016: Platinum BOSS!!!

On the way to the Orc Temple, Qin Feng also encountered several Orc teams blocking him.

However, in front of Qin Feng's high critical damage, these Orcs couldn't even scream, and fell to the ground and died.

After advancing all the way, Qin Feng soon arrived at a hillside.

Standing on the slope, Qin Feng looked down.

In an open space below the hillside, Qin Feng saw an ancient Orc Temple.

And around this Orc Temple, hundreds of Orc warriors were densely guarding.

They looked serious, and their eyes were always watching the surrounding environment, as if they were guarding something.

Standing on the slope, looking at the densely packed Orc warriors under his feet, Qin Feng thought about the battle plan.

Generally speaking, when facing such an extremely dense group of monsters, the best way is to pull the monsters.

Otherwise, once they are focused, even a tank will only fall to the ground and die.

But Qin Feng, who has a high-level group attack skill, doesn't have to be so troublesome.

As long as he is given a suitable output position, he can rely on the powerful group burst ability of Tianwai Feixian to instantly clear all the orc warriors.

After some observation, Qin Feng just found such a position.

After sorting out the idea of ​​slaughter, Qin Feng turned his head and said to Feng Guoguo beside him:

"You hide here, I will go down to deal with them."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Feng Guoguo subconsciously wanted to refute and wanted to say that she could help.

But when her eyes fell on the extremely strong body of the orc warrior, she was scared again.

"Okay... okay."

Before the word "bar" came out, Feng Guoguo saw Qin Feng beside her jump directly from the hillside.

But what was extremely strange was that Qin Feng did not fall straight to the ground, but suddenly disappeared when he fell halfway.

Seeing this scene, Feng Guoguo panicked immediately, but she was very professional in being scared, and she still covered her mouth at the critical moment, not letting herself make any sound.

The next moment, the disappeared Qin Feng suddenly teleported to the top of the temple.

The high-level skill Heavenly Fairy was activated instantly.

Blade beams fell straight from the air to the temple below. The orc warriors were chopped into meat paste by the blade beams before they could react.

Each blade beam emitted by Heavenly Fairy can inherit 60% of Qin Feng's attack power.

After obtaining the advanced swordsmanship specialization, each attack of Qin Feng can gain another 30% damage increase.

In addition to the 40% damage increase of Dragon Slayer Blade and the high explosive damage bonus of ten times crit of the first talent.

In addition to the 100% basic attack power bonus provided by Feng Guoguo!

Even facing an orc warrior with a high defense ability of 200 points, the damage of each blade beam of Qin Feng has reached 6045 points!

In other words, only two blade beams are needed to kill an orc warrior.

After more than ten seconds.

Heavenly Fairy, the duration ends.

Qin Feng fell to the ground.

At this time, the ground was not only full of corpses of orc warriors.

Even the towering temple was chopped into a pile of ruins by Qin Feng's attack.


A sound came from the ruins.

The next moment, an old orc with pale hair and beard poked his head out of the ruins.

Seeing the appearance of this old orc, Qin Feng directly cast a detection spell over.

[Orc Prophet (BOSS)]

Level: Level 10.

Tier: Platinum

HP: 50000/50000

Attack power: 1352-1417

Defense power: 300

Skills: Lightning, Ghost Wolf Summoning, Bloodthirsty, Ancestors Coming, Earthquake.

Introduction: The prophet of the orcs, he came to this world for the continuation of the race.


Looking at the orc prophet's HP of 50,000 points, 300 points of defense and more than 1,300 points of attack power.

Qin Feng felt a little pressure for the first time.

But it's not impossible to fight. With the blessing of advanced swordsmanship, Qin Feng's nerve reflex speed is amazingly fast.

In addition, Bai Hechou's scabbard and kinetic combat boots provide a 30% movement speed blessing.

Combined with the combat awareness honed in countless battles in his previous life.

In front of him, the orc prophet can only be a fool, and don't even think about touching him.

When Qin Feng thought about this, the orc prophet also crawled out of the ruins.

Looking at Qin Feng, the orc prophet's face was full of anger:

"I will use your blood to sacrifice my dead people!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The orc prophet raised his hand and pointed at Xingfeng, and the lightning spell was activated instantly.

With a swish, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the air, like a silver snake, winding and hitting Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng, who had played this dungeon countless times in his previous life, had already expected the prophet's attack.

He suddenly moved a few steps to the left and dodged by the edge of the lightning.

Miss! ! !

After dodging the prophet's attack, Qin Feng took advantage of the opponent's stiffness after casting a spell and shot out like an arrow, rushed to the prophet, and raised his hand to cut him.




It must be said that the prophet's high defense is indeed difficult to deal with.

The blow that was enough to kill an ordinary orc warrior instantly did not even eliminate 1/4 of his health bar.

However, Qin Feng had already anticipated this situation.

If one blow was not enough, then cut it again. If ten blows did not kill him, then cut it twenty times.

Soon the prophet recovered from the stiff state after casting the spell.

But at this time, Qin Feng had already walked in front of him, and the lightning spell did not work.

In desperation, the prophet could only give up his signature skill, the lightning spell, and choose to fight Qin Feng head-on.

However, the reaction speed of the two was too different.

The prophet's slow attack could not touch Qin Feng at all.

But Qin Feng's slash could actually cut the prophet's body.






"I understand that your attack has triggered the equipment special effect of Dragon Slayer Blade, which is slow and lasts for 6 seconds."

"I understand that your attack has triggered the equipment special effect of Dragon Slayer Blade, which is bleeding and lasts for 6 seconds."

Under the effect of slowing down, the prophet's already slow attack speed suddenly dropped.

Qin Feng was delighted, and the sharp blade in his hand turned up and chopped towards the prophet's neck.

In the divine domain, once the vital point is hit, there is an additional damage bonus.

However, this attack was not for Qin Feng's greed for that little damage bonus. He wanted to use this attack to force the prophet's life-saving skills, the ancestor's arrival.

As expected.

Facing Qin Feng's sharp slash, the orc prophet directly handed over his ultimate move.

At that moment, a huge phantom descended from the sky on the prophet.

With the arrival of this phantom, the prophet's momentum suddenly rose by several levels.

The weapon special effects attached to the prophet were also dispelled by the descending phantom.

But Qin Feng was not panicked, he had already calculated everything.

Facing the sharp claws swept by the prophet, Qin Feng dodged with an iron bridge.

Looking at Qin Feng's exposed abdomen, a burst of light burst out in the prophet's eyes.

He raised his idle right claw and grabbed Qin Feng's defenseless abdomen fiercely.

In a place where the prophet could not see, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Qin Feng's mouth.

The next moment, he teleported into the air, taking advantage of the prophet's old strength and the new strength.

Activated the high-level skill, the fairy from the sky.

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