056: Wild Hunter Suit! Unlocked!

Sensing the departure of the agent in the shadow, the Black Cult Pope breathed a sigh of relief!

As the supreme leader of the Black Cult and the direct superior of the agent.

No one knows better than him how powerful the agent is.

In his opinion, as long as the agent takes action, Qin Feng will only die.

After thinking of this, the Pope put Qin Feng's affairs aside and thought about more important things!

Now, the fact that the Black Cult took away the Holy Maiden of the Church has been exposed.

The entire Black Cult will inevitably face the revenge of the Church, but before that, he must first face the encirclement and suppression organized by the major empires in order to win credit from the Church.

Unlike the previous times, most of their relationships will become useless in this encirclement and suppression!

Those dignitaries who usually need them will choose to protect themselves at this time and will not provide them with even the slightest help.

To survive this disaster, they can only rely on themselves.

Thinking of this, the Pope immediately issued the second order.

"From today on, cut off all activities! All core members will withdraw to the headquarters and abandon all secret bases!"

As the order was issued, the entire Black Cult was like an extremely precise instrument, operating frantically.

People in various secret bases started to move, packing up all the materials that could be taken away and preparing to evacuate.

However, such a tense evacuation did not make the Black Cult feel any fear or worry.

Because in the minds of these core members of the Black Cult, any of their secret bases may be exposed, but the headquarters will never be exposed!

As long as you enter the headquarters, it means absolute safety!

However, what these people don’t know is that their unknown plan has encountered a reborn person from another world!


Let’s talk about Qin Feng.

After returning to Maple Leaf City this time, Qin Feng did not choose to stay in a hotel like last time.

Instead, he spent a lot of money to buy a safe house from the system mall.

This safe house is located in a residential area two streets away from the west of the City Lord's Mansion.

After paying 200 million gold coins, Qin Feng was teleported to his safe house.

Under the blessing of the game rules, as long as Qin Feng is in the safe house, he is absolutely invincible.

Even if the gods of this world come, they can't hurt Qin Feng at all!

After returning to the safe house, Qin Feng checked his gains this time!

[Silver Moon Fang (Legendary)]

Type: Inlaid Gem

Level: Legendary

Effect: After use, add an additional feature to the weapon, providing 1200 points of agility bonus!

Restriction: The upper limit is Legendary

Introduction: A gem containing the power of the Silver Moon Elf. With it, you will become as agile as an elf.


[Stone of Radiance (Legendary)]

Type: Inlaid Gem

Level: Legendary

Effect: After use, add an additional feature to the weapon, providing 1200 points of physical bonus!

Limitation: The upper limit is the legendary level

Introduction: The legendary gem blessed by the sun god, the scorching sun power, can give the owner almost infinite physical strength.

[Slayer (Level 4 Title)]

Type: Title

Level: Level 4

Effect: After wearing, it provides 30% blood sucking effect.

Introduction: Wear it to fight, it is the proof of your strength!

Looking at these things in front of him, Qin Feng's eyebrows showed a touch of joy.

After seeing the effects of these two inlaid gems, Qin Feng did not hesitate and immediately inlaid these two gems on the Dragon Blade.

The Dragon Blade has reached the legendary level. If you want to continue to improve, you need to use epic weapons as feed to feed the Dragon Blade.

However, the game has only been open for a few days.

No matter how fast Qin Feng develops, it is very difficult to find enough epic weapons for the Dragon Blade in such a short time.

Judging from the current situation, enchantment, strengthening, and inlaying are the most appropriate ways to improve the effectiveness of the Dragon Slayer Blade.

After inlaying the gems, Qin Feng wore the title [Slayer] on himself.

Then, he took out the biggest gain of this trip to Base 013 - [Wild Hunter Set].

From the backpack, Qin Feng took out the [Wild Hunter Cloak], [Wild Hunter Armband], and [Wild Hunter Boots] one by one.

According to the memory of the previous life, Qin Feng activated these three pieces of equipment.

The next moment, a golden light lit up, and when looking at the status of these three pieces of equipment, the set effects of the three pieces of equipment have been unlocked!

Qin Feng's eyes moved, and he opened the information introduction of [Wild Hunter Boots].

Unlike the previous two Wild Hunter sets, the rank of [Wild Hunter Boots] is one level higher, reaching the legendary level.

However, Qin Feng was not surprised. After all, this boot was a reward after killing Morey, and it was normal to increase the rank.

[Wild Hunter Boots (Legendary)]

Type: Set (1/3)

Level: Level 60

Level: Diamond

Movement Speed: 1500 points

Restriction: Warrior

Durability: 10000/10000

Additional features:

1. Strength +400, Agility +400, Stamina +300, Intelligence +300

2. Secondary Energy Shield (suit effect unlocked): After opening, you will get a shield that can resist 100,000 damage, with a cooling time of 60 minutes.

3. Wild Hunt (suit effect unlocked): After opening, you will get 100% cooling reduction, lasting 15 seconds, and a cooling time of 60 minutes.

4. Ignore level restrictions (suit effect unlocked): After collecting three pieces of equipment, you can equip them regardless of the user's level.

Introduction: The dream suit of the warrior profession has been unlocked by the player "Tianyi" and has become the exclusive equipment of the player Tianyi. It cannot be sold! It cannot be transferred!

Looking at the [Wild Hunter Boots] in front of him, Qin Feng did not hesitate to equip the Wild Hunter suit on himself.

After equipping, Qin Feng logged off and left.

Because the weakness period of the [Blood Rage] skill has begun to occur, staying in the game any longer is also a torture for Qin Feng!

Moreover, Qin Feng had already remembered the upcoming world dungeon [The Destruction of the Black Cult] through Chen Tianyang's invitation.

In order to take the lead in this first world dungeon, Qin Feng needed to rest up and prepare well!

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