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Chapter 481: Emperor Shitian's Relics

481: Relics of Emperor Shakti

Without the restraint of Emperor Shitian, Qin Feng had only reached the time counterflow at the legal level and would not have been able to adjust Taoist Yangliu's timeline.

It's a pity that there is no if.

With one punch, he shattered Taoist Yangliu's soulless body, and Qin Feng absorbed the power of time in Taoist Yangliu's body!

"Isn't it complete? It seems that the origin of the power of time is still in the source of the avenue, which is a good thing."

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned into a stream of light and ran towards the location of Emperor Shitian without staying here.

After all, Emperor Shitian had done him such a great favor, refining the bodies of more than a hundred strong men and returning them to the purest power of the Great Dao.

If Qin Feng didn't collect it, it would be a bit disrespectful.

Before the copper furnace of heaven and earth.

Unaware of it, Emperor Shitian was extremely excited to activate Taoist Yangliu's puppet in his previous life, preparing to pull Taoist Yangliu out of the rift in time and space, and use the power of the law of time to complete the last step of his plan.

One push.

Um? Why doesn't it work? There must be something wrong with my posture. Try again!

The second time, there was still no response.

It shouldn’t be! With Taoist Yangliu’s cultivation, how could he possibly stop me! Again!

the third time!

I can suppress Tartarus, but a mere Taoist Yangliu, how could I not be able to do anything to him!

For the umpteenth time!

The panting Emperor Shitian looked at the puppet in front of him in disbelief.

He couldn't figure out how Yangliu Taoist escaped from his control!

"Try again, it will definitely work next time! It will definitely work!"

Emperor Shitian looked like a madman, and he himself did not believe what he said.

However, at this time, he was desperate. If he could not get Yangliu Taoist back, break away from the shackles on his body, and completely control the Avenue of Reincarnation, Emperor Shitian would be backlashed by the Avenue of Reincarnation and his existence would be wiped out.

"No need to try again, Taoist Yangliu has been killed by me!"

A voice sounded behind Di Shitian.

Emperor Shitian turned around in shock and saw Qin Feng with a smile on his face.

"I have to say, you are so ruthless. Not only did you deceive others, you also deceived yourself about your own past life. I admire your ability to deceive yourself and others."

"But, I admire you. If you take something from me, you should give it back."

As soon as the words fell, a blue light appeared in Qin Feng's hand, and then condensed into a long knife.

"I'll give you a choice. Either you cut off your own life, or I take your life with my own hands."

Emperor Shitian looked at Qin Feng, and felt the power of time rippling around Qin Feng's body, and his heart was filled with despair.

After a long while, Emperor Shitian smiled bitterly and asked:

"How did you do it? Taoist Yangliu is not very strong, but it is not easy to find him."

"You found it for me." Qin Feng replied with a faint smile.

"I found it for you, haha, why would I help you? I want to kill you more than anyone else in this world, how could I help you!"

"I don't have much time left. Everything about me is collapsing. Don't lie to me at this time."

Di Shitian pointed at his body that was about to collapse and became depressed.

"You really found it for me. Don't you think that what you encountered before has happened before? What I have changed is only a very small point!"

"Has it happened?"

Emperor Shitian was confused and then reacted:

"You also have the power of time?"

"Yes, I can turn back time, but there is a limit. Without you controlling Taoist Yangliu's cause and effect, it would be difficult for me to turn back his time."

As soon as he finished speaking, a wry smile appeared on Di Shitian's face.

"According to what you said, I really helped you, hahaha..."

After laughing for a while, Emperor Shitian nodded and said to Qin Feng:

"Come on, kill me and take my broadsword!"

"No, no, no, the Avenue of Reincarnation itself is mine. I just put him with you temporarily. He is not yours. You have to understand this."

Qin Feng stretched out his finger and tapped Emperor Shitian's forehead, which was about to collapse as it was difficult to move.

It feels very rubbish.

"Yours? Ha! You...well, you are the winner, whatever you say is okay, whatever you say is right."

"Then victor, take your spoils. Hurry up. If you don't take action, I will be completely annihilated."

Qin Feng nodded, raised his long knife and lightly slashed Emperor Shitian's throat. Emperor Shitian's nearly collapsed soul immediately died.

After killing Di Shitian, the copper furnace of heaven and earth constructed by Di Shitian with the help of the power of reincarnation also exploded and turned into the original avenue of reincarnation!

Qin Feng opened his mouth and inhaled, and the non-existent power of the avenue was sucked into his body by Qin Feng.

In addition to the power of reincarnation, the power of the avenue that was extracted by Emperor Shitian and previously controlled by Tartarus and others also entered Qin Feng's body.

After a long time, Qin Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

"Di Shitian Lao Tie is really awesome. Killing him alone will almost catch up with all my previous efforts. Not bad, not bad!"

After sighing with emotion, Qin Feng's perception extended in all directions, and in a few breaths he enveloped the entire Land of God's Fall.

Then, Qin Feng found the source of the avenue in a forbidden area.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng flew directly to the location of the source of the avenue.

Heiyuan, the residence of the Soul Hunters.

Ye Qingge turned his head and looked at the tribesmen he had been protecting.

According to his orders, his tribesmen gathered the power of the Heiyuan at all costs. The refined monsters accumulated in the tribe for trillions of years contributed their pure soul power!

"Hey, it's finally over. My mission is almost completed."

Ye Qingge sighed with a relieved smile on his face.

Many years ago, there was no Soul Hunter.

At that time, he was just a shepherd boy.

If Qin Feng hadn't helped in his previous life, he and his tribesmen would have died in the cold winter night, and their bodies would be together with those lost cattle and sheep.

When the ice and snow melted in spring, they were chewed up bit by bit by the vultures eating carrion and swallowed into their stomachs.

Ye Qingge is a man who values ​​his promises. From that day on, he handed his life to Qin Feng's predecessor and swore that he would never betray him.

Undoubtedly, Ye Qingge has always kept his promise for so many years.

In the near future, he will use his life to put a perfect end to the promise he made countless years ago.

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