After seeing the three Chinese medicine practitioners taking the medicine, everyone at the scene stared at them, as if they wanted to see some magical changes.

Now, the group of big guys around are like children watching magic tricks, their eyes are full of curiosity.

After the doctor took the medicine, there was no reaction at first.

Then he slowly felt a cramp in his stomach.

The severe pain made their facial features twist into a ball.

These big guys all said happily:"There is a reaction, there is a reaction.""Reacted."

And they don't know that there is something called a pain mask in this world.

Immediately afterwards, they asked about the peculiar smell in the room.

Qi Yushu frowned and said:"Why does it smell so bad! Is there a gas leak somewhere?"

This is indeed the case.

Just now, a silent"gas" leaked from Dr. Wang's body. ,

Dr. Li and Dr. He also smelled it.

"Not to be outdone", the two rushed to make a sound version of the"gas" leak, and then the three of them played a pleasant symphony with fart sounds in the conference room , woof.

The doctor couldn't help it first.

He rushed to the toilet in a hurry.

The extremely fast speed did not look like an old man in his sixties.

Later, Dr.

Li and Dr.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and they also started a 100-meter sprint race.

The trio, who originally played in the conference room, played in the toilet instead.

The original audience is still petrified in the conference room.

I don’t know how long it took, but someone finally broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Is that a normal reaction to the authentic facial cream or a side effect?"

This is a question that everyone at the scene wants to ask.

Normal reactions and side effects are two different things.

One is a normal phenomenon that can be expected, and the other is an abnormal phenomenon that is unpredictable.

If it is a normal phenomenon, then In the future, when taking this medicine, you have to take it secretly when no one is around, otherwise it will obviously be a very embarrassing thing to

"play music" in front of a group of people. No one at the scene can answer the embarrassing person's questions. Answering him, everyone couldn't help but focus on Nangong Jing, because the people who knew the most about this prescription were him and Mark. Nangong Jing looked back at them innocently to show that he didn't understand either. At this time, He Yongnian couldn't help but ask again,

"Where is Doctor Ye? Isn’t Doctor Ye here yet? How about calling him and asking him. Hasn't he seen this recipe?"

It's you again, it's you again, why do you miss that bastard so much

? How come it's Divine Doctor Ye when we don't agree with each other?

If I knew where he was,

I would kidnap him here at all costs, okay?

Nangong Jing was a little confused. Helpless,

"My man said he hadn't waited for him yet and his cell phone was turned off."

It's still the same thing.

It made sense a few hours ago.

Now it's two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

If you don't wake up, it would be an exaggeration.

Nangong Jing's words aroused many people's doubts, and some people even began to doubt Ye. Fan was still in the hotel.

An awkward and strange atmosphere gradually arose among the crowd.

Qi Yushu was straightforward.

"Nothing will happen to Doctor Ye. Why don't you ask the hotel staff to open the door and give it a try."

Seeing that a big boss was concerned about this matter,

Nangong Jing couldn't help but panic in his heart, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface.

"Well, let me ask my entourage to ask the hotel lobby manager to see if there is any problem.

" The reason why Nangong Jing has not revealed the news of Ye Fan's departure until now is simply to stabilize this group of people.

But he does not dare to cover up Ye Fan now, otherwise when there is really a problem with the formula, he will be an accomplice.

Nangong Jing 's identity was revealed.

What Nangong Jing wanted to do now was to delay the exposure of the truth.

On the other hand, he wanted to see what the research results were.

When Nangong Jing said this, everyone relaxed a little.

Nangong Jing said quickly:" I see that everyone is also anxious to know the result.

Why don't we go to the toilet and have a look.

After all, some of us are just a little upset and it's not like we can't speak.

" His proposal was just to divert everyone's attention.

At the same time, he really wanted to know what the outcome would be.

Everyone didn't want to go.

It's already uncomfortable enough to sit in the toilet alone, and now there are still three old men.

Inside, just thinking about it, the smell was unpleasant.

But now everyone couldn't find Ye Fan, and they also wanted to know the experimental results of the formula as soon as possible, so everyone agreed to Nangong Jing's suggestion, and the group went to the toilet wearing heavy masks.

, vaguely seemed to see a light yellow smell floating in the air, a group of more than ten people stood at the door, no one dared to go in, after all, the smell was too strong, and at this moment, there was a faint smell from the toilet.

There was a cry,


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