This is what Gu Bingbing can't understand the most. Did

An Yan take such a big risk just to play with Mark?

This is what she doesn't understand.

Having known An Yan for a long time, she knows that behind his cynicism, there are a lot of considerations and calculations.

What you think is actually what he wants you to see, and what is really behind it is No one knows what the truth is.

By the time you know it, you may be in a trap.

There is another doubt, that is, the attitude of Ye Fan and his people is a bit strange.

If it was a trap set by them that made An Yan jump, then now that An Yan is gone, they don't even have the slightest hint of being angry.

Moreover, they were celebrating happily just now, and their happy smiles were as if they had won a grand prize..

The more Gu Bingbing thought about it, the more something was wrong. There must be something she didn't know about, but looking at An Yan's calm demeanor, it seemed that the matter was still within his control.

She also understood that there were many things that An Yan would not tell them, because some things might be destined to be taken to the grave, so she did not continue to inquire.

It was already past six o'clock in the afternoon, and

An Yan took them to find a place to eat.

At this moment, his phone rang.

It was the Hu family who also called.

An Yan signaled the two women not to argue.

Seeing that they were very hungry because of the entire auction, he took out a large ham sausage from the snack cabinet and asked them to eat it first.

He wanted to deal with this old fox.

Although no important person from the Hu family came to the scene today, they sent a senior executive to attend with An Yan.

In fact, this is also a kind of trust and delegation of power to An Yan. If you send a senior executive here, he can only be a bystander at best.

If you send a backbone of the Hu family, he may have differences with An Yan on some things.

So the head of the Hu family simply sent a senior executive to show that he attached great importance to the auction and to show that he fully delegated power to An Yan to handle this matter.

An Yan had already confirmed with them before the auction, and after he assured that there would be no problem, the head of the Hu family felt relieved.

But just after the auction came out, the executive of the Hu family called and told the owner of the situation one by one.

When the owner of the family heard that the antique had fallen into the hands of Li Man, the He family's lineup, he almost died.

That's why I called in a hurry.

The head of the Hu family, Hu Hongguang, is an old man in his sixties.

This old man also has the attribute of a fox, so when he called, he didn't have a bad temper.

"Xiaoyan, I want to ask what happened to the antique auction? I heard that you have invested in Anjia's shares.

An Yan said calmly:"I think your senior executive should have reported it to you!" He failed and was photographed by them."

Listening to his flat tone,

Hu Hongguang was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that the families had been preparing for a battle for so long, and now they have lost, so they shouldn't have such a tone.

Hu Hongguang did not blame him, nor did he. Yelling and cursing,

"Xiaoyan, what are you going to do about this matter?"

He asked calmly.

He didn't plan to have a showdown with An Yan until the matter was clear.

"There is nothing to do, since he loses, the antique belongs to him. However, my intuition tells me that this is probably a scam and there is no such thing as an authentic recipe."

An Yan said calmly as always, as if it was an insignificant matter.

Hu Hongguang was also a little confused. Is it really a fake?

Then this scam was so big that the heads of several families came to the end personally. Will following up on this matter turn out to be a scam?

If it is indeed a scam, wouldn't An Yan be able to get away with it now?

At most, he will only lose some interest on his mortgaged shares. This shouldn't be so popular! Even the young master of the Nangong family joined in, and it didn't look like it was fake. Plus, if such a group of people really wanted to set up a trap for An Yan, how could he get away so easily? doubt,

"Is your intuition just a guess? So Xiaoyan, have you ever considered that this is probably true? I heard that Ye Fan is a master and a fairy doctor, and what he says should have some authority."

"If that is true, then our current Yanruyu Facial Cream will soon be replaced by their new product, and then we will lose our current customers and market."

"What you said is not unreasonable, but I think it is more likely to be false. I can basically guarantee that it will be fine."

"Uncle Hu, if you are worried that your executive has not left yet, just ask him to come to our company to terminate the contract. I'll refund the agent's money to you."

Anyang didn't want to analyze too much.

He was admiring the two beauties eating snacks.

Sure enough, they were beautiful and even looked beautiful when they ate.

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