"Horrible, too terrifying. I didn't expect that the Shimu tribe was the hidden boss. I underestimated him before."

"What boss is the Shimu tribe? The people behind him are the boss."

"Why not? Can you call so many level 9000 people?"

"I can't. Alas, the Shimu tribe is just lucky."

"When will I be able to step on this kind of luck? If there are so many strong people behind me, then my Penghai must be walking sideways, backwards, vertically, and crookedly."

"Wake up, this kind of thing can't happen to us, but you can go back and daydream, maybe you can dream about it."

"Hey, you still have the heart We should not discuss this. What we should care about now is the ending of the Diyun Clan. "

"Oh, yes, yes, there is a level 9,000 person on the Diyun Clan side, and hundreds of thousands on the Shimu Clan side. Then the Diyun Clan is finished this time."

"Diyun Clan, you can go with peace of mind. We will burn incense for you after you leave. After all, in a sense, you are also our savior."

"Go with peace of mind, Diyun Clan."


At this moment, all races looked at the Diyun Clan with a pitying look.

There was no suspense in this battle. The Diyun Clan lost, and lost completely.

Sure enough, you have to rely on the strength of the backstage to do things.

Without a solid backing, you dare not come out and shout at will.

These races are extremely fortunate that they did not cause a big disaster, otherwise they will be doomed like the Diyun Clan.


At the same time, the Diyun Clan was also shocked.

They stared at the hundreds of thousands of heartless northern pythons behind the Shimu Clan in disbelief.

His eyes were filled with fear, confusion, surprise and disbelief.

"How is this possible?"

"Where did they find so many strong men?"

"With the strength of these people, it would only take a few minutes to crush Penghai."

"Could it be that the Shimu tribe found it in the space crack?"

"This is the only explanation. It must be an opportunity found there. No wonder we couldn't break the defense of the Shimu tribe no matter how we attacked last time. They really got a big leg."

"Fuck, why did it have to be the Shimu tribe? How do they have such an opportunity?"

"Yes, I don't accept it. Why is it the Shimu tribe?"

"Damn, I'm really angry. Can't I kill the Shimu tribe until I die? I am unwilling to give up. "

"Don't be too pessimistic. Don't we still have the Venerable here? He will definitely find a way."

"The Venerable? It's not that I don't believe him, but it's impossible for him to fight against hundreds of thousands of people alone. Maybe he can save his own life, but if he wants to save our lives at the same time. I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult."

"Don't be too discouraged. What if the Venerable has a way? We must have hope."


At this time, the Diyun clan and others had no other way.

Their only hope is the Venerable they mentioned.

And they also know that the chance of winning this Venerable is very small.

But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will still look forward to it in their hearts.

So the Diyun clan and others once again turned their eyes to their Venerable.

But it doesn't matter if they don't look at it. Once they see it, they begin to despair.

Just because they have all kinds of doubts in their hearts.

"Am I seeing right? You see, the Venerable and those people seem to look similar."

"I also noticed that they seem to be of the same race."

"Ah, no? The Venerable is our only hope. Now tell me that he is of the same race as those people. I really want to hit my head against a wall."

"In fact, we are not sure, but their appearances are indeed very similar. Nine out of ten are from the same race."

"So what if they are of the same race? If they were really of the same race, they should have recognized each other just now, instead of being hostile to each other!"

"That's right. Maybe the Venerable left his race for some reason, and now they are not the same people."

"Fortunately, fortunately, it's good that they are not the same people. This way we still have a glimmer of hope."


The people of the Diyun tribe kept comforting themselves.

They had inadvertently found every reasonable explanation for the Venerable they mentioned.

The Venerable was their only hope, and there could be no mistakes.

Although they kept comforting themselves in their hearts, they still wanted to know whether the facts were really as they said.

So King Diyun asked the Venerable: "Venerable, do you know them?"

"No! I don't know them at all."

The Venerable blurted out without thinking.

His words immediately resonated with the Jueqing Beimang from the Shimu tribe.

"Yes, yes, yes, who knows him?"

"I'm not as cool as him, and I can come here again and again."

"Isn't it? When it comes to sneaking and playing tricks, he is at the master level."

"Who cares? I couldn't really beat him last time, so this time I will beat him into a pig's head."

"I suspect you want to make a real play."

"Of course, you must beat him up hard, don't you want to?"

"I want to, why not? We are doing our best to find a passage in Wunian Yunhai, but he ran to Penghai to be cool and cool, and became the Venerable in the mouths of others. I can't tolerate it, absolutely can't tolerate it, I must teach him a lesson."

"That's right, just beat him to death, leave him a breath, don't beat him to death."


The heartless northern pythons have secretly made up their minds.

This time they really want to beat the Venerable.

At the same time, King Mang also understood what he meant, so he said: "My Lord, if you can defeat us, I will release your men."


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