Online Game: Summon The Magic Tome Wei At The Beginning

Chapter 75: The Family Shakes! Cleaning Begins!

A glorious, luxurious house in the past.

As the diffuse sword energy raged, it turned into ruins.

The bluestone floor, the beautiful flowers and plants, everything was annihilated under the subtle but sharp sword energy!


Funeral day!

"The Zhao family!"

"The pain you have brought me has been paid back even with interest."

Bai Ye's eyes were calm, as if he had crushed a group of ants to death.

With the destruction of the ancestral land, the background and strength of the Zhao family can no longer be said to be as simple as a wound.

It's as if a person has had his limbs removed, and the rest of the body is just a feast waiting for the beasts to share.

Even if there are any remnants of evil that survive, it is doomed not to be able to cause any troubles.

As for completely destroying the Zhao family, it is too difficult.

After all, there are thousands of years of inheritance, and there are tens of millions of scattered bloodline branches.

He wanted to find out and kill them one by one.

The amount of time and energy wasted is literally days.

"But I don't need to worry about these things."

Bai Ye is not worried that he will be retaliated by others.

Let's not talk about the people who are still alive in the Zhao family, whether they have the ability to pose this threat to him.

Even if there was, he probably didn't have the time and energy to find fault with him.

With the demise of one family, there is bound to be the rise of another family.

The Zhao family encountered such a catastrophe, if the other aristocratic families and rich families were not fools, they would never let go of this opportunity.

It was as if a wounded beast suddenly appeared among a herd of wild beasts.

Will it be protected by other beasts, or will it be carve up by...

Aristocratic families and wealthy families, those guys are more greedy than beasts.

Perhaps, there is no need for him to do it himself, someone will solve this trouble for him.

Between families...

There is no emotion at all, only interests.

The Zhao family's ancestral land was trampled down.

The head of the family, including all the blood descendants of the direct line, were all killed.

This news was like a plague, and it was spread to all the courtiers of the rich and powerful families within half an hour.


"What did you say? The Zhao family was slaughtered by one person?"

In the living room of the Huangfu's family, the head of the contemporary Huangfu's family stood up and looked shocked!

The big backer of their Huangfu family was actually wiped out!

And, still alone!

One person slaughtered the entire Zhao family, and it feels like a joke to say such a thing.

How tightly guarded is the Zhao family's ancestral land?

Don't they know that they are also wealthy families?

The Zhao family's brocade clothes, with a fierce reputation, are all carefully selected military elites.

The Zhao family's defenses were nothing on the surface.

In fact, the hidden power in the dark is as much as an armored regiment.

Killed by one person?

Are you a Super Saiyan?

"Not only were they exterminated, I heard that even the ashes of eighteen generations of ancestors were exiled!"


"Digging graves? So vicious!"

Patriarch Huangfu sat down on the chair and rubbed his forehead with a depressed face.

The Zhao family is over this time.

The ancestral land was destroyed, the bloodline of the direct line was completely rooted out, and the remaining branch forces.

It's just three or two kittens.

Although the power is still there, it is difficult to become a climate at all.

The current Zhao family is nothing more than a piece of cake waiting to be shared by others.

It can be said that the Zhao family...

Has been removed from the ranks of the family!

"Immediately send people to recruit all the forces attached to the Zhao family...

After a moment of silence, Patriarch Huangfu said in a deep voice.

The last big backer was destroyed by others, although it is a bad thing for the Huangfu family, but...

This is also an opportunity.

The big cake of the Federation has long been divided up by the 12 aristocratic families.

These wealthy families just picked up the leftovers from the aristocratic family.

Now, the Zhao family has been wiped out, and such a big piece of cake is vacated, which is enough to make all the rich and powerful eat their stomachs.

"Move fast! Do whatever it takes!"

Patriarch Huangfu believes that other wealthy families must have the same idea as him.

Carve up the Zhao family!

The decline of a thousand-year-old family is a once-in-a-millennium event for a wealthy family like them.

Can you step over the threshold and become the next family.

Just this once.

"Owner, the winner's call..."

Just finished ordering everything.

Before Patriarch Huangfu could relax, he made a call directly to his personal account.

"What does it mean that the winner is calling at this time?"

A thought flashed through my mind.

A bright smile appeared on the face of the Patriarch Huangfu.

The winner is the 12 aristocratic families, but their Huangfu family is just a wealthy family.

Although because of the Zhao family, the relationship with the winner is not very good.

When facing the winner, no matter how upset he was, he had to keep a smile on his face.

"Old man Huangfu, long time no see."

The deep voice reveals an undisguised majesty.

In the video, there is an old man with white hair but full of energy, wearing a Chinese tunic suit and holding a mahogany walking stick.

His complexion is mild, and he has an aura cultivated by living above him all the year round.

