After a series of system prompts, Yue Ming was unconsciously a little dazed.

He hadn't accepted the task yet, but the NPC village chief actually gave him a wave of experience.

Is there such a thing?

Moreover, killing the cursed witch is an epic task!

In the void world, the levels of tasks that players can accept are ordinary, elite, epic, and legendary from low to high.

Most NPCs will issue tasks of different levels to players based on their favorability, reputation, strength and other comprehensive conditions.

For now, players who can accept elite tasks on the first day of the server opening are considered masters.

As for epic tasks, with the current reputation and strength of players, the probability of triggering is almost 0.

And at this moment, the village chief actually entrusted himself with an epic task.

The higher the level of the task, the richer the reward.

Although the reward experience value of this task is not very exaggerated,

Yue Ming is very clear.

The real reward for this task is probably that unknown reward!

After calming down, Yue Ming accepted the task.

As soon as the prompt sound of successful task acceptance sounded, a faint smile appeared on the face of the village chief.

"Brave young man, I believe you can kill the evil cursed witch."

"However, after killing the witch, the curse magic will be lifted, but the body will be unable to move."

"Only the cursed source of the cursed witch can completely restore the cursed person to normal"

"Before you set off, I will teach you this ability. Only with it can you collect the curse magic source."After the voice fell, the village chief slowly raised his hands.

Suddenly, a pure and flawless light flew out from his palms and fell on Yue Ming.

【Ding, you have successfully learned the collection technique, and can collect related props from monster corpses. 】

Looking at the additional collection technique on the attribute panel, Yue Ming couldn't help but smile slightly.

Although this collection technique is only a basic skill, it requires players to complete many troublesome tasks to unlock it.

I didn't expect the village chief to directly give it to me.

It seems that high reputation does work.

After saying goodbye to the village chief, Yue Ming walked into the prop shop in the novice village.

Glancing at the props in the prop shop, Yue Ming couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The shop in the novice village really can't buy anything good.

In the huge shop, there are only small red medicines and small blue medicines.


The price is not cheap.

The exchange rate between gold coins in the void world and real coins is 1:1.

Players with low luck values can only get one gold coin for killing ordinary monsters of the same level.

Killing a bronze boss by yourself is only two or three hundred gold coins.


This lowest-level small red medicine can only buy two bottles with 1 gold coin.

After hesitating for a moment, Yue Ming bought 100 bottles of small red medicine and small blue medicine respectively. He selected 200 bottles of medicine at a time and swallowed them directly.

【Ding, you have successfully swallowed a small life/mana recovery potion, and the same talent has been upgraded】

【Ding, your talent life recovery has been upgraded to level 100, and will automatically advance to life resuscitation.】

【Ding, your talent magic recovery has reached level 100 and will automatically advance to magic resuscitation.】

"Oh? Advanced?"

Hearing the system's prompt, Yue Ming looked at the talent after the advancement.

【Life Recovery: Restore 10% of maximum health per second】

【Duration: Permanent】

【Level: Level 1, upgradeable】

【Magic Resurrection: Recover 10% of maximum magic value per second】

【Duration: Permanent】

【Level: Level 1, upgradeable. 】

Looking at the advanced recovery buff, Yue Ming smiled with satisfaction.

The advanced recovery buff is no longer a fixed recovery, but a recovery based on the maximum health value!

This means that no matter how much health and magic you have, you can fully recover within 10 seconds.

The most important thing is that these two advanced buffs can be upgraded!

However, props that restore health and magic in proportion are extremely rare.

Such props are estimated to be available only in the later stages of the game.

"With such a recovery ability, if it is materialized in the real world in the future, it can automatically recover from injuries, right?"

After laughing, Yue Ming left the prop shop and walked directly to the wild.

Although the buildings in the Novice Village are extremely rare, the territory outside the village is quite vast.

The Cursed Demon Cave is located on the northern border of the Novice Village, and there is a group of mutant demon wolves in front of its territory.

At this moment, a team of ten people is discussing tactics outside the demon wolf area.

After all, they are generally level 3. If they want to kill the mutant demon wolves of level 4 to 5, in addition to suppressing the number of people, they also need to formulate a rigorous strategic plan.

Otherwise, if they jump to the level of monsters, they will only be killed instantly. Glancing at the players standing in the distance, Yue Ming shook his head.

He took a step and walked directly towards the mutant demon wolf.

Although there are other passages to the Cursed Demon Cave, for Yue Ming, there is no need to take a detour. It's just a level 4 mutant demon wolf, just kill it.

Moreover, the experience points given by this group of mutant demon wolves are not small

"Captain, someone has entered the demon wolf's attack area!"

"Hey, this guy is not a novice player who came here to collect herbs? He didn't even know that the mutant magic wolf would actively attack the player."

"Something is wrong, the creature next to him is a panda??!!"

""Shit, the Sky Devouring Beast, he is Shifang!"

While the ten players were shocked, Yue Ming had already strode into the territory of the mutant magic wolf.

Before he even stepped on the ground, a group of mutant magic wolves had already rushed towards Yue Ming fiercely.

Summing up the bronze sword, Yue Ming's eyes condensed, and the pupil of his mind swept across the mutant magic wolf.

【Mutated Demon Wolf: Level 4, HP: 500, Physical Attack: 110, Defense: 45. Originally just an ordinary wild wolf, it was infected by the dark magic of the cursed witch and turned into a brutal demon wolf. It will actively attack all living things within its sight. Once it locks on a target, it will fight to the death.】

"It's totally vulnerable."

After shaking his head in disdain, Yue Ming stepped directly towards the mutant demon wolf.

"Soul-Splitting Slash!" Suddenly

, his body disappeared from the spot.

Afterimages kept shuttling between the five mutant demon wolves.



Five terrifying numbers floated above the heads of the five mutant demon wolves, and their health points were emptied in an instant.

As soon as his figure paused, Yue Ming quickly rushed towards the mutant demon wolf that was attacking him with his sword.

"Soul Splitting Slash!"

A 1 second Soul Splitting Slash, facing a wild monster without skills, is completely equivalent to no cooldown!

Five more bright red numbers floated up, and the health bars of the five mutant magic wolves were emptied in an instant.

Soul Splitting Slashes were released one after another in this area.

And Yue Ming's figure kept shuttling between the black bodies of the mutant magic wolves.



【Ding, you killed 30 level 4 common wild monsters, and gained 6000 experience points.】

【Ding, your level has been upgraded to level 6, four-dimensional attributes +25, free attribute points +10, physical attack power +30, life +60, defense +30.

After getting the buff of double damage,

Yue Ming's attack has been qualitatively improved.

Before, to kill wild monsters, he basically needed to quickly make up a normal attack after two slashes of Soul Splitting.

But at this moment, he can deal terrifying damage that can kill a level 5 lord mini-boss in one hit!

With Soul Splitting ,���

He could kill five monsters in one second! This monster-killing efficiency was countless times faster than before.

Even if ten masters formed a team, they couldn't kill as fast as him alone!

【Ding, your pet will pick up 60 gold coins, 1 black iron sword, and 10 small life recovery potions every day.

After picking up the spoils, Yue Ming ran back happily and glanced at the empty area.

Ordinary monsters in the void world need to refresh at least 6 hours after death.


The resources in the leveling area are very precious.

Glancing at the horrified team players in the distance, Yue Ming stepped into the forbidden cursed cave in the novice village.



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