063: Level 8 authority token!

"Ding Dong, you get the epic equipment [Dark Walker Cloak]"

"Ding Dong, you get the epic equipment [Dark Walker Gloves]"

"Ding Dong, you get the epic equipment [Dark Walker Boots]"

"Ding Dong, you get the perfect-level reinforcement stone x2000"

"Ding Dong, you get a special item, the Black Cult Headquarters Level 8 Authority Token."


Looking at the spoils obtained this time, Qin Feng's face suddenly showed a strong surprise.

Today, he just wanted to try a knife and test his combat power.

However, he didn't expect that the person who came to assassinate him was actually the Black Cult's top master-Dai Ying!

Even more unexpectedly, after killing Dai Ying, he could actually get an extremely important item [Level 8 Authority Token of the Black Cult Headquarters].

[Black Cult Headquarters Level 8 Authority Token]

Type: Special Item

Level: None

Effect: Enables the holder to master the level 8 authority, can freely enter and exit the Black Cult Headquarters, and can freely open any room inside the Headquarters!

Introduction: The token of Dai Ying, the first master of the Black Cult, whose authority is only lower than that of the Pope of the Black Cult, Crosso.

As early as when Chen Tianyang invited Carlisle, Qin Feng had already sensed that the first world copy was coming!

Since then, Qin Feng has been thinking about getting an authority token.

Because with a high-authority token, he can enter and exit various secret rooms of the Black Cult at will. After the copy is opened, one person secretly takes away the materials accumulated by the Black Cult for many years.

However, before Qin Feng had tried his best, this second-highest level authority token was sent by Dai Ying, which made Qin Feng so excited that he wanted to burn some incense for Dai Ying.

In addition to this level 8 authority token, Qin Feng's harvest this time was also very rich.

First of all, the epic weapon [Blade of Annihilation] is an assassin's exclusive weapon and can be used as feed for the Dragon Slayer Blade.

The second is the three-piece set of Shadow Walker. The value of these three pieces of equipment to assassins is equivalent to the value of the Wild Hunter set to warriors.

After collecting the Shadow Walker set, the user can get the most desired attribute of the assassin profession! Critical hit bonus!

Qin Feng estimated the value of the Shadow Walker set in his mind. If this thing is put in the Miter auction house, it can be sold for at least 4 billion gold coins.

Because it is a set, this set of equipment can be sold for nearly half the price of ordinary equipment.

The next is the high-level skill book [Meteor Strike].

Recalling the somewhat terrifying damage and control ability of Meteor Strike, Qin Feng is still very jealous of this skill.

However, due to the restrictions of the profession, Qin Feng cannot learn this skill and can only throw it to the Miter auction house to exchange for money.

In addition to these equipment and skill books, Qin Feng also received 400 attribute points as a reward.

Without thinking too much, Qin Feng added 200 points of strength, 100 points of agility, and 100 points of constitution.

Try to achieve all-round development as much as possible.

Then there is the lucky value reward that Qin Feng particularly wants.

This time, Qin Feng directly obtained 10 lucky points for killing Dai Ying, which directly brought his luck value to 35 points!

There are also ten god-level strengthening stones, but because the number is too scarce, it is not very meaningful to Qin Feng now.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng packed up his spoils and carried Dai Ying's body to Maple Leaf City. He was going to hand Dai Ying over to Chen Tianyang to receive the reward for the bounty mission.

After killing Dai Ying, Qin Feng got 200 million experience points.

Adding the 1 billion experience points he had before, he still needed 300 million experience points to be promoted to level 23.

After completing Chen Tianyang's bounty mission, he would get exactly 300 million experience points.

Thinking that he would get 80 free attribute points after upgrading, Qin Feng hummed a little song quite happily.

However, when someone is happy, someone is sad.

When he felt that Dai Ying was dead, the Black Cult Pope Clotho curled up in grief.

Clotho's full name is Clotho Hines.

And Dai Ying's full name is Dai Ying Hines.

Clotho is Dai Ying's father.

Looking at the mark on his hand that symbolizes Dai Ying, two lines of turbid tears flowed from Clotho's eyes.

Not long ago, this mark still exuded heat, and it would jump twice from time to time, proving Dai Ying's vigorous vitality.

At that time, Clotho was still expecting Dai Ying to complete the task smoothly and return to his side safely as before.

However, this mark has lost its temperature at this time, and even the silver lines of the mark are slowly fading.

Clotho stroked the mark in his hand, and tears of reluctance dripped on the mark.

He regretted his decision, regretted not finding out Qin Feng's true strength, and rashly sent Dai Ying to assassinate him.

However, no matter how much he regretted, it was all in vain.

Roar, roar, roar...

A low, unhuman voice came out of Klosso's throat.

He made up his mind!

This time, even if he fell into an endless abyss, he would avenge his son.

With this in mind, Klosso no longer hesitated, he turned around and entered the door deep in the secret room.

In the past, he never dared to step into the world behind this door.

But today, in order to get enough power to kill Qin Feng, he overcame the fear in his heart.

He stepped in with a fearless attitude!

At the moment he stepped into the secret room, Crosso's majestic voice rang throughout the Black Cult headquarters.

"The headquarters will be closed for three days. You are allowed to enter but not leave. After three days, I will lead you to flatten Maple Leaf City and sweep the world!"

With a creak, the door of the secret room was tightly closed.

In the Black Cult headquarters, countless fanatical believers cheered wildly!

They have waited for too many years, and finally waited for the day when the Pope decided to sweep away this stinking world!

"Eliminate human tyranny and the world will be annihilated!"

"Long live the Lord of Annihilation! Long live the Pope!"

"Destroy humanity! Start from Maple Leaf City!"

"The world will eventually surrender to annihilation!"


When the fanatics of the Black Cult cheered, Qin Feng also rushed back to Maple Leaf City.

When entering the city, Qin Feng noticed several different eyes.

After opening the Eye of Exploration and checking several times, Qin Feng knew the identities of these people.

These people, like Qin Feng, are players on Blue Star.

After seeing this group of players who have arrived at the main city, Qin Feng immediately remembered a list in his mind.

When the number of players in the main city of each region reaches 100.

The God Realm game will open the level ranking list, and the top three players on the list will receive extra rewards every week.

At this time, some players have entered the main city.

That means the day when the list is opened is not far away.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Qin Feng's face.

After delivering the corpse to Chen Tianyang, Qin Feng will reach level 23.

And the highest level of the players seen before is only level 13.

With their speed, it will not be possible to catch up with Qin Feng in a short time.

With this in mind, Qin Feng stopped thinking about the players and walked towards the location of the City Lord's Mansion.

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