Although most countries are very anxious, Tianzhu Kingdom and Ziyun Kingdom are extremely excited.

"I'll go, you're awesome!"

"I originally thought that only the fire unicorns in the Qilin Kingdom had super strength. I didn't expect that the King of Qilin was the real boss behind it."

"Hmph, I've known it for a long time. If King Qilin doesn't have extraordinary strength, how can he take the position of king?"

"I'm afraid the other countries are too worried to sleep now. Fortunately, we chose to side with the Qilin Kingdom."

"The Qilin Kingdom is undoubtedly our boss now."

"He is so strong that we have no chance to resist. Since we can't resist, let's join."

"Haha, wise choice."

"........................................ ......."

Tianzhu Kingdom and Ziyun Kingdom all rushed towards the direction of Qilin Kingdom without saying a word.

Now that the strength of the Qilin Kingdom has been openly displayed, they must come again to express their sincerity in seeking peace.

................................................................. ...

It didn't take long for Tianzhu Kingdom and Ziyun Kingdom to arrive at Qilin Kingdom.

"Oh, King Qilin, you are a great benefactor to our Tianzhu Kingdom by destroying Zhao Yu Kingdom and Huan Beast Kingdom this time."

As soon as King Tianzhu saw Lu Xifeng, he rushed towards him with snot and tears.

"Yes, King Qilin, the Kingdom of Yu and the Kingdom of Fantasy Beast have been suppressing us for a long time. Now they are finally dead. Thank you very much."

"We are finally standing up now, and it's all thanks to King Qilin."

"From now on, King Qilin can ask me, Tianzhu Kingdom, to do anything."

"Yes, King Qilin, the friendship between our two countries will last forever."

"........................................ ......."

The rest of the Tianzhu people immediately agreed.

They were so happy.

Now that they have a thorn in their side, nothing can bother them anymore.

All they can do now is to become stronger and bigger together with Lu Xifeng.

................................................................. ...

"King Qilin, I, Ziyun Kingdom, are also willing to maintain a long-term friendship with you."

King Ziyun also said immediately.

At the same time, the Ziyun people behind him did not dare to slack off.

"Yes, yes, King Qilin saved us on Evil Spirit Island. He is our benefactor."

"If there is anything we need to do in the future, just ask us, Ziyun Kingdom will never give up."

"Yes, yes, King Qilin, we are here to make friends with you sincerely."

"........................................ ......."

Ziyun Kingdom also expressed that they wanted to stand on the same front as Lu Xifeng.

Lu Xifeng is so strong, his future prospects are limitless.

Being able to stand with Lu Xifeng was a huge advantage for them.

................................................................. ...

"Okay, then we will all be allies from now on."

Naturally, Lu Xifeng would not refuse.

I have to say that their choice was very correct.

"Since you are all here, then join me in building my Qilin Kingdom."

Lu Xifeng would not miss out on free labor.

Now they have just occupied Zhaoyu Kingdom and Huan Beast Kingdom.

Now it does take some time and manpower to integrate these two into Qilin Kingdom.

Now that Tianzhu Kingdom and Ziyun Kingdom are here, let’s act together.

"Okay, okay, then it must be with King Qilin."

That’s when everyone started to get busy.

................................................................. ...

A few days later.

"King, a message has come from Wuyun Kingdom, saying that it wants to invite you to visit."

The Qilin people immediately stepped forward and said to Lu Xifeng.

"Wuyun Kingdom? It's not a good thing to think about." King Tianzhu said from the side.

"Did you tell me what to do?" King Ziyun asked.

"I didn't just say it was urgent. I hope the king can come over soon." The Qilin man replied.

"There must be some fraud, it must be a Hongmen Banquet."

"Yes, it must be because Brother Wuhen stole the position of the leader of the eight countries of Wuyun Kingdom. He has a grudge and now wants to do something to Brother Wuhen!"

"That's right, don't go. You definitely don't have good intentions."

Both King Tianzhu and King Ziyun believed that Wuyun Kingdom must be cheating this time.

"It's okay, I'll go and find out what he wants to do."

But Lu Xifeng didn't think so.

It's been quiet these past few days, nothing happened.

Now that Wuyun Kingdom invites Lu Xifeng to go, Lu Xifeng will naturally not refuse.

"Brother Wuhen, are you really going? It might be dangerous."

King Ziyun asked Lu Xifeng again.

"Of course I want to go. Maybe something interesting will happen?"

Lu Xifeng was very determined.

"Then we will go with you."

King Tianzhu said.

"Okay, let's go."


Wuyun Country.

"King Qilin is here, but..." The Wuyun people hesitated.

"But what?"

"King Qilin came with King Tianzhu and King Ziyun." The Wuyun people said.

"Humph, what are they doing here? We didn't invite them."

"Damn it, didn't they mess up our plan when they came?"

"These two are really loyal lackeys, they want to join in any excitement."

When the others heard this, they immediately became uneasy.

They only wanted to ask Lu Xifeng to come, but they didn't ask King Ziyun and King Tianzhu.

"Forget it, come on, at worst I can kill them both."

But King Wuyun didn't seem to take this matter to heart.

King Wuyun knew the strength of those two people.

It was not impossible to kill them all.

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