After Qi Yushu got Gu Bingbing's WeChat account, he was overjoyed.

On the surface, he said lightly:"Thank you, Auntie."

In fact, he used an angle that others couldn't see and quickly added the other person's WeChat account.

His proficiency is as if he has been honed thousands of times.

After a few people chatted for a while,

Qi Yushu led the people back.

Along the way, he looked at the messages on WeChat, wondering why Gu Bingbing had never been recognized as his friend.

At this moment, the WeChat friend was approved,

Qi Yushu: Hello, Miss Gu, I am Qi Yushu from the Qi family in Nanhai Province. My parents asked us to add a friend to chat.

Gu Bingbing: Hello, it’s so late, what’s wrong?

Qi Yushu: No, I just went to your house and found that you were not at home, so I wanted to ask you what you were doing.

Gu Bingbing: I’m playing table tennis.

Qi Yushu: Unexpectedly, it turns out that Miss Gu also likes billiards. I am a snooker expert. Are you good at it?

Gu Bingbing: It’s okay, I just like the pleasure of seeing the table tennis ball go into the hole after the impact.

Qi Yushu: I also like this kind of sport because of this feeling.

Gu Bingbing: I think you may have misunderstood. Forget it, it's very late. Goodbye.

Qi Yushu: Are you so indifferent to someone who likes you, cares about you, and worries about you?

Qi Yushu: Why don't you talk to me?

Qi Yushu: You don’t even know how to feel sorry for others? I think you can't sleep all night;

Gu Bingbing:...I don't want to chat;

Qi Yushu: My life is good but my life is not good;

Qi Yushu: I sent you a message but I didn't reply;

Gu Bingbing: Bingbing and I just finished fighting Billiards, she is too tired and has fallen asleep now. Why don't you save your earthy love words and tell her tomorrow! [Voice message]

Qi Yushu: Damn it, why is it a man? Who are you? Is this Gu Bingbing’s WeChat account?

Gu Bingbing: It’s Bingbing’s WeChat. Me? The pig that holds the cabbage.

After sending this message,

Gu Bingbing's phone locked and the screen went black, with

An Yan's face reflected on the screen.

Yes, it was An Yan who had just teased Qi Yushu.

He took Gu Bingbing's cell phone to reply to the other party's message.

If the other party's reply was not too greasy, he probably wanted to tease him for a while longer.

After An Yan finished teasing Qi Yushu, he returned the phone to Gu Bingbing.

Gu Bingbing glanced at this man helplessly.

He had always been ruthless and mature, so why did he act like a child when encountering something like this?

When she saw the other person's WeChat friend request, she just wanted to say that she was bored and didn't want to deal with it.

She didn't expect that An Yan saw it and had to tease him, saying that she wanted to see a rich man licking his dog.

Gu Bingbing gave An Yan a very meaningful look.

Didn't he know how to look through the chat history?

Looking through the chat history, I saw that I used to be a dog licker.

In fact, after An Yan traveled through time, he immediately deleted all the dog-licking chat records, because he felt that the words posted by the original owner in the book could not be read, and he completely lost his identity as the number one young man in Donghai Province.

Gu Bingbing took it The man in front of him had no choice, so he gave him his cell phone to play with.

As a result, he chatted with the other party until he felt like vomiting.

She came over and took a look at her phone.

I'm afraid the eldest son of the Qi family wasn't an oil bottle!

Why do you talk so greasy?

Gu Bingbing ignored him after taking the phone, and the energetic young man continued to text furiously.

But now that she has her own confidence, she is just the eldest son of the Qi family, and she can ignore him if she wants.

Her master is the most powerful young man in Donghai Province, and he has real power.

Why should she waste her time socializing with a rich second generation who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

Qi Yushu is going crazy now.

Why can't he understand what's going on?

He was so angry that he smashed his phone, not only because there was a man beside Gu Bingbing, but also because this man dared to tease him.

For a moment, he felt insulted and cheated.

Qi Yushu angrily went to Gu Jianhua to verify the matter, but the other party said that Gu Bingbing did not have a boyfriend now, but that his daughter was relatively lonely and did not like to deal with men.

Maybe she deliberately found a man to reject his offer of friendship, saying that he would teach her a lesson later.

Qi Yushu also found out that Gu Bingbing was aloof and cold, and basically didn't interact with men, and even hated them.

So he believed Gu Jianhua's rhetoric.

Qi Yushu did not intend to give up, but showed a cold smile.

He thought that only such a woman could make him feel conquered. If

Gu Bingbing dared to find someone to tease him, then he would get it back tenfold and a hundredfold from her. , otherwise the name Mr. Qi would be in vain.

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