Everyone looked here in confusion.

This group of people also celebrated together last night.

Ye Fan was one of them who played the most conservative that night.

It was already noon.

They all got up, but the most conservative one Is that one still asleep?

Some people just lamented that Ye Fan was embarrassed and useless, and there were also a few people who found it a bit strange.

But it was strange that they actually didn't care too much about whether Ye Fan came or not.

They only cared about whether the formula came. Once the formula came, in fact, nothing mattered.

He Yongnian said:"Master Nangong, let's do some experiments as soon as possible. We are all eager to see the effect of the authentic beauty cream."

Nangong Jing reluctantly took out the suitcase and opened it The combination lock handed over the formula inside to three masters of traditional Chinese medicine.

After they received the formula, they returned to the laboratory to start formulating and developing it.

These few are masters of traditional Chinese medicine. Their medical skills are not as good as Ye Fan's, but their strength cannot be ignored.

Any one of them is a famous person.

The first Chinese medicine practitioner who read the prescription, everyone called him Dr. Li, was frowning now.

He discovered that the formula was an elixir-making formula for oral administration.

It was completely different from Yan Ruyu's facial cream. Zhongzhuyan ointment is used for external application.

At the same time, he discovered that these medicinal materials have some medicinal properties that can aid digestion, clear the stomach, and relieve constipation.

Wouldn't it be a strong laxative if these herbs were mixed together?

No matter how you look at it, you can’t see that it has the effect of reducing age and rejuvenating your youth?

Dr. Li thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so he immediately gave the formula to the second person, Dr. Wang, but he didn't say that he didn't understand it. After all, it would make him look very incompetent.

After Dr. Wang looked at it, the same pain mask appeared on his face, and he looked puzzled.

But he followed suit and gave the formula directly to the third person, Dr. He.

Well, Dr. He also put on the expression of the mask of pain again, with"Why can't I understand what it says" written all over his face?

In the end, Dr.

He gave up and handed the formula back to Dr. Li.

Dr. Li was at a loss as he held the formula.

He looked at the two Chinese medicine practitioners beside him, and they also looked at him with the same questioning eyes.

The awkward atmosphere lasted for nearly ten minutes, and finally Dr. Li spoke first.

"You two, I really can’t see the magic of this prescription. I wonder if you have any thoughts on it?"

Dr. Li is the best in Chinese medicine among the three of them.

Since he took the lead in speaking out his thoughts, the other two also directly admitted that they did not see it.

Dr. He:"Do you think this formula may be fake? Or maybe it's wrong. It looks like a laxative recipe to me. Dr.

Li:"No, look at the paper used to record formulas. It's called Dongba paper. It's a paper specially used to record very rare and precious documents. It has the effect of being indestructible for thousands of years and lasting for thousands of years." Judging from the wrinkles and the condition of this paper, it does look like a precious recipe handed down from ancient times. Dr.

Wang:"But it also looks like a laxative formula to me." Logically speaking, the recipe for laxatives should not be written on such precious paper. Dr.

Li couldn't help but sigh. This was also his biggest question.

He said,"I don't know either. I have the same view as the two of you. I haven't understood the special features of the prescription yet."

Dr. Wang:"Hey, let's do some research. Maybe the ancients thought in a special way. If we think about it again, we might have some clues.""

The other two people didn't think of any good solutions, so they agreed with Dr. Li's opinion.

Dr. Li put the prescription on a round table, and the three Chinese medicine practitioners gathered around the round table to look at it.

All their communication equipment No one is allowed inside, including some portable pens.

There is also a strong signal jammer in the room.

Even if you bring something in, it cannot be used, and the news cannot be spread.

Otherwise, they can still take pictures with their mobile phones.

The three of them looked at it for another half an hour, and soon Dr. He, who had been nicknamed"Big Smart" since he was a child, came up with an idea.

"You two, I think this may be the case. These medicinal materials are laxatives, and at the same time they are essentially medicinal materials that promote body metabolism. Ingesting them will definitely not do any harm to the human body. It promotes circulation in the body and eliminates toxins, thereby rejuvenating the body."

Dr. Li and Dr. Wang looked at him with shocked eyes.

Dr. He has such a strong imagination.

If we think about the problem according to his logical thinking, shouldn't he start writing cool novels?

In fact, Dr. He himself also It felt a bit ridiculous, but he couldn't think of a better answer so he said it.

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