After adding purple rose friends, Jiang Cheng will be directly offline!

He has been in the game world for more than ten hours in a row!

At this moment, I am already hungry!

Now I just want to get off the line and grab something to eat as soon as possible!


The moment Jiang Cheng quit the game!

A strange and unfathomable force suddenly gushed out from his body!

"This feeling..." "

How is that possible?"

Jiang Cheng's eyes flashed, and his heart was even more excited!!

Because of the power that emerged from his body, he was all too familiar!

That's magic!

It is the power that belongs to the [Holy Domain Dungeon]!


At this stage, how can the power of the [Holy Domain Dungeon] appear in the real world?

To know!

In the past life, the game ability can be synchronized to the real world!

It is because the dungeon has broken the spatial barriers between the real world and the virtual world!

This gives players their power in the game!

But now!

The spatial barrier between the real world and the virtual world has not yet collapsed!

Dungeons haven't come to the real world either!

What is the magic that has emerged from himself?

"Is it because of my reborn relationship?"

Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of this possibility!

Maybe it's a relationship that he already had a game ability once in his previous life!

So this life!

Even if the space barrier separating the real world and the virtual world has not yet collapsed!

He can still get the ability to play early!

"It's kind of interesting..." Jiang

Cheng smiled and took out an electronic watch from the drawer and put it on his hand!

This digital watch is shared with the game world!

If someone in the game world sends him a private message!

He can check and respond at any time!

"Brother Jiangcheng~

" "Are you in the room?"

"I'm a little worried about talking to you alone, are you free?"

At this time, a woman's voice suddenly came from outside the room.

Jiang Cheng's face showed a strange look.

This voice is familiar to him!

It's the landlord's big sister who is more than 300 pounds!

In memory!

Every time the other party talks to him alone, he will move his hands and feet!

I remember once, the other party still wanted to use the wine to come strong!

If he hadn't been alert at that time and knocked the other party unconscious with one punch, I'm afraid it would have been late by now!

"It seems that the matter of moving the house must be solved quickly!"

Jiang Cheng sighed helplessly, in order to save his late festival, he decided to go to an intermediary first and ask someone to find a house with a relatively better environment to rent!

As for buying a house, he didn't think about it!

Because three years later, the local downtown descended into the real world!

World turmoil will also begin!

That's when the house is worthless!

Think and do it.

Jiang Cheng first flashed and directly avoided the landlord's eldest sister who blocked the outside of his room!

Then ran outside the alley and took a taxi to a nearby real estate agency!

Recently, house prices have skyrocketed across the country!

Real estate agents everywhere!

But many of them are small intermediaries!

The kind of one person and one face!

And what he found at the moment is this kind of small intermediary!

Big companies he didn't want to go, because there were more pits there!

Sometimes people don't spit bones when they eat people!

Jiang Cheng walked into the store!


A very handsome-looking girl ran over with a fart!

This girl is dressed in a loose casual outfit, dressed very delicately, and does not look like a dry agent at all!

"Hello sir, my name is Jiang Siyao, are you buying or renting?"

Jiang Siyao politely led Jiang Cheng to the sofa and brought him a cup of hot tea, with a very good attitude!

"I want to rent a house, I wonder if you have it here?" Jiang Cheng was straight to the point and directly explained his intentions.

"What kind of house would you like to rent?" Jiang Siyao smiled sweetly and continued to ask.

"A duplex large flat floor of about 180, preferably the top floor above 50 floors, money is not a problem!"

The top floor has a wide view and a peaceful environment!

This is Jiangcheng's most wanted residence!

In his previous life, after becoming the first god of the Xia Kingdom!

He just chose to live on the 80th floor of the duplex penthouse!

Because standing on a high place will make him feel like overlooking the whole city and stepping on the world under his feet!

"What? Do you want a large flat floor of 180 or so? Hearing

Jiang Cheng's rental request, Jiang Siyao was suddenly stunned!

In her impression!

Most of the people who come here to rent are people who have a hard time living!

Small houses of 50~80 square meters are the most popular!

This 180-square-meter duplex flat is really hard to find at present!

After all, people who can own such a house!

Generally, there is no shortage of money to take out the house and rent it!

"How? Is there a problem? "

Jiang Cheng doesn't want to waste time on the house!

If there is no house he wants, then he can only go to another house and ask!

"Yes, yes, but this kind of house procedures are more troublesome, can you give me a day?" Jiang Siyao hurriedly responded.

This agency is the fifth store her sister helped her get, and she can't be screwed up by herself anymore!

If you don't have a listing, make one!

Pull the guests over first!

"Yes, but I'll only give you one day!"

Because he had to rush to dinner, Jiang Cheng left a phone call and got up and left!

"Wow~ This little brother is so handsome, it's just a little bit cold for people!"

"If he could be a little more gentle, it would be more perfect, hee~"

Looking at the back of Jiang Cheng leaving, Jiang Siyao couldn't help but feel his heart rippling!

At this time, the mobile phone in her arms suddenly rang!

Jiang Siyao glanced down at the mobile phone screen, and her little face changed slightly!

This number was called by her sister!

"What is my sister calling me for at this time?"

The girl shook her head and blocked the shy picture in her mind before picking up the phone: "Hey ~ sister, is something wrong?"

A crisp woman's voice soon came from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Yao, to tell you the good news, I just purchased a black iron grade light armor from a scattered player, which is worn by an archer, and I will leave it to you later!" Hearing

that someone was selling black iron equipment, Jiang Siyao suddenly jumped up from the chair in surprise: "Won't it?" Did anyone explode into black iron-level equipment so quickly? "

Yes, I have added his friend, that person's name is Changge, you see him in the future, don't provoke him, I think he should have secrets, otherwise a scattered person, how can he get so much equipment at once!"

"Uh-huh, I know, I'll be online later, you remember to leave the black iron suit to me Oh, don't give it to others!"

"Don't worry, your sister and I are the vice president, and it is not a matter of a word to control the ownership of a black iron suit?"

"Haha~ Then I'll go online right away, wait for me..." After

hanging up the phone, Jiang Siyao couldn't wait to close the door of the store!

And put a sign on the outside saying "Closed"!

She just wants to jump into the game right now and bring that black iron suit!

I don't even want to do business!

Big deal, change to a sixth store!


When putting on the game helmet, Jiang Siyao suddenly remembered something again!

"By the way, I seem to have to find a house for a little brother..."

"Forget it, don't look for it, it's a big deal to give him my set, and I don't know if he will mind the two sharing a house together!"

"But I'm so cute, he shouldn't refuse, right?"


Jiang Cheng found a random restaurant outside and ate a meal!

Because you have to hurry up and improve your strength in the game!

He didn't go anywhere else to hang out, and after eating, he took a taxi directly back to the residence!

However, he did not expect it to be!

That landlord sister was still blocking the outside of his room at the moment!

There are words in my mouth that say something like 'I must get you today'!

"Ma De, this eldest sister is really persistent!"

Jiang Cheng reached out and wiped the cold sweat that spilled from his forehead!


He avoided the sight of the landlord's eldest sister, found a location, calculated the distance, and returned to the room again with flashing!

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