Online Game: Summon The Magic Tome Wei At The Beginning

Chapter 41: Underworld God Trial! Two Armies Against Each Other!

Step into the Tower of Hades.


As Bai Ye walked in, the gate of the Tower of the Underworld slammed shut.

The surrounding light suddenly dimmed.

"What the hell? Do you want me to take part in the test with my eyes closed?"

Bai Ye slandered inwardly, isn't this a bit too bullying?

I can't see anything, how can I play this?


Just when Bai Ye was blind in both eyes.

Groups of green flames suddenly ignited from all around.

Floating brightly in the air.

The oppressive space instantly became a little brighter.

Everything in the tower is reflected in the eyes under the reflection of the fire.

"The place is pretty big."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

In the spacious Underworld Tower, there is a lot of space.

There is no end in sight at a glance, only a vague view, and there is a layer of gray-black fog shrouded in the surrounding edges.

You can't see the edge, and you can't see the high and low.

In the central area of ​​the tower, there is a straight black beam of light.

It's so deep that even the soul can be sucked in.

"The trial is open! After the trial begins, please kill all the undead in front of you and reach the entrance of the second floor!"

"If the inheritor fails the trial, he will be kicked out of the place of inheritance and can only enter after 24 hours."

A deep system prompt sounded from the ear.

The mist that filled the Tower of the Underworld God quietly dissipated.

A few kilometers away in front of him, a neatly arranged phalanx of undead came into Bai Ye's eyes.

On the pitch-black leather armor, intricate patterns are engraved.

Holding a half-human-high longbow in his hand, his expressionless faces were pale and bloodless.

[Undead Archer of the Underworld: Elite (Ice, Flame, Death, Thunder...)]

【Level: 10】

[Skills: Elemental Shooting, Energy Arrow, Continuous Shooting]

Ten phalanxes are neatly arranged together.

Each phalanx has more than 2000 undead archers.

Added together, nearly 20,000 elite-level undead stood between Bai Ye and the beam of light.

Ka Ka Ka!

There was a stiff friction sound.

All undead archers in the phalanx change positions as the phalanx moves.

Half kneeling on the ground, stretching the bow and drawing the string!

A sense of crisis that made the scalp tingle came to my heart.

What's it like to be targeted by 20,000 elite level undead archers?

Bai Ye now has a very clear understanding.

It's like standing on a rope, and there is a bottomless abyss under your feet.

As long as one wrong step, the next second will be irreversible.

The creepy feeling made the hairs on his back explode.

"Only by being infinitely close to death can one understand the true meaning of death."

This tingling sensation in the scalp...

So cool!

Bai Ye grinned, there was no fear in his eyes.

"Disturb the rest of the dead in the underworld! Kill without mercy!"


A deep roar came from the undead phalanx.

echoed far away.

Susu Susu!

Thunder, ice, darkness, storm...

Energy arrows of different colors overturned overwhelmingly.

The whole sky became pale in an instant.

"Mind Fusion!"

Bai Ye, who was shrouded in the rain of arrows, had calm eyes.

A violent figure on horseback, covered in a bloody storm, jumped out from behind.

"Fang Tian draws a halberd! Who dares to catch up!"

A long roar of fury!

The bloody flames blazed, completely engulfing Bai Ye's body.

Susu Susu!

The moment the arrow rain fell, a bloody storm suddenly set off.

A blood moon bye! Tear through the darkness!

"Fang Tian painted cut!"

Fang Tian swung the heavy halberd, and the blood-colored edge dazzled and forced people.

Clang, clang!

The rain of arrows all over the sky was swept down.

Bai Ye stood up on the horse, bathed in blood flames.

The long feathers swayed, and the blood-colored cloak fluttered in the wind.

Fang Tian painted his halberd and pointed at the ground obliquely, his violent aura unscrupulously released.

Unruly and presumptuous!

"A group of mobs, less than one ten thousandth of me, dare to make a mistake here!"

"Mayflies shaking trees, ridiculous!"

Bai Ye smiled coldly, the expression on his face froze suddenly, a little suspicious of life.

"...Why did I say that?"

It felt quite sudden.

It seems that only Lu Bu is so arrogant, let it be natural to say such shameful words.

"Could it be that the fusion of minds will even affect the personality?"

Bai Ye was slightly speechless, that's really bad!

This guy Lu Bu's character, it's really that he himself sometimes wants to beat him up when he sees it.

The eyes are higher than the top, looking at everyone as if they are looking at a waste.

The arrogance is out of the question.

But I have to say that Lu Bu's power is really terrifying.

After the fusion, Bai Ye could feel the power surging out of his body all the time.

It felt like giving him a chance.

Even Shendu can kill!

"A round of arrow rain is a step for you, and it will be my turn next."

Bai Ye released the fusion state, and a staff appeared in his hand.

The supreme magic ball hangs above the head, shining brightly.

Summoning Lu Bu's power fusion is just an addiction.

