"Impossible, right? What virtual game is capable of doing this?

"Yes, this is incredible, it's unbelievable..."

"Is there a possibility that when we put on a game helmet and enter the game, the brain waves in the game helmet are always stimulating our brains, and this may be the way we can improve our physical fitness!"

"It's not without this possibility, experts have said before that the maximum degree of development of our human brain is currently about 5%, even the genius scientist Ainstein has only developed the brain to 7%, if someone can develop the brain to 10% or even higher, human limitations may be completely broken, so as to obtain some incredible abilities."

"But the brainwave stimulation of a gaming helmet alone can stimulate our brain potential, which is also too nonsense, right?"

"There are no absolutes in the world, and the theory of evolution also mentions that we humans are a species that is constantly evolving, and as long as the evolutionary cells are active in our bodies, nothing is impossible."

"No wonder my body has been getting better and better recently, it used to be basically finished in 3 seconds, but it can last 5 seconds in these two days!"

"5 seconds? Then your daughter-in-law is really powerful..."

There was a lot of discussion in the room.

Because of the most reliable reminder, everyone's emotions have become very excited now.

Playing a virtual game can improve your physical fitness.

This kind of thing is if it were once done.

Surely no one will believe it.

But now.

Everyone here has experienced it firsthand.


Even if I doubt it in my heart, I can't believe it in my mind.

This fact cannot be avoided.


After getting to know each other.

They also found a problem.

That is, the higher the talent, the higher the level, and the stronger the player!

The more pronounced the increase in this physical fitness.

That's when it was there.

An SS talented player suddenly got up and asked Bai Lantern: "President, who is the developer of this game, do you know?" "

Hear the question.

The others also immediately stopped what they were discussing and looked at the white light.

Oh, yes!

If everyone's physical fitness improvement is really related to this [Holy Domain Dungeon].

So they just need to find the developer of this virtual game and ask, isn't it clear?

If what they just guessed is true.

The developers who developed the game would definitely know the inside story.

In the face of everyone's doubts.

White Light didn't answer this question right away.

Instead, he reached out and made a silencing gesture to everyone.

After everyone had quieted down.

Only then did he slowly speak: "Actually, even if you don't ask this question, I will tell you."

"It's not a secret, we have already asked the technical department to check the server address of this Holy Domain dungeon before."

"But it's strange that the IP address where that server is located is not within our search range."

What the?

The server address is not within the scope of their angel group's search?

Hear this answer from the white light.

Everyone present couldn't help but gasp.

To know.

Their Angel Guild's technical department is among the best in the world.

Not to mention the IP address of a game.

Even if you accidentally click on a pop-up advertisement that suddenly appears while surfing the Internet.

A small movie of so-and-so opened for a second or two.

As long as it is captured by the near-Earth satellites of their Angel Guild.

Their near-Earth satellites can scoop up eighteen generations of your ancestors.

Just this signal search capability.

How is it possible not to find the IP address of a game?

"President, did the technical department make a mistake? Although this virtual online game is very strange, there is not even a recharge channel, but as long as it is an online game, there will definitely be an IP address, how can it not be searched?

Pera asked with a frown.

She knew she shouldn't question her president.

But what the other party said at the moment is really incredible.

She felt she had to figure it out.

Of course.

Except for Pera, everyone else thought the same in their hearts.

It's just that they didn't bring it up on the spot.

"Our Angel Guild's near-Earth satellite, signal search can cover the whole world, even in the North and South Poles, if even we can't search for the IP address of that game, then there is only one possibility... That IP address, not on Earth! "

The person who answered Perra's question was not a white light, but a very reliable one!

And his answer also lifted everyone's hearts at once.

The IP address of the game server is not on Earth.

Could it be that it is still outside the earth?

Is it not a space station?

But even if it is a space station, their near-Earth satellites should be able to detect it.

After all, space stations are built in low-Earth orbit.

And their near-Earth satellites, reconnaissance signals can affect the entire solar galaxy!

Just when everyone was consterned.

The most reliable voice slowly spread in the conference room again: "I think everyone should have guessed what at this moment?"

"I also know that you must be very surprised and shocked in your hearts right now!"


the answer is a little incredible, when all the mistakes may be eliminated, the remaining answer, even if it is absurd, is the truth."

"Yes, that's right, according to the information provided by the Ministry of Technology, we now have sufficient evidence to conclude that this Holy Domain Dungeon Game is most likely developed by alien technology!"

"And the civilization possessed by that alien technology is definitely above our earth civilization..."

"As for why that alien technology wants to put this virtual game on Earth, I think there is only one possibility, that is, evolution!"

"Of course, these situations are only our guesses at this time."

"But just in case, we must cultivate a group of top-notch peak players as soon as possible!"

"And at all costs, before other countries have discovered this problem, buy back all the resources that can be acquired with money."

"This game has the potential to subvert the entire civilization of the earth, and even turn the entire pattern of the earth upside down."

"So, in the next god-making plan, I hope everyone can go all out!"

As the second-in-command of the Angel Guild, he said a lot of impassioned words in one breath this time!

And his purpose is clear.

That is to let the angel guild, who have awakened SS-level talent and SSS-level talent, be able to spare no effort to improve their strength.

Plan ahead for that uncontrollable future!


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