That is the temperament that can only be cultivated by holding power and controlling life and death for many years.

"The master of the winner is really old and strong!"

Patriarch Huangfu showed a stiff smile on his face, and complimented him with a half-smile.

In fact, the thoughts in my heart really wish that the old man would die suddenly in place right now.

"I've asked you to come here this time for one thing."


Patriarch Huangfu had a strange look on his face.

Is there anyone else besides him?

Turn your sight.

A huge conference room appeared in front of us.

In the 12 aristocratic families, except for the head of the Zhao family, all the aristocratic families were present.

On the huge screens all around, a figure appeared on each screen.

Except for the eleven aristocratic patriarchs present, the figures of all the wealthy patriarchs appeared on the screen.

Patriarch Huangfu was slightly shocked.

Intuition told him that it snowed repeatedly.

The last time the aristocratic families gathered together, it was because of the appearance of the fantasy world.

Not long after, this scene reappeared.

What is the reason again this time?

Could it be?

Is it because of the Zhao family?

"Presumably everyone should know that the Zhao family has been wiped out. As for the specific situation, everyone here should also know something about it."

"However, I must have no intuitive impression of what happened at that time."

The owner of the winner's tone was indifferent, but his hand holding the cane couldn't help but tighten.

Within the federation, only their 12 aristocratic families have the right to mobilize satellites to monitor an area.

Therefore, although the heads of these wealthy families got the news that the Zhao family was delisted.

There may not be any practical concept about the destruction of the Zhao family.

And the few of them had indeed witnessed what happened at that time.

Thinking of the pictures he had seen before, he still had a lingering feeling of fear.

"I heard that the Zhao family was wiped out by a single person. It must have been using some powerful weapon."

"Or poisoning?"

"I don't think it's possible for one person to kill the entire Zhao family. Maybe there are other conspirators, are they from overseas forces?"

Discussions rang out all around.

With the strength of one person, it is impossible to destroy the Zhao family, no matter how you think about it?

With the strength of the Zhao family's Jinyi, even if they are facing an entire armored army.

It is impossible to lose so quickly.

Unless, the people who destroyed the Zhao family used some insidious means.

Or, not alone at all.

It is a deeply hidden organization.

"Ahem! Quiet!"

One of the twelve aristocratic families, the head of the Zhu family coughed dryly, interrupting the discussion around him.

"`||We have a video here, you may have some different opinions after watching it.


With a clap of hands, the lights in the conference room suddenly dimmed.

All the screens were turned to a big screen directly in front.

The first picture that came into my eyes was a figure riding a black dragon descending from the sky.

A short picture, giving people a strong spiritual shock.

The scene lasted for half an hour.

All the reasons from the appearance of the black dragon to the destruction of the Zhao family were clearly and unmistakably displayed in front of everyone.

The lights were restored, and the meeting room was silent.


"Zhao Family"

"Is that how it was destroyed?"

Throat dry, as if blocked by something, unable to speak.

One person, one sword, slaughtered a family?

Why does it look like a movie?

"The existence of this person has seriously threatened the status of our aristocratic family. The purpose of recruiting you this time is to use your power to launch... a purge order!"

The head of the Liu family tapped on the table lightly.

To put it lightly, it was like a thunderbolt, echoing in the minds of all the wealthy family heads.

The purge order is a privilege of the aristocratic family in the federation.

Can only be activated once every three years.

After launching, the military forces of the entire Federation can be mobilized.

Launch a large-scale cleansing of an area.

It even includes launching a large-scale annihilation campaign against a country.

Therefore, among the aristocratic families, the purge (money is good) order is also called the Tuguo Order!

However, the purge order cannot be launched casually.

A large-scale cleaning, the materials and losses consumed are shared by their aristocratic families.

Moreover, it has a great influence.

Therefore, the conditions for launching a purge order are also extremely harsh.

It can only be launched once every three years, and more than two-thirds of the wealthy families must agree.

brief silence....

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

In an instant, ninety percent of the aristocratic families raised their hands in agreement.

The picture they just saw was beyond their imagination.

Such a dangerous person cannot be left behind no matter what, no matter how big a secret is hidden in him.

If they can't get this secret, then it's better to bury it, and no one can get it.

Only killing Bai Ye is the best choice for them.

After all, this time it was just that the Zhao family was unlucky and was used as a test stone.

Who can guarantee that the next one to be wiped out will not be their family?

It's been a long time since I've been aloof.

No one wants to hang a sharp knife above his head that may fall at any time.

"Since everyone here agrees with this proposal, then the purge order will officially begin..."

The tone of the winner and owner was indifferent.

This person does not get rid of him for a day, they are rich and powerful families, they can't even sleep peacefully.

No one wants to wake up and find that their ancestral land has been dug up to the root.

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