Online Game: Summon The Magic Tome Wei At The Beginning

Chapter 71 Strengthening Completed! Spirit Of The Mountains!

"Master, thank you Lord for cultivating!"

Deep in the pitch-black mist, a pair of gloomy eyes slowly lit up.

Holding a huge ax in his hand, Dian Wei walked out slowly wearing a bronze beast head armor.

The muscular body is full of explosive strength.

Just looking at it gives people a strong sense of shock.

As if facing the most ferocious ghosts and gods in the world.

It was a kind of fear from head to toe, from the inside out, that made people feel creepy, and the scalp would explode.

It is not ugly and cruel, but an indescribable evil!

People divide life and death, either good or evil.

The ultimate of goodness is holy, and the ultimate of evil is evil.

The current Dian Wei gives him the feeling that he is a fierce god who has integrated the evil spirits of the world from ancient times to the present!

A body full of evil spirits can suppress all gods and demons!

Just one look at this condensed evil spirit is enough to make the heart of an ordinary person tear apart.

"Legendary Samsung?"

It cost him 1,000 soul crystals and hundreds of thousands of death breath.

Directly promoted Dian Wei's rank from the main three-star to the current legendary three-star.

Such a huge step-up will bring a huge bonus of terror attribute.

Although the rank is still slightly inferior to several other epic followers.

However, with the improvement of attributes, Dian Wei once again jumped to 280 and became a front-line combat power.

"Murphy, it's your turn."

Bai Ye's eyes turned to the stone man who was standing there at a loss.

"Me too?"

Murphy took a step back.

The expression on his face was a little weak, a cowardly one.

After Dian Wei went in, the stove was on fire.

When it came out, it completely changed its appearance.

If he goes in, who knows, he won't turn into a dead stone when he comes out!

"Just go in if I let you in, what are you doing talking so much nonsense?"

Bai Ye kicked forward and kicked Murphy directly.

With such a big man and such a small courage, it is not enough to be ashamed to speak out.

What the hell.

"I'm afraid!"

Murphy waved his arms, screaming and being sucked in by the Wraith Altar.

"Eh? It doesn't seem so scary here."

After a while, Murphy's muffled voice sounded.

Bai Ye rolled his eyes, and threw all the remaining death energy and 1000 soul crystals into it.

"Ding! The current material has reached the upper limit of the summoned creature's tolerance. If you continue to add materials, there will be unpredictable risks! Do you want to strengthen it?"

(ajef) "Strengthen!"

The fire in the furnace ignited.

Ten minutes later, in the extinguished furnace, a black mist filled with the breath of death spewed out.

"I feel stronger than ever!"

"The power to crush everything!"

"Ding! Your follower, the lava monster, Murphy, has been promoted!"

"Ding! The follower's level has been upgraded to the legendary three-star! The title has changed, and the attributes have been refreshed and loaded. The title has been changed to: Spirit of the Mountain. Murphy Special"

"Occupation changed to: Mountain Shield Guard!"

"The race is changed to: Undead, Spirit of the Mountain!"

"Activate a new racial talent: Mountain Power (defense value, life value increased by 25%, immunity to 15% physical damage attacks.)"

"Awakening SS+ Level Talent Specialty: Mountain Spirit Power (SS+) (Standing on the ground, you will get the blessing of the power of the earth, your defense power and blood volume will increase by 150%, and you will be immune to damage output lower than 65% of your own defense, and will rebound Takes 55% damage from the attack.)”

"Awakening S+ level talent feat: I am a mountain (S) (movement speed reduced by 99%, defense power and life value increased by 50%, immune to all knockback and displacement skills.)"

"Basic attributes: Strength and constitution increase by 35 points, spirit and agility increase by 30 points. w

"Strength, constitution, agility, and spiritual growth value increased by 30 points!"

"Comprehend new skills: earth pulsation, seismic wave, earth and rock manipulation..."

"Innate specialties and skill effects have been greatly improved, the skin has been strengthened by the power of the earth, and the defense attribute has been increased by 25%!"

"Acquire special attributes: legendary power (for all creatures under the legendary rank, cause 50% attribute suppression, and cause an additional 75% damage.)"

"Acquire special attribute: Soul power (all attributes, skills, talents and specialties are increased by 25%)"

bang bang bang!

The body is more than six meters, and the appearance is completely a stone man composed of rugged rocks. With heavy steps, he slowly walks out of the black mist.

The rough body was polished to a luster like marble.

There is a layer of green creeper and moss on the skin, which looks weather-beaten.

"how do you feel?"

Bai Ye stepped forward and patted the stone man's body curiously.

Murphy looked down condescendingly, raised his hand and scratched his head honestly.

A layer of rubble fell, and if Bai Ye hadn't been able to hide quickly, he would have been buried alive.

"I feel that the current power is much stronger than before, as if I can easily crush the previous me.

"More importantly, I'm getting bigger again."

Looking at the innocent stone man.

Bai Ye was slightly silent, Liangzi was at a loss for words, and if he thought about it carefully, Murphy seemed to be right.

It just feels like this guy is completely missing the point.

Why is this guy so excited when it comes to his size getting bigger again.

It's like ordinary people saying that they have become handsome again.

In other words, there is nothing to be proud of in such a thing.

Could it be that your race depends on body shape to determine its beauty?

"The power of death is exhausted again."

After clearing the five-story Tower of the Underworld, all the accumulated hundreds of thousands of death qi have been consumed, plus 2,000 soul crystals.

It was barely enough to raise his two follower ranks to Legendary Three Stars.

"When will I turn all my followers into demigods..."

Sighed, lamented the long road, long way to go.

Human desire is like a rolling stone on the top of a mountain, once it slips down, it cannot be stopped.

Ideals and aspirations also change as desire grows.

Originally, he always felt that he would be satisfied if he could have one or two followers of legendary rank.

Life is complete, what more can a husband ask for.

But now, with the passage of time and the growth of his horizons, the ordinary legendary ranks can no longer be regarded by him.

What's the use of this kind of rubbish that can be crushed to death?

Only summoned creatures above the demigod level are what he desires most now.

If he has a vote of demigod followers to work for him, he will still work hard with a hammer.

When the world finally comes and the gods are disqualified, he can pile up a few gods to death even with the number of people.

It's a pity that it's so easy to get the follower of the demigod rank.

"Blank contract scroll gold skill points..."

What skills should be strengthened?

His brows were raised slightly, and a flash of thought flashed through him.

With his current skills, there are not many who have reached the full level and have the potential to be strengthened.

"Maybe, you can learn the skills of another profession."

In addition to the undead summoner, other professions also have many powerful skills.

Just like the phase shift he has mastered now, it is the exclusive core skill from the mage.

There are many similar powerful skills.

There is always one that suits him. .

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