Ye Fan was fortunate that none of these people reacted.

They all went to celebrate tonight, and now they were all drunk.

He had taken powerful hangover medicine in advance, so he drank a lot, but he didn't have any symptoms. Drunk, today should be their most relaxed day, which just gave him a chance to escape.

The formula couldn't be hidden for long, and he had to leave as soon as possible.

This time, Ye Fan's destination is no longer Northern Xinjiang Province.

He doesn't even dare to go to Yanjing and Nanhai Province, because this time people from the Anti-Security Alliance are all over these places, and every one of them is If the powerful force that dominates these places is still active in these places,

I believe it won't take long for someone to find him.

Especially in Northern Xinjiang Province, that place is the territory of the Nangong family.

Nangong Jing's fiancée is still from the Murong family.

If these two major forces want to cause trouble for him, he may be quartered.

In the end, he decided to go to Xiliang Province to find a place to live in seclusion, so that he could at least live a peaceful life.

Fortunately for Ye Fan, he still has 10 million lying on his account.

This 10 million was earned when he helped An Yan lift the banned martial arts pill last time.

With this money, he has the opportunity to change his mind. Face, live a happy and contented petty bourgeoisie life.

Ye Fan packed a few simple clothes, then went to the hotel lobby and checked out of the room, then called a taxi and left this sad place.

Ye Fan found a cash machine and took out 20,000 yuan and went to the airport, but something strange happened.

The driver did not take Ye Fan to the airport.

He turned to a remote section of the road on the way to the airport.

Ye Fan was not aware of this because he was not familiar with the roads in Donghai Province.

When they reached an empty place, the driver stopped the car.

Ye Fan frowned and looked at the surrounding environment.

It was in the wilderness and didn't look like an airport.

When Ye Fan was about to ask something, the driver immediately opened the door and ran out.

He also immediately realized the problem.

Ye Fan didn't care, he immediately followed the other party out.

After getting off the bus, Ye Fan saw a terrifying scene.

There were hundreds of men in black standing in this remote place, and each of them had a machete in their hand.

These people came with bad intentions.

It seems that he has fallen into someone else's trap again.

The driver just now must have been someone else's pawn.

They brought him here to kill him and silence him.

Ye Fan looked at everything around him vigilantly,

"Who are you? What brought me here?"

Although he was a little nervous, he was not too panicked, because it seemed to him that the hundreds of people were no match for him.

If he wanted to run away, these people would not be able to stop him.

This group of people did not speak, but looked coldly. Looking at him, the atmosphere was very depressing.

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, a Lamborghini sports car appeared behind Ye Fan.

He frowned and looked at the car, seeming to vaguely guess who the owner of the car was.

After the car stopped, a tall and handsome man got out of the car.

This man was none other than An Yan.

An Yan guessed that Ye Fan would take the opportunity to escape because he was afraid that his deeds would be exposed..

And the most likely thing is tonight, because the prescription is actually not complicated, and anyone with a little knowledge of Chinese medicine can understand it.

Nangong Jing showed the prescription to a professional, and he would probably expose his little trick immediately.

, then it would be difficult for him to run away.

An Yan would definitely not let him leave like this, so he asked people to put Ye Fan under surveillance.

He also found people to dress up the taxis downstairs.

, as long as he wants to escape, he will be brought to this place.

So when Ye Fan thought he could hide it, there were actually hundreds of eyes staring at him.

The enemy was extremely jealous when he met.

Ye Fan asked coldly:" An Yan, what do you mean?" At this time, An Yan no longer needs to act.

"Ye Fan, what else do you think this situation could mean?"

"Do you want to kill me?"Ye Fan asked coldly.

An Yan:"Yes, our teeth marks are so deep. If I don't mess with you, you will come back to mess with me sooner or later, so I decided to eradicate the root cause."

Ye Fan looked at him. He was a little confused.

How did An Yan know that he was going to escape tonight?

He had laid a trap waiting for him in advance. It didn't seem like a hasty preparation.

Suddenly, he realized a problem Yes,

"An Yan, let me ask you if that recipe was your fault?"

Yes, Ye Fan realized that the problem with the formula might be related to An Yan.

Although there was no clear evidence, he couldn't help but think so in his heart.

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