It’s so refreshing to see a fox pretending to be a tiger.

An Yan snorted coldly,

"We Anjia have our Anjia ideas when doing things, and we don’t need you to give us instructions."

"If you, the Bian family, want to cause trouble, just go ahead and do it. At worst, I will exchange this agency right for the sanctions imposed on your Bian family by the ancient martial arts family."

"Let me tell you, Nangong Jing, the genius of the Nangong family, lives in our Donghai Province, and our relationship is very strong."

After that, he showed them the photos he took of going to the bar with Nangong Jing these days.

Of course, Bian and his son did not know that anyone from the Nangong family was in Donghai Province, nor did they know about the relationship between Nangong Jing and An Yan.

They followed suit. Looking at An Yan's cell phone, they saw that the person in the picture was indeed Nangong Jing, and there were several of his entourages who they knew.

At the same time, they also saw that An Yan was having a good time drinking with this young master Nangong.

The father and son started to panic. They didn't expect that they were here to blackmail An Yan.

Instead, An Yan was frightened.

Now they were confused.

But the Bian family obviously didn't dare. If the An family is really close to the Nangong family, they have to be careful, otherwise they may cause big trouble.

Bian Chang has limited information and cannot make a decision at this time. , he can only take his son and evacuate first.

"Mr. An, I happen to have something to do today, how about we talk next time."

Coward, just scare them.

If the Bian family and his son knew that he almost had a fight a few days ago, would they feel stupid?

For this kind of trick of pretending to be powerful,

An Yan has tried and tested many times.

For example, when it comes to picking up girls, he and some cute little sisters can actually do bulldozing work under the banner of idols after getting to know their idols. After all

, little sisters are much more attractive than gold diggers.

These people are not as powerful as An Jia, but most of them have their own specialties in some aspects.

An Yan is willing to take a few photos with them when he has the opportunity, and he can use them when necessary.

While Nangong Jing was drinking in the bar, he took a few photos from good angles. He didn't expect that they would be useful now.

An Yan probably didn't dare to confront Nangong Jing in case the other party knew about them. The person who blackmailed him might actually kill them.

Seeing the two people running away in fear from Nangong Jing,

An Yan just looked at them coldly.

"Just leave, don't send it away."

After the two people evacuated quickly,

An Yan couldn't help but think about what kind of force was going against him.

He shouldn't have any enemies in Northern Xinjiang Province, so the people who came this time should be here for profit.

If it is for profit, then it is very likely that it is related to some interest groups, otherwise the Bian family would not dare to go there rashly, but it would be better to show up early, because of the Bian family's early appearance.

This allowed him to take precautions in advance.

At least he knew what to do next.

He could not receive the people behind him for the time being.

The sudden appearance of a Bian family member gave An Yan a sense of crisis, and he decided to investigate it himself. This matter.

An Yan left the company and took a car to a place called Yong'an Pharmacy.

This pharmacy has a large number of branches in Nanhai Province and Donghai Province. It is one of the top pharmacies in Long Country.

There is a big money behind this pharmacy. Lord, that is the Murong family in Beijiang Province.

Beijiang and Xiliang are different from Donghai.

Both places have a strong sense of territoriality.

The Murong family ranks third among the three ancient martial arts families.

After the Nangong and Baili families, they also have a large number of businesses all over the country, and selling medicinal materials is one of their major sources of income.

People in Donghai and Nanhai provinces rarely go to Northern Xinjiang to collect or buy medicine. Medicine, because the territorial consciousness is too serious, a little carelessness may lead to death.

Everyone usually purchases medicine through the points where major forces are stationed in this province, and the other party will naturally bring you the medicine you need.

The point where the Murong Family is stationed in the East China Sea is Yong'an Pharmacy.

This pharmacy not only buys individual customers, but also does large-scale business. The

Murong Family's territory has hundreds of thousands of hectares of medicinal fields, and they account for almost two-thirds of the supply of medicinal materials in the Dragon Kingdom.

Most of the medicinal materials for Yan Ruyu's facial ointment are entrusted to the Murong family.

Only a few that they don't have are entrusted to other organizations to purchase, and one of them is this Tianzhucao.

The current person in charge of Yong'an prescription is called Murong Peng. , belongs to an uncle in his forties.

He basically talks about the An family's drug purchase, and he can be considered a half-friend.

If he wants to know more about the Bian family, then Murong Peng can do it. It should be the most suitable candidate.

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