I want to destroy these 20,000 undead archers.

This fancy skill is useless.

It also depends on the real strength.

Belongs to the power of the undead summoner!

With a wave of Bai Ye's hand, thousands of undead, ghouls, and a group of followers were summoned from the fragments of the underworld.

All elite units, more than 40% of the leader-level undead, and more than a dozen leader-level undead commanders.

Under the leadership of several overlords and followers of legendary level, line up in several rows.

The movements in Bai Ye's hands don't stop!

"Supreme Ball! Undead Call!"

"Supreme Orb! Summon Ghouls!"

"Contract call! Purgatory demon sea!"

"Contract call! Skeleton soldiers!"

The power of the soul is triggered!

[Strengthen Skeleton Soldiers (Enhancement of Underworld Breath)]

【Level: 10】

[Stage: Elite ~ Leader]

[Skills: Nether Qi Heavy Strike, Block...]

[Strengthen Purgatory Demon (Enhanced Underworld Breath)]

【Level: 10】

[Rank: Elite ~ Leader (Abyssal Imp, Abyssal Balrog, Purgatory Wolf Rider)]


The sea of ​​undead in front of him broke through five thousand people in an instant, approaching ten thousand people.

It's not over yet!

"Ying Zheng, it's your turn!"

After being cast aside by Bai Ye, Ying Zheng in the crowd walked ahead of the crowd step by step with steady and powerful steps.

Facing the 20,000 undead archers, their mean eyes narrowed slightly.

Like an emperor patrolling his own territory.

The eyes are indifferent, not angry and pretentious.

"Since I came to power, I have swept Liuhe! Swallowed up the eight wastelands! Destroyed the six kingdoms! Unified the world!"

"Books with the same text, cars with the same track, and build an eternal unity!"

"The meritorious deeds of the three emperors, the virtues of the five emperors, under the whole world, within the universe, who can give me respect?"

Ying Zheng's voice gradually became louder!

"A group of rebels who refuse to accept Wang Hua, don't you know that there is no king in the world!"

"The shore of the land... Could it be the king's minister!"

"How dare you be presumptuous!!"


The emperor's long sword is out of its sheath!

A domineering spirit swept out from Ying Zheng!

The posture of looking down on all living beings, looking down upon all ages!

"My Daqin soldiers! Haven't woken up yet! Fight for me!"


The hooves of the horse were dull, like thunder!

A door filled with a strong breath of death slowly opened.

Tread Tread!

Fearless figures one by one, got rid of the shackles of death and walked out of hell.

Wearing black armor and holding high the Great Qin Black Dragon's banner, the Daqin iron hooves passed through the gate of the dead world and appeared in front of the array!

A crack opened in the ground!

In the crack, a majestic underground palace looms.

In the center of the underground palace, arrays of clay figurines shook.


Dirt falls off.

Pairs of dark and bloodthirsty firm eyes slowly opened.

"The King..."

"My emperor..."

Soldiers who have been sleeping for countless years, follow the ancient call and wake up again!

Boom boom boom!

The terracotta warriors and horses, dressed in khaki armor and covered with cracks, walked out of the underground palace with firm steps.

chariot! war horse! Soldier!

[Terracotta Warriors: Elite ~ Leader]

【Level: 10】

[Skills: Immortal Battle Spirit, Charge, Earth Armor...]


The tidy roar was like thunder.

Thousands of dead souls of Great Qin half-kneeled on the ground.

"Welcome to my emperor!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

The densely packed Great Qin Bingjia stands tall with countless black and black banners.

More than 10,000 summoned creatures crowded the entire Tower of Trials.

Standing behind the summoned creatures such as Dark Battle Tyrannosaurus, Dian Wei, Lu Bu, Ying Zheng, Murphy, Hua Tuo, etc., Bai Ye slowly raised his staff.

The scarlet light spread from the body and spread to all the summoned creatures.

Bloodthirsty halo!


Talent and expertise! Skill characteristics!


Swish Swish Swish Swish!

The rain of arrows fell all over the sky.

"Raise the shield!"

The Daqin soldier at the front of the crowd raised his shield with the shout of the general Meng Tian.

"The Great Wall of Immortality!"

Yingzheng held the Son of Heaven sword in his hand and stuck it on the ground.


A illusory Great Wall stretching thousands of miles emerged.

The flying arrows passed through the illusory Great Wall, and their power was weakened by half.

Falling into the crowd, with the increase of various skills and specialties, it only caused double-digit damage.

"Give me... crush them!"

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, his voice piercingly cold.

What undead archers! What kind of inheritance trial of the underworld god!

Give him all these bells and whistles and useless things.

He is going to push everything horizontally today!

Whoever blocks his way will die!

If he can't even do this, he still plays Nima's Undead Summoner!

Why do flowers and tickets seem to be getting less and less, emmm, did I crash writing, please don’t be like this, I’m so panic

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