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Chapter 918: Longyang Sect is completely destroyed

"Oh my god, oh my god, I declare that he is my idol from this moment on, so strong."

"I have never seen such a powerful person."

"Did you know him before? I feel like I have never seen him before."

"I don't know him either. It seems that he just came to Qing'an City recently, but now I know him."

"Now I know him too, I want to worship him as my master!"

"I want to be his little follower."


Lu Xifeng's extraordinary behavior directly made him collect a large number of little fans on the spot.

Many people who sneered at him just now admired him very much at this moment.

No one would have thought that this ordinary person in front of them would be so strong.

And he is not just one or two points strong.

It seems that Qing'an City will become the master of Lu Xifeng in the future.


The people of Longyang Sect were shocked and unfortunate.

They kept confirming whether the Fiery Hell Soul in front of them was really dead.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how did he do it?"

"How could he kill so many people in the blink of an eye?"

"I only saw him draw his sword, but I didn't see how he did it. Who said it must be him? I think it's definitely not him."

"Yes, yes, you are just being mysterious."

"I was just saying how dare he, at a level of only 7500, challenge the entire Fiery Hell Soul? It turns out there is a conspiracy."

"He just wants everyone to think he is powerful, so as to attract attention."

"It's a pity that we are the ones who understand."


Although the people of Longyang Sect have witnessed the scene of Lu Xifeng killing Fiery Hell Soul, they still don't believe that Lu Xifeng did it.

Whether they saw it with their own eyes or not, they won't believe it.

The only thing they have to remember is that Lu Xifeng is their sworn enemy and they must kill him.


"It seems that someone here has a lot of complaints about me. "

Of course Lu Xifeng heard the voices of the Longyang Sect.

He had just killed the Flame Yuhun and was not satisfied yet, so he could use the Longyang Sect to satisfy his desire.

"Who else could it be? It's just those from the Longyang Sect."

Mi Xuefeng was now full of pride.

Although he didn't do what happened just now, just because Lu Xifeng had a good relationship with him, he had already surpassed everyone in Qing'an City.

What's the point of the Longyang Sect? Lu Xifeng didn't even take the Flame Yuhun seriously.

In his opinion, if Lu Xifeng could destroy the Longyang Sect directly here, it would be the best.

So Mi Xuefeng said to Lu Xifeng again: "Brother Wuhen, you are so powerful, do you want to consider establishing a sect?"

Mi Xuefeng's words instantly caused the Longyang Sect to laugh.

"Establish a sect? Just relying on him?"

"Is this your first time in Qing'an City? Our Qing'an City is now saturated with 12 sects, and there is absolutely no way there will be any extra vacancies. Unless........"

"Unless you can destroy a faction and then establish one yourself."

"Do you want to destroy us directly? How is that possible?"

"Don't dream about it."


The Longyang faction stared at Mi Xuefeng and Lu Xifeng with disdain.

Let's not talk about whether the Fiery Hell Soul was killed by Lu Xifeng just now.

Lu Xifeng didn't dare to take action easily just because of the people standing here.

There are 12 factions here, plus the city lord, and all the other people in Qing'an City are here.

Even if Lu Xifeng had 12 courages, he wouldn't dare.

Does he have the strength?

"It's not impossible!"

Originally, Lu Xifeng had no interest in factions.

After all, small factions were not in his eyes at all, and his sights were on ruling the whole world.

What's a faction?

But now the people of the Longyang faction are so arrogant, so their wishes must be met.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of their hard work?

"Hahaha, do you dare to laugh? "

"Even if I give you 100 guts, you still wouldn't dare."

The Longyang Clan still didn't believe it, they thought Lu Xifeng was just talking nonsense.

But the next second they didn't even have the qualifications to believe it.

Lu Xifeng's flying sword had already shuttled through all the Longyang Clan members.

[Ding! Congratulations! You successfully killed the Lv8500 Longyang Clan member and gained 850 billion experience points! Because you killed the monster above your level, you gained an extra billion experience points!]

[Ding! Congratulations! Successfully killed the Lv8400 Longyang Sect member and gained 840 billion experience points! Because you killed the monster above your level, you gained an additional 900 billion experience points! ]


In the blink of an eye, except for the leader of the Longyang Sect, all the other Longyang Sect members fell down.

This was the leader of the Longyang Sect panicking, completely panicking.

He immediately begged for mercy from Lu Xifeng: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, please forgive me."

"Too late!"

As soon as Lu Xifeng finished speaking, the flying sword instantly wiped the neck of the leader of the Longyang Sect.

[Ding! Congratulations! Successfully killed the Lv8800 Longyang Sect member and gained 880 billion experience points! Because you killed the monster above your level, you gained an additional 100 million experience points! ]

This scene shocked everyone again.

"Oh my god, they died so quickly."

"I actually saw the idol take action for the second time, I'm so lucky."

"I have to say the idol is so strong."

"He is obviously not at a very high level, why is he so strong? I really want to figure it out."

"Is it possible for me to become like the idol?"

"It should be possible, right? After all, there is hope when there is a dream."

"Now that the idol has destroyed the Longyang Sect, does that mean he can establish a sect? I want to be the first one to join."

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