why does the human race say it is so powerful?"

"It seems that using amber essence can really increase a person's strength and surpass people of the same level."

"Ah, there is such a magical thing."

"Oh, yes, yes, I was wondering why the human race has the strength of people of the same level. It seems that it is because of this tiger amber essence."

"Oh, it would be great if we could get such a powerful thing."

"Maybe if we find a passage to the new world, the human race will also give us amber essence."

"Yes, I must get this thing. From now on, I will study the space crack carefully."


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