Online game: Start with ten consecutive SSS-level talents

Chapter 463 The Source of Flesh and Blood

463: The Source of Flesh and Blood

Not long after, Xie Yun came back from the wilderness with a bunch of dry branches.

When she came back, Xie Yun looked unhappy.

"What a strange place this is. I have been looking for a long time and only found these."

"That's enough."

Qin Feng replied, and then he drilled wood to make fire and processed the dry food for a few days.

The reason why he used the extremely ancient method of drilling wood to make fire was mainly because Qin Feng and Xie Yun were in a suppressed state at the moment and had no other way.

A few minutes later, under Qin Feng's superb skills, the giant ape meat that was as dry as firewood was ready.

Qin Feng peeled the skins of two giant apes and made them into packages. He and Xie Yun each took one, carrying a full set of equipment, and walked towards the depths of the wilderness.

"Do you know the news about the forbidden area we are going to? I only know that the place is extremely dangerous and there are many turbulent currents on the road. I am not very clear about the specific dangers." Xie Yun asked for nothing.

When asking, Xie Yun did not have much expectation.

In her cognition, Qin Feng's strength was very strong, surpassing most of the cultivators in the Cangqiong Holy Land and even in the heavens and the worlds.

However, the time Qin Feng took to ascend from the derivative world to the Cangqiong Holy Land was too short.

She did not think that Qin Feng would have more information than her.

She asked this question mainly to kill time.

However, when Xie Yun had no hope and was biting a piece of meat, Qin Feng nodded and gave a positive answer.

"You know, the Land of the Falling Gods is in a process of change all the time. Of course, this change is not about the surface things like the terrain, but the energy floating here.

Before I came to the Land of the Falling Gods, I went to see the Spirit of Order... ahem, I saw the Spirit of Order, and he told me some news.

The four forbidden areas in the Land of the Falling Gods are the four energy gathering points of this world.

And the energy floating in this world is divided into four types.

They are the source of flesh and blood, the power of the soul, the power of the avenue, and the will left behind by the legendary god after his fall.

The first three are the cornerstones that must be obtained before entering the core area, and the last one is the key to open the core.

After all of them are obtained, you can use the key to go to the core, where the inheritance of the ancient god is preserved.

People with deep blessings and strong strength have the opportunity to obtain it."

As soon as the voice fell, Xie Yun was completely confused.

"You, what is your relationship with the Spirit of Order? In my memory, that existence doesn't seem to be so easy to talk to. How could it tell you such a secret?"

Not easy to talk to?

Ah, yes, yes, it is indeed difficult to talk.

Qin Feng's mind immediately played Lin Chuxue's eating manner like a starving ghost.

Indeed, when accepting Qin Feng's bribe, Lin Chuxue did not speak.

"It's not a very good relationship. Hey, don't worry about the others. Let's think about how to deal with the crisis in the forbidden area first."

Qin Feng perfunctorily said, pulling Xie Yun's attention from Lin Chuxue to the dilemma they are facing now.

After the previous cooperation, Qin Feng felt that Xie Yun was still somewhat useful, so he brought her with him.

"Crisis? I haven't been to that kind of place, I have no experience."

"I have no experience either, but I can still make some preparations first."

"Huh? Preparation?" Xie Yun looked at Qin Feng in confusion.

She is not a stupid person. A stupid person would not survive in a place like the Cangqiong Holy Land until now.

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xie Yun immediately understood that Qin Feng's understanding of the Land of God's Fall was not as simple as he had said before.

"Didn't I tell you before that there are four extremely powerful forces in the Land of Gods, and these forces are constantly circulating in the four forbidden areas.

However, the speed of energy flow at this level is not that fast, and there is a certain periodicity.

Although no one can predict the exact time of their changes.

But what is certain is that as long as our luck is not too bad, after entering the forbidden area, we will only encounter one of the energies.

It is precisely for this reason that we need to deal with only one kind of pollution caused by energy.


A few minutes later, Qin Feng told Xie Yun his judgment and thoughts.

Xie Yun chewed back and forth for a long time, and gestured to Qin Feng:

"If what you said is true, then with our current strength, the best thing to deal with is the disaster from the physical level."

"Yes, I hope I can have a good luck."

Qin Feng sighed.

At this time, he hoped that his talent [Master of Destiny] was still there.

If he had this talent, Qin Feng's expectation would most likely become a reality.


A few hours later, the two walked to the edge of the wasteland.

At this time, the sky has completely darkened.

Unlike the outside world, there are no stars or moon in this world.

The only light source is the arc light reflected from outside the sky.

On the ground, the weeds growing from the rubble are swaying, and when the wind blows, they will make bursts of rustling sounds.

It's a bit creepy.

Fortunately, Qin Feng and the other two were not weaklings. Although their abilities were suppressed by the God's Falling Land, their dominant bodies still gave them extremely powerful strength.

"We are almost out of the wasteland. Ha, I see the forest ahead."

Xie Yun said excitedly, her eyes full of expectations.

"Don't be too happy too early. Look at this corpse on the ground. Does it look like the origin of the big bone sticks in the hands of those monkeys we saw before?"

Qin Feng pointed to a huge skeleton under his feet and said.

Xie Yun looked at Qin Feng's feet and saw it clearly.

In an instant, Xie Yun's face turned pale.

"You mean, the forest in front of us is the lair of those giant apes?"

"Well, even if it is not, the degree of danger will not be reduced much. Remember the four forces I told you about?

When a certain force is deposited in a forbidden area, the environment around the forbidden area will be transformed by that force.

The forest in front of us is too tall, even the outermost trees have grown to nearly a thousand meters high. This growth is a wonder in the outside world.

If my estimate is correct, the deposited in the forbidden area we are going to is likely to be the source of flesh and blood."

When he said this, Qin Feng took a deep breath and predicted with some fear:

"And we are likely to face a beast tide!"

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