"My son has told the truth, but you still refuse to let me go. Do you really think that I, the Shimu Clan, are easy to bully?"

King Shimu was also angry.

These people are really bullying people.

"Who knows whether what you said is true or false?"

"Really, I bear witness."

Suddenly Lu Xifeng's voice came out from nowhere.

This immediately aroused everyone's alert.

They only heard sounds but saw no people, which made them frown.

"Who is it? Get out of here quickly and don't act like a ghost here."

"What do you mean, did you witness the whole process? Come out and make it clear to me."

"........................................ ......."

These races immediately became energetic upon hearing this.

Someone has witnessed the whole process, and they can better understand the details.

But the Shimu clan panicked.

But they only panicked for a second or two, and instantly calmed down.

What are they worried about?

Regardless of whether there are witnesses or not, these races now have an irreconcilable relationship with them.

Why do you still care about this?

On the contrary, they really wanted to see who this witness was.

It's not necessarily someone who came out of the space crack.

This moment aroused the curiosity of the Shimu tribe.

................................................................. ...

At the same time, Lu Xifeng did not hide, and appeared openly in front of everyone the next second.

Everyone frowned again after seeing Lu Xifeng.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?"

"What race are they from?"

"A person with such a low level dares to wander around. It's normal that I haven't seen him before. After all, his strength is too weak."

"Okay, don't worry about it. You said you saw it with your own eyes. Then tell me what happened?"

"Speak quickly, don't ink."

"........................................ ......."

These races can't control that much.

Although Lu Xifeng looks new, his level is really too low.

Everyone automatically thought that he was just a person that some family couldn't deal with for the time being, and it was normal for them to meet him.

Only the Shimu tribe still had doubts.

But they didn't show it. Now they also want to know what happened at the scene?

"The fact is just as he said, a space crack appeared and then disappeared."

Lu Xifeng pointed at Shixi and said.

"Boy, don't pretend to be confused. That's not what I'm asking about. I'm asking about the process."

"Tell me if it was Shi Xi's fault. Why is he the only one who came back? All the others were imprisoned in the so-called space rift?"

"........................................ ......."

These races obviously don't buy Lu Xifeng's fault.

Know the details, all the details.

"Okay, let me show it to you on the spot."

So Lu Xifeng opened the space crack without saying a word.

A huge hole suddenly appeared in front of each race.

This made these races startled again, and then they frowned.


"Okay, I didn't expect it to be you."

"What ability do you, a guy worth more than 7,500 yuan, have to make my prince and princess disappear?"

"Fuck, I think you and the Shimu tribe are in the same group."

"It's the Shimu tribe who wants to imprison my prince! Damn, it's really abominable."

"Damn you Shimu tribe, you really deserve to die."

"Call my princess quickly."

"........................................ ......."

All races were in an uproar for a while.

They are so angry.

After a long time, it’s still the Shimu clan’s fault. Damn the Shimu clan, damn it!

"Don't talk nonsense. If we could have this thing, you might not be in Penghai by now, right?"

"Don't put any hat on my head. I also have a temper."

"It's obvious that this person is not from Penghai. It's not necessarily true. He just came out of the crack in this space. Don't listen to his lies here to deceive the public."

"A brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that you don't have one."

"........................................ ......."

The Shimu tribe was also angry.

Damn, these races have too much imagination, right? Are their associations so strong?

If you are so strong, you should write a storybook. Why are you still fighting here?

The Shimu clan suddenly felt very angry.

................................................................. ...

"Don't make any noise. Let's see if those people are still in here?"

Lu Xifeng gently picked his ears, and then kept searching in the space crack.

Soon he found it.

The dozen or so people from Penghai who had just entered suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

But they were still trapped in the space crack and couldn't get out.

These people cried in fear after seeing the various races outside.

"Wow, I finally see you. It's so scary in here. I can't find a way out. I thought I would never see you again."

"Why can't we get out? We can see Penghai. And I also saw my people."

"Why can't we get out? I want to get out. Please help us out."

"I saw Shixi. You damn guy actually tricked us into coming in. Now we can't get out. It's all your fault."

"Damn Shixi, I will beat you up when I get out. I will also lock you up in a place and not let you out. Let you experience the feeling of fear."

"Hurry up and let us get out. Don't stand there stupidly."


These people began to get excited after seeing the various races.

Seeing these people gave them hope.

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