After learning that the Goblin army has stormed the city and started killing NPCs!

Jiang Cheng immediately galloped towards the city gate area!

He wasn't going to kill those goblins!

Because that low-level monster is too far from his current level!

Not only do you not get experience points by killing them!

And even the attributes can't be devoured!

It's a complete waste of time!

If it weren't for the fear that the time-limited mission would not be completed, he would not be lazy!


Jiang Cheng was on a street full of bloody smell and bumped into a group of excited goblins!

There are almost 200 goblins in this group!

When Jiang Cheng found them!

They are preparing to attack a group of women who have been cornered!

There are players and NPCs among these women!

The number adds up to less than 20 people!

In the case of 1:10 numbers

, if these female players fall into the hands of those goblins!

The end will be absolutely miserable!!

Jiang Cheng is ready to rescue these female players!

But right now!

He suddenly had a plan and thought of a wonderful way to make money!

"Guys, do you need help?"

Jiang Cheng walked to the group of female players who were surrounded by goblins, and said with a smile!

"If you want, help us, we don't want to be insulted by these disgusting things!"

"Yes, although this is just a game world, the experience of the five senses of this game is the same as the real thing, if I am humiliated by these monsters, I will leave a psychological shadow!"

"This little brother, you save us, we will be grateful!"

"Wait a minute, why are you alone?"

Seeing other players coming, the faces of the group of female players suddenly showed joy!

Thought I had met a savior!

But the next second!

They were all stunned again!

Eldest brother!

There are more than 200 goblins here!

Why did you come alone?

Are you here to play?


At this time, those goblins also found Jiang Cheng who suddenly appeared behind them!

More than a dozen goblins suddenly picked up their weapons and pounced!

Jiangcheng did not flash!

Because it's not necessary!




A series of immune injuries loomed on Jiang Cheng's body!

These goblins' attacks are so low that they can't even hit him with 1 point of forced damage!

See this scene!

Those female players are all cracked!

They had just seen the horror of these goblins!

A level 5 big warrior was hacked to death by a random knife in less than 2 seconds under their siege!

But what is the situation of this guy in front of you?

Why can't those goblins' swords and axes slash at him and not even hit 1 point of damage?

Right now!

A bold and careful female player suddenly opened the information probe and checked the character information of Jiang Cheng!

Then, she is not calm!

"Oh buy ka, this handsome little brother is actually a long song god who has been on two consecutive world announcements!"

The female player tore open her voice and shouted!

As soon as these words come out!

Other female players are not calm either!

Everyone opened the information probe and took a look!

I'll go!

It turned out to be really the great god of the Xia Kingdom!

"Ahem~ everyone calm down, next, I am ready to talk to everyone about a business!"

Jiang Cheng said calmly while bearing the 'attacks' of the surrounding goblins: "You have all seen that I am fully capable of saving you from the clutches of goblins, but as a price, you must pay me 100 copper coins as a reward, of course, if the copper coins are not enough, offline payment is also possible, my bank card number is 820755384."


Female gamers look at each other!

That stunned little face was full of disbelief!


This world-famous god of long songs, who has been on two world announcements in a row, would take the opportunity to blackmail himself at this time?

That wouldn't be true, would it?

"Lord Changge, what you just said... Is it serious? Some players couldn't help but ask.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Jiang Cheng smiled

evilly but did good deeds without leaving his name, that is what Our Lady would do!

He's not going to do it!

As for fame?


In the future world, human beings worship the law of the jungle!

As long as you have enough strength!

Money, women, power, all will come to the door by themselves!

But if you don't fart either!

Even if you have a bodhisattva heart, you have been hanging the pot for the world!

Others will only treat you as a fool!

"Lord Changge, you hurry up and get me out, I'll give you the money..."

Just when everyone hesitated.

A female player from the Western European camp threw a bag of coins directly!

Being killed by these disgusting goblins will not only be mentally tortured!

And it will drop the level!

She didn't want the level she had worked so hard to rise up to fall back!

In exchange, these 100 copper coins are already worth the money!

Someone made a bird, and others immediately threw away the copper coins on their bodies!

And those copper coins are not enough, directly through the offline payment platform in the game, the same amount of cash is hit to Jiangcheng's bank card!

That's it!

Jiang Cheng earned 1500 copper coins!

Collect money and eliminate disasters for others!


He directly used a [Meteor Fire Shower] to burn those more than 200 goblins to ashes in an instant!


Jiang Cheng left dashingly!

"Well... So strong, more than 200 goblins, unexpectedly were instantly lightened!

"Is this the gap between us and the Great God?"

"There is such a player in the Xia Guo camp, it is difficult not to take off!"

"This long song god is not only handsome, but also so terrifying, if it is not greedy for money, then it is simply my ideal perfect man!"

"Abominable~ Why don't we have such a powerful man in our camp!"

Looking at the back of Jiang Cheng fading away!

The female players of those foreign camps all showed their extremely adoring eyes!


Jiang Cheng concocted it like this!

Continue to 'rescue' female players and female NPCs from the Goblin Horde!

Dozens of minutes later!

With his 'help'!

More than 2,000 female players in Zefa Town have successfully escaped the clutches of goblins!

And Jiang Cheng also received a total of 200,000 copper coins of 'honorarium'!

Directly made a small fortune!


Just when Jiang Cheng is ready to continue to rescue the next wave of female players!

On the cloudy sky!

A huge six-pointed star array suddenly appeared out of thin air!

Holy white light poured down from the array!

Instantly envelope the city!

Under the influence of those white lights, the goblin's movements suddenly became much slower.

A few seconds later!

A dazzling pillar of light fell vertically from the center of the formation map, connecting with the earth!

In the pillar of light!

I saw a group of knights dressed in white armor and full of solemn aura slowly stepping out!

See this scene.

Jiang Cheng subconsciously opened the taskbar and took a look!

Sure enough, mission time is over!

The Holy Knights of Holy Light City have finally arrived to take care of the aftermath!

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