On the other side.

Two photos were reported in World Weekly.

One is [Lu Xifeng catches a nuclear bomb with bare hands]; the other is [Ghost Z country gets a super heavyweight nuclear bomb]

When these two photos were just released.

The popularity soared directly, and coupled with the war, the experience of Ghost Z country won the title of [the worst of the year]

"It's really funny! This ghost Z country was directly washed away by a nuclear bomb."

"This mushroom bomb is too strong. I was at the beach just now. I thought the sky was burning. It's so scary!"

"I am silently praying for Ghost Z country."

"Although I have undergone professional training, I really want to laugh. Ghost Z country still wants to attack our China, but in the end it still reaps the consequences!"


But what is more shocking.

It's still Lu Xifeng's side.

In this video of his, although the time is only 10 seconds.

But it shows Lu Xifeng's strength vividly.

In the video, Lu Xifeng weighed it after catching the nuclear bomb at that time.

Then he threw it into the sky....

The terrifying strength of his arm directly threw the nuclear bomb out of the atmosphere.

"This guy is not human at all!! Too strong..."

"Catching a nuclear bomb with bare hands, this man's ancestors should be so happy that they can jump out of the coffin."

"Bring honor to the family! Really bring honor to the family! His name can definitely be written on the first page of the family tree."

"I can only describe it as a little cow riding a train, awesome!"

"Brothers, didn't you notice? I seem to have heard the name of this blogger somewhere... Please call me Faye"

"Some time ago, when the fireworks boss was assassinated, Huaxia picked up a Lockerbie mobile phone, which contained evidence of his betrayal of fireworks without traces. It must be him."

"Fuck! I was wondering why it was so familiar, it turned out to be a traitor!"


"Brothers, I want to ask timidly, is there a possibility that the nuclear bomb thrown by the fireworks without traces boss is the one that exploded in the ghost country Z?"




On the other side.

In the old country! !

Qiao Misi also received such a message.

"Sita Ka, what's going on???" Qiao Misi threw the phone to Si Ka.

"This... this person must be Yanhuo Wuhen! Under the blessing of magic, no one at the same level can block this attack!!"

Si Ka naturally didn't want to believe it.

Unless this person is Yanhuo Wuhen.

"Now notify the seven countries immediately that Yanhuo Wuhen has exchanged reality through the concrete sky crystal, and let them respond immediately..."

"But... Mr. Qiao Misi, I feel! Yanhuo Wuhen's primary target must be on us..."

As soon as these words came out.

Qiao Misi and Si Ka looked at each other.

Assassinating Lu Xifeng, the eight-nation alliance, launching a nuclear war order... No matter which one, it was the idea of ​​his old country.

Now that Lu Xifeng has obtained the concrete sky crystal, there is no doubt that he will definitely choose to attack the old country first!

"Enter the defensive state, quickly!!! Block all possible routes. All war weapons are ready, and as soon as you see this person, attack in full force.

By the way! Sitaka, you must gather all the people who have the concrete sky crystal and prepare for the war!"

Possessing the concrete sky crystal to project reality... This is already shocking news.

And this person is Fireworks Without Trace.

The entire old country dare not take it lightly.

This is a big guy of hundreds of levels, and just a random attack is enough to make them pay a heavy price.

"Qiao Misi!! What should we do now???"

At this time, the meeting of the eight countries, because Tian Saburo had died, only seven countries remained.

And the Fluorite Country asked first.

"It is obvious that the destruction of the ghost Z country this time must have been the reality projected by Fireworks Without Trace. We must find a way now!!!"

"We can't just sit here and wait to be enslaved by China!"

"No! I don't want to do this..."


During the meeting, all countries looked panicked.

Only Qiao Misi pretended to be calm!

"In my opinion, we should gather all the people who have the concrete sky crystal and fight to the death with Yanhuo Wuhen?"

"Then we should start the action as soon as possible, and then we will meet at Jie Yong Sea!"




At this time.

Lu Xifeng stood on the playground of the high-density research center.

He opened his map panel.

Although it is not in the "Xianlu" online game, because of the existence of Tianwai Cloud Disk, the map panel will automatically update to the map panel of the current world.

Lu Xifeng positioned the location on the old country.

According to the data display...

In terms of straight-line distance, it is no more than 20,000 kilometers, that is, 2000,000 meters.

The distance is not very far.

However, if it goes from China, it will cross at least three seas, namely the Sea of ​​Sighs, the Jie Yong Sea and the Black Sea!

"Based on my previous experience of raising lizards, as long as the moving speed exceeds 59 meters/second, it can fully realize running on water!"

Of course, this is just a theoretical guess of my own before.

I don't know if it can be realized in practice.

"Let's give it a try! After all, I don't have much time left!"

After thinking about it.

Lu Xifeng disappeared in a flash.


Ten seconds later.

He came to the Sea of ​​Sighs.

Move at full speed.

Run towards the sea.


The extremely fast moving speed, in just a moment, made him run nearly 70,000 meters.

The most important thing is....

Everywhere he passed by, 30-meter-high waves were raised.

The scene was so spectacular that even a tsunami would be inferior...

"Then what's next... Hehe! Big brother! Your Grandpa Lu is coming!!!"

"As the saying goes, a drop of water should be repaid with a spring! I will definitely repay you well!"

Lu Xifeng moved at full speed.

His extremely fast moving speed made it impossible for anyone to see his figure.

The only thing that could be seen was the huge waves behind him.

Almost 70 seconds later.

Lu Xifeng crossed the Sea of ​​Sighs and crashed into a warship.

Damage: -1


"Everyone, prepare for battle!"

There are many small islands around the Sea of ​​Eternal Love, and a large number of players who project reality are deployed on the small islands.

There is only one purpose, that is to intercept Lu Xifeng.

"Lunuo, give me your mental projection feedback; Zhouzhou, help me strengthen my weapon!"

Blond-haired Gai Binglun said to the two teammates around him.

"The mental map has been fed back to you!"

"Captain, the weapon has been newly strengthened! It can be used!"

"Very good! This is the first time I use a modern weapon after strengthening. The effect should be much better than the explosive fireball!"

After speaking.

Blond-haired Gai Binglun pulled the trigger.

This is a shot...

It is a sniper kill from the horizon!

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