"Oh, Master, you must be confused. Take out the Qingshuang Castle and cover it up. Even if he is Daluo Jinxian, he can't hurt Wu Nian Yunhai even a little bit."

The ruthless Bei Mang sneered.

It was obvious that none of them wanted to stay in Wu Nian Yun Hai.

After finally having such an opportunity, a fool would not want to go out.

Besides, what they said was not wrong.

With Qingshuang Castle here, who can attack Wu Nian Yun Hai?

They just need to go out peacefully.

"Yeah." Lu Xifeng nodded.

To be honest, he had forgotten about it.

Immediately take out Qingshuang Castle and cover the entire Wu Nian Sea of ​​Clouds.

In this way, Wu Nian Yunhai was safe and they could go out with peace of mind.

Immediately, Lu Xifeng, Jueqing Beimang, and Huo Qilin were immediately divided into three teams and entered three different worlds.

................................................................. ...

Lu Xifeng's side.

Lu Xifeng came to a world at will through a space crack.

"Dear guest, where are you from?"

As soon as Lu Xifeng arrived, a voice came from behind him.

He turned around instantly and saw an old man. Behind the old man, there were a group of children playing happily, and several young people chatting beside him.

None of these people can tell what their level is, they seem to be ordinary people.

Just like normal people.

"Oh, you've come a long way, so you probably haven't eaten yet."

When the old man saw that Lu Xifeng did not answer, he continued.

"Yes." Lu Xifeng shouted in response, and then continued to ask: "Old man, where is this place?"

"This is Taer Village, and everyone who comes is a guest. Distinguished guest, please come to my house for dinner today."

The old man was very enthusiastic.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

Lu Xifeng did not refuse.

To be honest, he enjoyed the peace in front of him.

But he didn't let down his guard either.

But for him, it doesn't matter whether he relaxes his vigilance or not.

He is so strong now that no one can hurt him.

It doesn't matter even if you stand and beat someone.

"Children, come here, a distinguished guest has arrived." The old man turned around and waved to the children who were playing.

Upon seeing this, the children ran over and surrounded Lu Xifeng.

"Brother, brother, where did you come from?"

"Brother, you stay and play with us, okay?"

"Brother, can you play hawk to catch chickens?"

"........................................ ......."

These children quickly became involved with Lu Xifeng.

Lu Xifeng also enjoyed everything in front of him very calmly.

He hadn't been as sincerely happy as he was now for a long time. At this moment, it seemed that everything around him was unimportant.

................................................................. ...

"The kids are back for dinner."

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was time to eat. The old man waved to all the children and Lu Xifeng with a kind face.

"Wow, finally it's time to eat."

"Brother, let's go have a meal. Grandpa's cooking is delicious."

The children pulled Lu Xifeng and ran towards the old man.

"Dear guest, I don't know if this simple meal is to your taste."

The old man said to Lu Xifeng.

"It smells so good!" The aroma of the food captured Lu Xifeng's sense of smell.

It’s a scent I haven’t seen in a long time!

It’s also nice to sit back and enjoy it for a while.

Lu Xifeng picked up the chopsticks and prepared to enjoy the food in front of him.

"Don't eat it!"

At this time, a pebble flew from nowhere and knocked the chopsticks out of Lu Xifeng's hand.

Immediately afterwards, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Lu Xifeng, grabbed him, and quickly moved away from the old man and others.

"?" Lu Xifeng looked at the person next to him in confusion.

"Don't eat it. If you eat it, you will fall into their trap."

Dong He stared at the old man in front of him while explaining to Lu Xifeng.

"How to say it?" Lu Xifeng still didn't quite understand.

"These people in front of you are disguisers. They are extremely good at disguising themselves and transforming into your own kind to make you relax your vigilance. But if they succeed, you will become their meal."

Dong He continued talking, but his eyes never left the disguised tribe in front of him.

"This guy who came out of nowhere dares to ruin my good deeds."

The old man stopped pretending when he saw this.

He and the children and young people around him all returned to their original state.

"Damn guy, do you know what will happen to you if you ruin my good deeds?"

"Since you took the initiative to deliver it to me, I don't mind having another prey."

"I was worried that he wouldn't be enough for me to eat, and now you're here just in time."

"........................................ ......."

The pretenders all bared their teeth and stared at Lu Xifeng and Dong He fiercely.

"How is it? Did you see it? I didn't lie to you. If it were a step later, you would have already entered their stomachs."

At this time Dong He glanced at Lu Xifeng.

Sure enough, he is still a little guy who doesn't know much about the world.

It's so simple to believe the words of strangers so easily.

I don’t even know when it will be sold.

Fortunately, I met such an enthusiastic person like him today, otherwise he would have died a long time ago. It can be regarded as this little guy's luck.

"Oh, that's it." Lu Xifeng was very calm.

He knew that what was before him was not that simple, but he wanted to enjoy it for a while.

Since it's broken now, let's break it.

"Oh? What's your reaction? Don't you think they can't do anything to you?"

Donghe had great doubts.

He saved an arrogant man and thought that there was nothing these pretenders could do to him.

He still saved a simple and incredible person, but he was so stupid that he thought it was not a big deal.

"I just stood there and chopped him down, but he couldn't kill me."

Lu Xifeng stared at the pretenders and said disdainfully.

"You? You're not joking, are you? It seems like I'm being too selfish and meddling in my own business."

Donghe stared at Lu Xifeng in disbelief.

It turns out that this person is too arrogant.

If he had known better, he would not have saved him. He hated such arrogant people the most in his life.

"Then you go and fight them. I'll leave first."

Donghe glanced at Lu Xifeng and turned around to leave. Such a person was not worth saving.

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