An Yan just took two bites and found that Gu Bingbing was still sitting beside her.

An Yan smiled softly and said,

"You sit down and eat too."

Gu Bingbing blushed and shook her head.

"I want to wait until the owner has finished eating before eating."

Tsk tsk tsk, her education is really getting better and better.

Normally, An Yan would give her some rewards at this time.

He looked at the dishes on the plate and finally chose steamed pork ribs.

An Yan did not use chopsticks, but He picked up a piece of ribs with his hands, and naturally some of the rib juice was stained on his hands.

He handed the ribs to Gu Bingbing's delicate red cherry mouth.

"Come, this is your reward."

Gu Bingbing has no taboos or dislikes about this.

This has changed a lot from her original self.

She held An Yan's hand with both hands and slowly ate the ribs. When he got down, even the pork rib juice on his hands was eaten up.

An Yan looked at her with great satisfaction.

"Okay, let me eat first. I'll let you eat it after you've finished eating."

He looked again and brought out a piece of ham.

"You should eat this first, don't get hungry."

Gu Bingbing's face was still red.

She took it and ate it by herself. After eating,

An Yan watched TV in the living room and ate fruits cut by the beautiful CEO.

Gu Bingbing had just finished eating, and then she started to clear the table and wash the dishes. She did everything very well.

Just after the kitchen was busy,

Gu Bingbing went to put the bath water for An Yan.

She happily took a bubble bath and let go of the day's worries.

In the evening, after both of them had finished their work,

Gu Bingbing was lying on her side in An Yan's arms, watching TV.

An Yan looked at her unable to relax. , you know there is something hidden in her heart

"How about it? Did you encounter any difficulties when you returned to work today?"

As soon as he finished asking, he felt the delicate body in his arms tremble slightly.

He thought about it and knew that something must have happened to the little girl.

Gu Bingbing didn't expect that An Yan would suddenly become concerned about her condition.

She said today She had clearly told the bodyguard not to tell him the matter, but nothing happened anyway. Even if she lost her job, she didn't want An Yan to worry about her.

When the bodyguards saw that the hostess was so considerate of the boss, they also swore not to. She would tell him, so she guessed that An Yan was just asking casually.

"It's okay, everything is fine. I just missed a day's work and am quite busy."

An Yan patted her hard.

After being patted,

Gu Bingbing made a slight"hum" sound, and there was already a reddish palm print where she started.

"Be honest and tell me the truth, otherwise you will suffer a lot.

Gu Bingbing still shook her head and said,"No, really not.""

An Yan's big eyes stared at her fiercely,

"There was a"pop" sound, and another moderate hit.

"You are so brave! Those who confess will be given leniency, those who resist will be given strict punishment. Do you think I can’t find out if you don’t tell me?"

Seeing what An Yan said,

Gu Bingbing had no choice but to give in.

She told her about her resignation from the company today, but she omitted some of the unpleasant words.

Although her parents were a little cruel to her,

Gu Bingbing Bingbing is a very kind person, and her heart is as soft as her bear.

She is afraid that after she tells everything,

An Yan will turn her anger on the Gu family, which will make the current shaky family even worse. He underestimated An Yan's ability, especially in seeing through human nature.

Just from what she said, he had already seen the true face of this family, especially Gu Ziyang, who used to be a rich second generation. The circle was pretty good, they were all about eating, drinking and having fun, and they also got a lot of benefits from An Yan in the original book, so An Yan naturally knew how they would treat Gu Bingbing , including Qi Yushu's matter. After asking about everything clearly, she did not forget to say,

"An Yan, promise me not to punish them, that's it! OK?"

After An Yan heard her statement, he couldn't help but hug her tighter, trying to give her more warmth.

Gu Bingbing seemed to be very helpful.

She was surrounded by An Yan's arms and felt a kind of warmth. Unprecedented warmth.

An Yan originally wanted to give the Gu family a hard blow so that they could feel the feeling of being bullied by others, but after Gu Bingbing said this to him, he gave up on his decision..

But now the Gu family is in danger, even if An Yan doesn't take action, the Gu family won't survive for long.

An Yan comforted:"It's okay. The company in Nanhai was set up very quickly. You will have the final say in this company from now on, and no one can drive you away."

Gu Bingbing was slightly moved by his words.

She, who had always been cold and cold, actually shed two lines of hot tears.

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