Li An just hung up the phone, and

Gu Bingbing, the cool CEO, came again.

An Yan probably came because of this incident.

Gu Bingbing walked in hurriedly,

"Master, do you know? Nangong Jing is preparing an anti-security alliance. They united many people to compete with us for this antique."

An Yan was slightly surprised when he looked at her.

He didn't expect this little girl's information to be so timely.

She had already received the news just after the meeting over there.

However, An Yan was not in a hurry. The beautiful woman was sitting on her lap, gently squeezing her almost perfect figure.

"How did you know about this? I just found out too"

"One of my former better subordinates in the company told me this."

"He said that my father took my brother to find Ye Fan and attend a meeting held by Nangong Jing. The content of this meeting was the Anti-Security Alliance."

"Our old rivals, the Qi family, the He family, and the Luo family are all inside."

This incident was beyond An Yan's expectation.

He didn't expect that the old man from the Gu family would also get involved in this matter.

The Gu family only has so little wealth now, and he still goes to play with so many giants.

It's really... Aren't you afraid that you'll run out of fun?

An Yan looked at the nervous beauty in front of him and kissed her on the mouth.

"It's okay! Isn't it just about money? Money problems are easy to solve. Let's go to the group, I'm really not afraid at all."

Gu Bingbing patted his hand gently, wondering why he wasn't serious at this time.

She seemed worried that An Yan didn't realize the seriousness of this problem.

"Together, these companies may have more than 600 billion in cash, or even more. Master, do you think you should ask the Hu family for another order?

An Yan shook her head and said,"No, don't worry." I will find a solution. You don't have to worry about this."

Looking at his calm look,

Gu Bingbing still couldn't believe it.

None of those families were easy to deal with.

Now they are still coming together to deal with him.

How could he be like this? What about the calm and collected one?

"Is there really no problem? I'm worried about you."Gu Bingbing asked again

"No problem. If you want to worry, just worry about whether I will be hungry."

An Yan looked evil-minded.

Gu Bingbing was so amused by him that she blushed and her heart skipped a beat.

"Huh, no matter how hungry you are, I'm afraid that you'll be too full and that you won't be able to bear it."

"Nonsense, men can’t say no. I happen to be hungry now"

"Oops, it's only the afternoon and dinner hasn't arrived yet. Why are you hungry?"

"If you're just hungry, just treat yourself to afternoon tea."

Gu Bingbing couldn't do anything to him, so she shouldn't have come down to tell him about this matter.

It's all her fault that she met someone unkind.

The day of the auction soon arrived.

Today, Guardian Auction House is very busy.

It should be It has never been so lively since it opened.

Today, not only the members of the largest family in Donghai Province arrived, but also big bosses from various provinces came over. There were a large number of luxury cars parked outside, more than any other auto show. It was even worse.

When Nangong Jing arrived, he was followed by a large group of lackeys.

Just as An Yan had guessed, all the people from those families were there.

What surprised him slightly was that , even members of the Gu family were there.

Logically speaking, such a small family should not appear on such occasions.

It seemed that Nangong Jing did it deliberately to disgust him.

At this time, Nangong Jing seemed to have a kingly aura about him. , with a group of big guys behind him, he looked so majestic.

The way he looked at An Yan now was as if he was looking at a loser.

"Master An, do you still dare to come to this auction today?"

Because the establishment of the Anti-Security Alliance has spread,

Nangong Jing knows that An Yan must have known about it.

He even wondered if the other party would come today, fearing that he would be embarrassed if he failed to buy the antique. It doesn't matter. The first alliance between the big families was to confront An Yan, and it was very impressive to say this.

However, the pressure was still something to bear.

An Yan's expression was calm, and there was no emotion in his eyes. ,

"There are really few places in Donghai Province that I would not dare to go to. how? Will it be bloated just by finding a few partners?"

"Just hundreds of billions. Do you think I will be afraid? We have a lot of money in our home.

Nangong Jing laughed and said,"Expansion?" That's not the case, we just feel it has a little more advantage."

"If I accidentally win you later, I hope Master An won't be too sad."

Sure enough, once Dezhi was talking incoherently, he didn't even win, so he laughed like this.

If he really won, would he die laughing on the spot?

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