Yan Ruyu's Zhuyan Cream has indeed ruined the jobs of many people, but

An Yan doesn't care about it at all, because these people don't dare to do anything to him.

An Yan has a very special thing to do today, which is to take Nangong Jing to release Ye Fan.

Nangong Jing watches the news every day and pays attention to current affairs in the country.

He also finds that it is really popular now, and according to Ye Fan's description, the profit of this ointment is also extremely high.

It is estimated that in such a period of time, the amount of money Anjia has earned It’s as high as tens of billions.

So Nangong Jing couldn't hold it any longer.

He urgently needed to get the authentic original prescription in Ye Fan's hand so as to intercept An Yan's prescription.

During this period, he had sent people to urge him many times.

Everything was in place and there were no major problems, so I brought Nangong Jing over today to release him.

Ye Fan may have made An Yan feel like a thorn in his back, so he also deliberately let him out to solve the problem.

Again, Ye Fan must die, but he cannot die in Donghai Province.

Ye Fan was also exhausted mentally and physically from waiting during this period.

He had a similar mentality to An Yan.

He felt unsafe after not escaping from this cage for a day.

When Nangong Jing informed him last night that An Yan would come to sign the settlement agreement today, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

Now that he saw Nangong Jing coming with An Yan, Ye Fan finally felt relieved.

An Yan walked over slowly.

During this period, he had not let anyone play tricks on Ye Fan, but he had obviously lost a lot of weight.

It seemed that he had lost so much weight because he was overly worried.

This is normal.

Because An Yan does have a big hole waiting for him to jump.

An Yan smiled lightly and said,

"Mr. Ye, we haven't seen each other for a while. I see you have lost a lot of weight."

Ye Fan looked at him angrily,

"An Yan, stop talking nonsense, now your Yan Ruyu facial cream has been sold all over the world. It’s time for you to keep your promise."

The lawyer next to him came out and took out an understanding agreement for An Yan to sign.

He signed it directly without any hesitation.

After getting the understanding agreement, the official released Ye Fan. It was a long-lost feeling of freedom that he hadn't felt for a long time.

When Nangong Jing was about to ask Ye Fan to leave,

An Yan was stopped by someone.

"Why stop us? Do you want to break your promise?

Nangong Jing asked in confusion.

The rest of his men and Ye Fan immediately became defensive.

An Yan smiled instead of getting angry:"It's a joke, I keep my word." After saying that

, he asked someone to bring Ye Fan's backpack to him.

Ye Fan was confused:"What do you mean?"

An Yan:"Aren't you a miracle doctor?" Now you just need to check your body to see if there is any poisoning. Don’t rely on me if something goes wrong later."

"Young Master Nangong happens to be here now, so he can be a witness to avoid being confused about what to say."

Ye Fan also thought about An Yan's suggestion.

Since he had already had a poisoning experience, he originally wanted to check it out immediately after returning to the hotel.

But Ye Fan didn't expect that An Yan would take the initiative to propose it. I don’t know if An Yan really wants to cut off the relationship, or if he has other plans behind it, but in any case,

An Yan’s proposal is not bad, and

Ye Fan still accepts it happily.

Nangong Jing is also worried about Ye Fan. It was safe, so he agreed to the proposal.

So Ye Fan took out the silver needle from his bag.

The feeling of holding the needle was really wonderful, and he regained the confidence of the male protagonist.

After diagnosing his own pulse and then using a silver needle to probe the acupuncture points, he finally confirmed that he was not poisoned.

Whatever happened to him at that time had nothing to do with him.

Ye Fan had put away all the tools, and Nangong Jing took him away in the car.

After the two got in the car, Nangong Jing couldn't wait to ask:"That one.

Where is the recipe? Doctor Ye.

" Ye Fan looked around


"Don't be impatient, Young Master Nangong, we will discuss this matter after we return to the hotel."

Nangong Jing thought about it for a moment and understood.

After all, what he was most afraid of was that the walls had ears.

He immediately changed his face and showed that he cared about the other party.

"Doctor Ye, how are you doing these days? Is there anything uncomfortable? Make sure you're not poisoned."

Ye Fan has seen through these people, but they are all here for his own formula.

"Thank you, Young Master Nangong, for your concern. I would like to confirm that I am not poisoned.

Nangong Jing:"Then can you tell me what your situation was like in prison?" Now we can talk about safety."

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