Less than five seconds after a series of reminder sounds fell by Yue Ming's ears, a loud announcement floated in the sky above the entire void world.

"World Announcement: Chinese player [Shifang] awakens the first origin profession"God of the Void" in the Void World. As the first player to awaken the origin profession, he will be rewarded with 1 million gold coins and 20,000 free attribute points."

"World Announcement:......"

After the announcement of the Five Worlds sounded, all the players in the Void World were stunned.

"What? The God of the Void? ? Is there a profession with this name in the Void World? ?"

"Awesome! Master Shifang created a profession for himself."

"Aren't only the gods able to awaken their own origin professions in accordance with their own strength? How could the demigod master Shifang awaken his origin profession?"

"It's numb. The big guys are always challenging my cognition. Even if they announce that he has started a national war in the next second, I won't be too surprised."......

Just as the world announcement fell, a series of reminder sounds rang quietly in Yue Ming's ears again.

【Ding, as the first player to awaken the origin profession, you get rewards: 1 million gold coins, 20,000 free attribute points】

【Ding, the tenfold bonus effect of the forbidden power is triggered, you get 10 million gold coins and 200,000 free attribute points.

After the prompt sound faded, Yue Ming couldn't help but grin.

After swallowing the sixth fragment of the origin godhead, the power of the body and soul increased, and he actually directly rejected and erased the two hidden professions in his body.


He also awakened the origin profession that can only be matched by the god level in advance!

God of the Void!

This is the origin profession awakened after one's own power reaches a certain level!!

It is not a profession added by external power!

In anticipation, Yue Ming looked at this origin profession that belongs only to him.

【Void God: A profession awakened after the player [Shifang]'s soul power and divine power are greatly improved. It contains the characteristics of the original divine power and has immeasurable professional power. Currently, it is only in the initial state.】

【After each upgrade, the four-dimensional attributes +1000, free attribute points +1000, physical attack power +15000, magic attack power +15000, magic +20000, life +20000, defense +10000, movement speed +5000】

【Occupational Talent: The God of the Void possesses the original divine power of the six paths and above in the void world. All his attacks will ignore any defense and cannot be avoided.】

【It will cause absolute real damage to any conscious creature, ignoring any special physiques such as soul physique, ghost physique, etc.】

【Passive skill: Divine power: You can freely use weapons and equipment of any profession without any restrictions.】

【You can freely control the five elements of water, fire, wind, thunder, and earth, and can release magic below the forbidden spell level at will without any cooldown time. After the profession is advanced, you can freely control the five forbidden spells.】

【Skill: Life Sanction: Causes 2 million + 30% of the opponent's maximum health to a single target. No consumption, no cooldown, can only be used once against a single target within 1 hour. Professional power is not fully awakened, need to be launched with close range weapons】

【Time Wheel: Can control time within a 500-meter range, can stop/rewind/accelerate time for 5 seconds, no consumption, cooldown time: 1 hour】

【Time and Space Chaos: Use the power of time and space to suck the target into a different time and space, and can also make your own body virtual at will, without any consumption, cooling time: 5 seconds】

【God's Coming: God descends to the world and destroys everything. No consumption, after using, the professional power will completely disappear, and all of its own attributes will drop to 1 point. 】

The God of the Void is a profession that can only be awakened by possessing the six original divine powers!

Its strength far exceeds Yue Ming's expectations.

In this profession, every skill is extremely powerful!!

No skill is useless!


Even the professional talent is terrifyingly strong.

This professional talent directly makes up for Yue Ming's inability to attack the illusory physique.

The passive skill gives him the power to control all magic of the five series!

And the first skill, Life Sanction, can directly deduct 30% of the target's maximum health!

This means that any living being in front of him has only 70% of its health!

And the time finger wheel can actually control 5 seconds of time!

This kind of control is no longer just to stop time!

But it can also go back and speed up!!

Such an ability is terrifying.

Although five seconds is a bit short.


Time is not about how much you master.

It's about how to use it.

If you master a lot of time as your profession advances, it is equivalent to mastering cause and effect!!

As for the chaos of time and space that can suck the target into a different time and space.

Although there is no damage, its effect is extremely powerful.

Skills, magic, props, and even living beings that can see the trajectory can be forcibly sucked into a different time and space!


One's own body can also be made virtual at will!

Among all the skills of the God of the Void, the last skill surprised Yue Ming the most.

The Advent of God!!

This skill does not have any damage and range descriptions.

There are only eight short words.

The gods come to the world and destroy everything!

This is an ultimate skill at the cost of the dissipation of professional power and the reduction of all attributes to 1 point.

Its effect is not so fancy.

There is only destruction!

Destroy everything!

This profession is more than a little stronger than the Dark Abyss Sword God and the Order God!

No wonder the power of those two professions will be automatically erased!

