"I'm laughing so hard. This traitor must have a crazy brain."

"He thinks that a mere firework can kill us without leaving a trace! It's a fool's errand."

"In my opinion, this traitor is at the end of his rope."

"It's ridiculous, it's too ridiculous. If such a 7500-level person can destroy our White Dragon clan, then who else can Peng Hai be his opponent?"

"Damn it, what this traitor is talking about is nonsense, but you are seriously making assumptions."

"Doesn't this give him a little hope? It will save him from being too desperate when he dies."

"........................................ ......."

Not only the White Dragon King, but all the White Dragon clan members did not believe it.

How could a fireworks Wuhen possibly destroy them?

The strength of the White Dragon Clan is not only one of the best in Penghai, but it is not something that just anyone can provoke.

Qiu Bai was still whimsical.

This is his last resort.

"Just laugh, it doesn't matter, you won't be able to laugh anymore after a while."

Qiu Bai didn't take the ridicule of the Bailong tribe to heart at all.

He turned directly to Lu Xifeng and said, "Yo Huo, please help me kill him."

Lu Xifeng nodded and then pulled out the flute sword.

The White Dragon King couldn't laugh or cry when he saw Qiu Bai and Lu Xifeng's posture.

"Oh, you're taking it seriously when you co-write. Do you have to do a whole set for a show?"

Just as the White Dragon King finished speaking, his throat suddenly stopped making any sound.

Such an incident made the White Dragon King instantly frightened.

How can this be?

Nothing happened just now, so why are you suddenly speechless?

The White Dragon King quickly touched his throat with his hand.

What he touched was not warm skin, but a liquid.

And these liquids kept dripping down like a waterfall.

The White Dragon King felt bad inside.

He looked down at his trembling fingers.

There is a bright red patch on top.

At the same time, his feet were already stained red with blood.

This made the White Dragon King feel bad.

He wanted to say something.

But his mind had begun to feel blank and heavy.

Finally, he fell heavily to the ground and lost his life.

【Ding! congratulations! Successfully killed the Level 8700 White Dragon King and gained 870 billion experience points! Because you leapfrog and kill monsters, you gain an additional 1.2 trillion experience points! 】

The sudden death of the White Dragon King made the White Dragon clan instantly restless.

"The king is dead, the king is dead."

"Why did the king die suddenly?"

"The king died of a sword wound, and the sword was a sword without traces of smoke and fire."

"Impossible, I didn't see Wuhen take action at all. How could he kill the king so quickly?"

"What kind of strength does Wang have? It's impossible for him to be killed by a 7500-level person."

"Who else could he have killed if it wasn't him? In the whole scene, only Yan Hua Wuhen pulled out his sword."

"Impossible, impossible, Yanhuo Wuhen can't be so strong."

"........................................ ......."

The people of the Bailong tribe didn't believe that Lu Xifeng did this.

How could there be a speed that they couldn't see?

They didn't see Lu Xifeng take action at all. How could it be that Lu Xifeng killed him?

But who else would be here besides Lu Xifeng?

The White Dragon people are going crazy.

Their king died for no apparent reason without any warning.

For a moment, they didn't know what to do next.

"I will only kill him, not you. Also, I didn't kill my father, he killed me. Sometimes what you see is not necessarily what you believe. Think about it carefully."

After that, Qiu Bai and Lu Xifeng left the White Dragon Clan.

................................................................. ...

At the same time, the news of the death of the White Dragon King spread throughout Penghai instantly.

"Is the White Dragon King dead? Or was he killed by Yanhuo Wuhen?"

"It seems that things are really as I imagined. The second prince of the White Dragon tribe just wants Yanhuo Wuhen to kill the White Dragon King."

"But it seems they left after killing the White Dragon King. This is a good thing for us."

"Looking at the fireworks, he is still wandering alone in Penghai, so we must hurry up and find him."

"He can actually kill the White Dragon King in an instant. I am bound to get such a person."

"We must find Yanhuo Wuhen. He is too strong. We cannot let him fall into the hands of others."

"........................................ ......."

The death of the White Dragon King made the races in Penghai even more excited.

They must be the first to find Lu Xifeng.

Such people will be of great use in the future.

................................................................. ...

It didn't take long for several races to find Qiu Bai and Lu Xifeng.

As soon as they saw Lu Xifeng, they immediately extended an olive branch.

"Yanhuo Wuhen, my Changheng clan cordially invites you to be my guest!"

"Yanhuo Wuhen, follow me, whatever you want, my Yunkong clan will satisfy you!"

"Yanhuo Wuhen, my Juxing clan will directly let you be the second in command!"

"Yanhuo Wuhen, come to me....................................."


After seeing Lu Xifeng, these races immediately chattered non-stop.

They only hated that they were not the first to find Lu Xifeng. It was really abominable that so many races found Lu Xifeng at the same time.

In this way, the competition pressure is too great.

However, they can't care so much. The most urgent task is to let Lu Xifeng go to their race.

As long as Lu Xifeng goes, then the matter will be more than half successful.

So all the races are constantly "seducing" Lu Xifeng.


"Yanhuo, you are really popular."

Qiu Bai looked at this scene with envy.

If one day he can be as popular as Lu Xifeng, it would be great.

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