After calming down, Yue Ming closed the profession panel and looked at the effect of the Heavenly Soul Divine Power.

【Heavenly Soul: ??? Level Talent】

【One of the twelve ultimate powers in the void world, it contains the power to control the soul's will.】

【Effect: You can freely open a soul space. The level of the creatures entering this space will decrease by � levels every 2 hours.】

【Can release the spirit to suppress a single creature. During the suppression period, the creature will believe in what he says and obey his orders.】

【Suppression time: 30 seconds, no cooldown, can only take effect once per minute on a single target】

【Due to the limitation of his own soul power, he can only suppress creatures below the super god level.】

【Duration: Permanent】

【The original talent cannot be dispelled, plundered, or banned in any way. 】

Looking at the effect of the Heavenly Soul, Yue Ming couldn't help but be slightly absent-minded.

This original divine power has no attack power.

But its effect is enough to make everyone tremble with fear and be dumbfounded.

This is completely a debuff that can be actively controlled!!

After being suppressed by the soul power, the other party will believe in what you say and even obey you!

This means.

During the soul suppression period, even if you tell the NPC that you are the creator of this world, they will believe it unswervingly!

You can also tell the player that he has been cheated, and his instinct is to eat the food given by Ori.......

In short, no matter how much he talks nonsense, the other party will believe it.

Even during the soul suppression, if he is asked to attack his teammates recklessly, he will do it without hesitation.

However, at present, this soul suppression can only be effective for creatures below the super god level. If his soul power is further improved in the future, then even super god-level creatures can be suppressed at will!

After slightly coming to his senses, Yue Ming immediately set up an infinite space gate in this space, connecting it to the guild teleportation array and the Starfire City teleportation array.

Suddenly, a guild reminder sounded in the ears of all guild members.

【Ding, the guild teleportation function has been connected to the advanced map"Nightmare Abyss". All members can enter this dungeon through the guild teleportation array. Each entry into the dungeon requires a fee of 50,000 gold coins.

Hearing this prompt sound, all guild members were immediately in an uproar.

"The boss secretly cleared another advanced copy?"

"Damn, why is there a charge? Even members can’t get it for free"

"Wow, there are so many fairy-level monsters, this map is too awesome"

"50,000 gold coins to enter the advanced dungeon is a great deal. Brothers, I'm going to go first, just in time to do a job transfer task."

Ignoring the discussion of the guild members, Yue Ming turned his eyes to the guild treasury.

【The guild treasury has stored gold coins: 1.3 trillion.

Yue Ming did not show much fluctuation when he saw the gold coins that had reached trillions.

After clearing the mount dungeon, he put hundreds of artifacts on the shelves. He also put more than fifty pet eggs of the mythical beast Yalong on the shelves.

With the gold coins donated by some core members, it is reasonable to reach this much.

After the news that Yue Ming wholesaled artifacts and pet eggs of mythical beasts spread all over the world, almost all the richest local tyrants and A-level talent players in the entire Huaxia area found ways to join Yue Ming's guild.

And the income brought to Yue Ming by these local tyrants far exceeded the previous total.

Without any hesitation, Yue Ming directly withdrew the gold coins.

【Ding, you have withdrawn all the gold coins from the guild treasury, and you have obtained 1.3 trillion gold coins. 】

After taking a look at the gold coin balance, Yue Ming immediately summoned the forbidden magic sword.

"With so many gold coins, I should be able to upgrade the forbidden sword to more than 30 levels."

After muttering, Yue Ming directly activated the gold coin tempering equipment buff.

【Ding, you will spend 2000 billion gold coins to upgrade the Forbidden Sword to level 112. Are you sure?】


【Ding, you have consumed 2000 billion gold coins, your equipment Taboo Sword has been upgraded to level 112, physical attack power +16000, magic attack power +16000, defense +10000】

【Ding, you have consumed 2000 billion gold coins, and your equipment, the Forbidden Sword, has been upgraded to level 113.......】......

【Ding, you have consumed 200 trillion gold coins, and your equipment, the Forbidden Sword, has been upgraded to level 145, with physical attack power +16000, magic attack power +16000, and defense +10000. 】

This wave of consumption once again used up all of Yueming's gold coins.


The Forbidden Sword was directly upgraded from level 111 to level 145!

As long as it is upgraded by 5 more levels, there is a chance to advance it to a holy weapon!!

"Now I have six fragments of the original godhead. I wonder what gift the dark goddess will give me."

After speaking slowly, Yue Ming held the forbidden sword in his hand.

At the same time, an infinite space gate was released instantly.

The light fell, and his body suddenly disappeared in the copy of the nightmare abyss.

【Ding, you have entered the core area of the"Void Rift""Void Forbidden Land""】

【Ding, this map is extremely dangerous, it is recommended that you leave immediately. 】

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